Feeling of being alone/lonely

Posted , 12 users are following.

This is the worst symptom of peri for me.  I can be in my office at work with ten other people and feel alone and scared, visit my family and feel like I'm the only person in the house, etc.  When other symptoms are bad or I've got another doctor visit coming up or am worried about a new symptom, it feels like there is nobody else on this planet.  My mom went through a few years during her peri when she could not be by herself and now I'm like that, too.  It is just horrible and isolating.  It makes me think that everyone else's life is easier because they don't have these problems.  But I know they have problems of their own... just can't see past the peri sometimes.  

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31 Replies

  • Posted

    I feel the same way as if I just wrote this post myself! In fact I so hope other woman write on here about their feelings of loneliness and being alone. I don't read a lot about this and feel very isolated , it's absolutely depressing, I have felt ok for the past 5 days after feeling just dreadful for about 6 straight weeks that I thought was never going to end with anxiety and all the other symptoms that go along with it. I was actually out and about and cleaned my house and mopped my floors and when all done bent over to wash off feet in bathtub and pulled my back out, so now woke up today feeling like I want to cry and go through this awful lonely anxiety for who knows how long this time. When I get like this I can't even leave my house I don't dare because if I stray too far I'm out a few miles away and feel I can't get home because the anxiety kicks in! Then when I get home the doom and gloom crying all the time my life is over I have nobody to turn to I feel so all alone takes over ughh#!! What a horrible vicious cycle these peri symptoms are... Your not alone in sure feeling it and wish this would just all go away!!!

  • Posted

    Also forgot to mention that I think a lot of this for me comes from the fact that NO we don't feel like we can or want to be alone for whatever scared reasons we have, but that I don't have a choice, I feel like I don't have anyone that can honestly be here for me and that sucks! ( very lonely time) kids are grown and gone, parents are elderly now and need me, and hubby so over hearing me say I don't feel good can you just stay with me for 20 minutes before you have to go. I look around and here I am alone in my house with all the dreadful symptoms HORRID..

    • Posted

      I feel the same. Kids grown, dog died, husband works long hours and is often abroad. I quit my job a few years ago as I hated it ( taught high school for 25 years). I'm now a student again but part time. I hate being alone all day, wake up alone. A year ago it didn't bother me. It's just horrible.

    • Posted

      Oh Lana bless you! Yes both my beloved dogs just died too one in April and the other in May a few weeks later. I cried for days! Hubby works long hours too. Not that he would want to be home with me anyways I think I'm giving him anxiety as he was just diagnosed 1 year ago with Afib and that makes none of this any easier! But as I said he's so over me saying how bad I feel, I think they think we can just snap right out of this and that's just not the case! I work from home when I can, (small online business/hobby) but haven't been able to keep up with it right now as I need to be able to go out shipping for my inventory and just can't.. Do glad Liz started this post hope many more woman reply. Take care ?

    • Posted

      Suppose to say shopping not shipping, and so not do ooppps
    • Posted

      Yup. I get you. And I feel so guilty about being in this lousy state. I should feel so blessed and grateful for what I have. I am but it is just like the spice of life is like a flickering candle threatening to go dark. I can't get myself to do research I need to do. I look for housekeeping jobs to do around the house! Crazy. Hope it passes soon. So sorry about your dogs so sad.

    • Posted

      The guilt is the worst for sure, especially when it comes to my grandkids that I haven't been able to spend much time with lately since all this crap started. And I have a brand new grandchild that's 2 months today and don't even really know him like my other 2 it's just so heart breaking , especially since it would be me watching them all the time if I didn't feel so bad with peri/meno. But what can we do... EBay/internet sales is my work/ hobby, it use to and one day again keep me super busy. Along with my other hobbies which keep me busy like shopping for old broken furniture and making them shabby chic again!

    • Posted

      You sound very much like me. I watched my grandson like a full time nanny to a few years. I have another on the way. I haven't spent much time with my grandson for a few weeks and it is awful. I miss him and it is just so hard to explain. Hugs and hope we can be positive thinkers and get out of this. Xx

    • Posted

      I am experiencing extremely isolated, alone, scared, sad, lost... it's like I'm so aware of the changes but can't seem to really put my finger on it. I'm usually so light hearted and social but now I'm reclusive and just feel like crying a lot... kind of feel like I want to hide. I'm glad I found this blog. I know this is a process that women go through, so its good to have an outlet. P.s. its 4:30 a.m.... yes, my sleep is all choppy too.

  • Posted

    Hi Liz

    and Lana and Gypsy.

    I feel very thankful for this website. Even though for the most part I despise what technology as done to us, its experiences like these, being able to reach out to other women around the world who feel and are living through this same thing. 

    I too relate to the loneliness and isolation. No one gets what you are going through and its as if you are in a bubble. This hormonal shift i my life though has brought on depression and anxiety.

    I do know that when you are around people but don't feel engaged, and just 'there', its a classic sign of depression.

    I don't have a spouse or significant other so it is just my kids and I. It is heartbreaking when you don't have it in you to engage and be with them. I just force myself to anyways, and they know i'm faking it, and that hurts all the more.

    Just wanted to chime in that im there, and im with you guys, and I get it.


    I just wanted to chime in that it really is awful to be going through this

  • Posted

    Lana, Gypsy, and Kauaiblue, I'm glad you're here.  It does feel like being in a bubble.  I am single without children but have a sister, nephews and parents who are in their 70s.  I work in a tech office with a lot of young men in 20s and 30s so obviously have nothing in common.  Fell into job years ago and many attempts to find something else have failed.  I relate to your words about family and feel that I wear out mine with all my problems.  Have wondered if I am depressed for a long time.

    • Posted

      How old are you Liz? 

      Im 53 now, and lovin life!!    smile

      I have one friend, dear friend who lives in houston Tx. She was the one who clued me in on what was going on months back. Shes 54.

      What is scary is that this shift that we are in doesn't get better necessarily right away. Some women are lucky and are done with it in a year or two. Then there are others that just deal with it year after year.

      This is what scares me the most, and that is why i am beginning to do my research to figure out anything I can do to find relief and peace.


    • Posted

      I'm 46 and started having peri symptoms about 3 years ago.  I've also tried a lot of different things to feel better and get healthier.  Still trying!

    • Posted

      I hope that your friend in Houston is safe following the recent hurricane and floods.  So much devastation there.

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