Feeling off and spaced out

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Does anyone feel spaced out and just numb from Anxiety. It's a weird feeling to try and describe but just don't feel right. It's like the mind has shut off. I find myself trying to remember what I did yesterday to snap myself out of it but it's tough so it's like I am getting dementia. It seems to go away when I don't think about it but as we all know that's very hard to do. It scares me so much because I think it has to be something else then anxiety and depression. It's like I have lived the past two weeks in a dream like state. I have been on Cit for 3 weeks now so hopefully this will go away sometime. I am worried it never will. sad

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    I didnt know how to voice my feelings before i saw this thread, doestanybody have any tips??? or suggested medications? im on some and have been for months but i havent noticed any changes from any of them. i just feel so far and deep into this lost confusion of worry and wondering. i feel like ive lost my personality and im constantly trying to compare myself to what i "would have done" or "would have said" and it makes me depressed sad

    • Posted

      Im not a doctor but listen to me and consider what I have to say. These doctors will only throw pills at you- dont do it. I have been on 2 different meds- zoloft and citalophram- they both gave me scary side effects which only makes you scared and gives you anxiety. I have been suffering from anxiety for 7 years. Im only 23...yes I worry alot. I have given myself, ALL FROM SELF INDUCEDSTRESS, 3 stomach ulcers (the stomach produces acid when stressed), a hiatal hernia, and GERD, a disease of the gastro intestinal trac.
    • Posted

      In addition, I have recently given up the citalophram. I have been researching and experimenting with natural remedies to fight this crap off- and I have finally found the solution. EXERCISE. Seriously, it is the best thing you can do. Anxiety is a chemical in-balance in the brain. When you do ANYTHING that increases your heart rate, the brain releases chemicals and the in-balance is set to normal. Im telling you- DO NOT RELY ON MEDS. Its so bad for your brain and no natural. Those pills only fix the in-balance just like exercise will do. When the body feels the way you and I feel, it HAS to release it somehow. Thats why people have panic attacks, breakdowns...etc....exercise is another way the body releases the physical burden of stress/anxiety. Workout every other day, everyday, whatever you want. take my advice. I have had tons of experience with these doctors and all they want to do is throw pills at me. Im done with that crap. Physical activity is what us and so many other americans need.
  • Posted

    You are not alone!!I know that weird feeling!  Happened in my 20's. I had every anxiety symptoms from A-Z and I was terrified. All my tests at the doctor came out normal. I'm in my 50s now and doing well..   I can still get anxious, but I know how to respond to it to keep it from getting unmanageable. You see, and when we are  anxious , our brain thinks we are in danger and it sends out a hormone called adrenaline that speeds up  our  heart rate and it can increase our respiratory rate and some other things. When we feel those symptoms, we get even more anxious and the brain sends more of that hormone .  A vicious cycle 

    its all a matter of managing  The anxiety. I am able to reduce my symptoms by 90%. Derealization is your body's way of protecting you from severe stress. It sort of shuts everything out.   That's why you feel so weird when that happens. But it's not harmful. 

    You are in need of talking to a counselor who specializes in anxiety. This is very hard to overcome on our own.  They see this every day and know how to help you! It helped me a lot and it's nice to be able to vent to someone else.

     The worst thing we can do is react with anxiety and fear when we get symptoms. I know it's hard to do but the anxiety will actually bring on more anxiety. There is a book called mindfulness that explains all of this, how to separate our negative thoughts from ourselves, how to respond to anxiety and symptoms, etc.

    For immediate help, search you tube for some of these.....:

    Panic attack emergency....they guide you through it.


    Meditations for anxiety, depression, sleep,etc 

    thet really calm me down.

    ones I particularly like are. Detachment from overthinking, and  clearing subconscious negativity 

    many to choose from.

     remember, when you get a symptom, don't try to fight it off. Simply acknowledge that you have it in a calm way and let it run its course.

    Symptoms you get from anxiety cannot hurt you! Keep that in mind.

    I know they are bothersome, scary at times, and just weird but that is all they can do. When I listen to the meditation's regularly, my symptoms are  practically gone.

     The brain needs to completely calm down in order for the symptoms to go away. 

     I always recommend getting a check up by your doctor just to have peace of mind. When your test comes out normal, but the focus should be on reducing the anxiety. You said when you don't think about it you feel OK. All the more reason to stay active! 

    Socialize and do  things you really enjoy doing!

     doing things for other people keeps your mind off of your own worries.

    The worst thing you can do is sit and Google symptoms. That will drive you crazy and chances are it does not pertain to you. 

     be a fighter for yourself. Don't forget to smile and laugh even when it's difficult. Don't take life too seriously. Believe me it's not worth it. I spent 30 years worrying about my health and nothing bad ever happened. I REGRET THAT!!

     Enjoy your life and get the support of a professional!  😁

    • Posted

      Thanks for the support , not sure what is going on I don't get the typical symptoms of anxiety . My symtoms are really feeling buzzed like I have had a few drinks constantly it never goes away and has been like this since last October very frustrating I don't get onsets it's all the time feeling almost drunk without the fun .

    • Posted

      Hi, has the buzz feeling cleared a little bit? i suffer from the same exact symptoms, only i get very anxious and foggy when i try to do some thought processing or being creative (actually when trying to think) also tiredness...have you tried anything that worked for you?
    • Posted

      Hi there , unfortunately no it hasn't cleared and nothing seems to work I often do get tired for no reason and it's hard to focus . Driving at night seems like my depth perception is also affected .

    • Posted

      So I have been to the drs several times and they have done blood work along with MRI all coming back normal . Not sure what to think anymore so I try to just go about my day . I have read stuff online that says it can be stress which I'm very much doubting that since my life been the same with no issues and a sudden onset with this . 

    • Posted

      I've heard too much yeast in your body causes "feeling drunk." I've heard of cases where people have a overproduction of yeast there body keeps making and they describe what you said. Feeling drunk but without the buzz. Ask your GP. I'm no doctor. Good Luck👍

      Candida infection or auto-brewery syndrome, which means your body turns yeast into alcohol. 

  • Posted

    hi .. i know this was from 3 years ago, but i’m struggling with this exact thing right now ! i’m freaking out !! i hope you get this message .. i’m wondering if that feeling went away for you , and if so how long did it take ? 
    • Posted

      Hi Cassie- Thanks for your message. It will go away but might take some time. Take care of yourself and understand what is causing your anxiety. Make sure to do your daily routine and eat healthy and try exercise. Mine came from stopping my meds cold turkey and so getting back on them helped but it did take time. Each day will be better. 
    • Posted

      Hi , it has not gone away I just have learned to live with it. Some days are more clear than others which is nice ! There’s no way it’s anxiety that’s just what most places will say for a quick answer cause they really don’t know . I don’t have any symptoms that match. I am not a nervous and scared I try to live my life and put this fog behind me. 

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