Feeling off and spaced out
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Does anyone feel spaced out and just numb from Anxiety. It's a weird feeling to try and describe but just don't feel right. It's like the mind has shut off. I find myself trying to remember what I did yesterday to snap myself out of it but it's tough so it's like I am getting dementia. It seems to go away when I don't think about it but as we all know that's very hard to do. It scares me so much because I think it has to be something else then anxiety and depression. It's like I have lived the past two weeks in a dream like state. I have been on Cit for 3 weeks now so hopefully this will go away sometime. I am worried it never will.
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charles31895 Yadeed
I have experienced this for 18 months myself.
It all started when i felt unwell sick and dizzy which at the time i thinl i just did have a bug but i went to A & E and the doctor did a few checks and said i was tachycardic and that he wanted to give me antibiotics etc.
This word tachycardic stuck in my head and i started to check my heart rate regular i started to not want to do to much exercise worrying somethings wrong with my heart. I played less sport. Previously at 34 still playing football 5 times a week. I started gettin chest pains an being constantly aware of my heart beating and pulse. When i get angry or worked up now i feel my heart start beating an the blood pump around my body. I hear it pumpin in my ears. At night i feel it pumping while i lay on the bed. I dont like taking my shirt off as it makes me feel my chest more when i breath. If i do try to push myself to do exercise an play football now i almost feel like ive got tunnel vision my focus just feels wonky and blury. I am forever getting real pains in my chest and think ive damaged some muscle on the left side which makes me even more paranoid im going to have a heart attack.
After months of panic attacks an trips to a & e i was sent to a specialist and after 6 months of therapy ive learnt to accept the panic attacks and deal with them but i do still have them. For a long time if i was left on my own i would panic incase i die and nobody is there to help me but ive learnt to be on my own again now and im ok with it.
After chest pains for a year i demanded my doctor send me to a heart specialist as it was destroying my life even after theraphy. He agreed and sent me they put me on 24hour heart rate monitor and blood pressure monitor. They then did ecographia both came back normal. They are going to ct scan my heart next money and the specialist has said hes doing so to try to clear my mind as he believes im a fit healthy 35 year old and its my stress and anxiety manifesting itself inside me causing all this.
Im back playing football 3 times a week. I deal with the panic if it comes. I still feel bit out of it sometimes when im playing sport. I dont check my pulse or heart rate but im aware of it sometimes during sport. I can take my shirt off now without worrying too much or feeling tight.
I refused meds as i want to get thru this all and come out stronger and wiser. In all the months ive felt totally helpless and destroyed at times and i really do not think there is the help out there for people suffering from this kind of problems in life. I feel for anyone going through it all. My only advice is stay strong and keep telling yourself one day you will beat it and in time you can. But its just gonna take time as hopeless as it sometimes feels.
rebecca76002 charles31895
Hi I am feeling this to currently. I've tried mediations but they just seem to make things worse. I'm currently trying to get through this myself without medication. Is there anything you can suggest to help with the detachment feelings. When I feel myself I plan all these ways I will cope with it. But when it comes on like a wave I loose track of what to do.
charles31895 rebecca76002
freddie1989 Yadeed
charles31895 freddie1989
freddie1989 charles31895
Okay than im not the only one 👻. Good that you only had it for that short time, hopefully it will end soon for us all. So you dont get heart palpitations ? Yes i take venlafaxin but only a low dose cause i dont want to be drugged on different kind of medications. Im considering to take some strong vitamins based pills i have ordered that help with several things, including brain fog and so on.
charles31895 freddie1989
Asrracing14 charles31895
It's super frustrating I have been out of it since October with the drunk brain fog feeling . Some days are a little better than others I notice night time driving is brutal nothing makes it go away . No heart palpitations though .
freddie1989 charles31895
KG1 Yadeed
I feel like this and its scaring the living day light out of me. I have been on my meds for such a long time so I know it's not that. I am finding it hard to communicate now as well. Been going through this since September last year and I can't cope with it anymore x
charles31895 KG1
holly30589 Yadeed
Asrracing14 holly30589
Hi , so I had several tests done , blood , MRI all came back with no findings so I am still lost . It's very difficult at times and it seems as I have lost a bit of my cognitive thought process along with memory I feel as this will not get better as it's been since October .
holly30589 Asrracing14
Asrracing14 holly30589
holly30589 Asrracing14
holly30589 Asrracing14