Feeling off and spaced out
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Does anyone feel spaced out and just numb from Anxiety. It's a weird feeling to try and describe but just don't feel right. It's like the mind has shut off. I find myself trying to remember what I did yesterday to snap myself out of it but it's tough so it's like I am getting dementia. It seems to go away when I don't think about it but as we all know that's very hard to do. It scares me so much because I think it has to be something else then anxiety and depression. It's like I have lived the past two weeks in a dream like state. I have been on Cit for 3 weeks now so hopefully this will go away sometime. I am worried it never will.
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hannah8611 Yadeed
Hi so I've recently for about two weeks have been experiencing this as well. I'm 16 years old and I was at my friends graduation when suddenly I felt really out of it and felt as if everything around me was a dream. Ever since then it hasn't gone away and I tried to push it away but it's not going away and I'm seeing a therapist Monday but I'm afraid I'm going to be stuck like this forever because it's making me really depressed.
Asrracing14 Yadeed
I know this is an old post just wondering if you ever figured out what was going on as I have very similar symptoms . To start off in a 28 year old male normal life and all of a sudden I feel like I'm a little high or have had a few beers even though I don't use drugs or drink . It's always like this from morning till night and I have issues with memory I often find myself blank staring un focussed it's very dreamlike and scary haha been to the docs blood work came back normal so shooting in the dark .
ronni91711 Yadeed
Omg you have no idea how releving it is to see that I'm not the only one that gets like this. Every winter I get anxiety and it messes with me so bad and I know it's anxiety and I try and go on with my day but then out of no where it just smacks me and I suddenly feel like I'm not here and loseing it. I know got baths and getting what little sunshine I can helps. Anyone else have any calming remedies?
steven_64793 Yadeed
ross0114 Yadeed
I'm currently having depersonalisation now and it's never been this bad, I feel like I'm going crazy and I don't know if I can take it, someone please help
Asrracing14 ross0114
Asrracing14 ross0114
ross0114 Asrracing14
It's been on and off for a couple of years, I've never seen a doctor or anything tho. Nothing feels real right now I can't stop shaking
Asrracing14 ross0114
If you want send me a text if it's easier 603 254 9910
ross0114 Asrracing14
No I'd rather talk on here, I'm just so scared right now and I don't know what to do my brains going crazy
Asrracing14 ross0114
ross0114 Asrracing14
I don't know, I'm feeling better now but can't feel my left arm and leg properly, my body parts don't feel asif they're mine
joebori Yadeed
Past month or two I've been feeling the same exact way..very hard to get out of but it can be defeated . i just remind myself if everyone is okay around me nothing is really going to happen and maybe say it outloud to yourself it might help . seems like the world's ending and your lost but it's not true it's your mind playing tricks.
loretta74332 Yadeed
I have been feeling like this too. It can be very frightening. Hard to describe fully. I was told my brain scan, showed that i'd had a minor stroke. I think the shock of hearing this has sparked off all these strange feelings. I keep thinking that i've had a bad dream.This site helps a lot. Being able to read and exchange messages with people, having the same problem, makes me feel not so alone.
Asrracing14 loretta74332
Very scary stuff, my issue has not gone away yet and my MRI came back clean along with blood work the only thing left to complete is my sleep apnea test . We'll see