Feeling old

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Does anyone else feel like they have aged over night? I look in th mirror and think “who’s that old lady?” My skin is dry, everything aches, I’m always tired, I don’t think I should feel like this at 47. My auntie who is 72 has more spring in her step than me. I want to start making improvements with my health but I just can’t summon up the motivation, anybody got any advise or feel the same? 

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54 Replies

  • Edited

    Hi  there- I was JUST going to post something because I am also 47 and feel terrible, particulate the last week or so..my lower back is absolutely killing me, zero energy, look awful, been crying a lot the past few days..just ugh! I have no real advice, except that I’m taking a ton of Advil for pain, coffee to stay awake, and letting a lot of household tasks slide..can’t deal with it! Trying to stay hydrated, take a little walk..Please know you’re not alone! I also see people older than me, just living their lives, not feeling like total garbage and I think HOW??! Take care and Lee in touch! Anyone has some ideas to help, I am listening!😊

    • Posted

      Hi Amy, I wish I could find a book on how to feel younger in perimenopause, I need all the help I can get. My hair, nails, skin feel horrible and dry, I can’t use any oil on my skin it irritates me but I wish I could be dipped in a big vat of moisturiser!! 
    • Posted

      Me too, it just seems like such a lot of work to keep up with everything from looks to house stuff, from work to do my job etc. just know you’re  not alone, and we are all here, and likely feeling the same unfortunately LOL 😊

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    Hi all. I'm 46 and feeling the exactly same way as use do . Up until had my hysterectomy 2 years ago i felt brilliant working out everyday and was thin. Now I just feel like a fat old woman with dry skin , tired, aches and pains. With severe health anxiety.. I would also love hints as to help me to cope with all this. Only started menopause in Oct as in May bloods were normal .

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    I totally know where you are coming from. I have dark circles under my eyes, bags that could carry a weeks shopping in, I ache in places I didnt know I had. I'm 55 and feel 90. Cant wait until this horrid thing finishes. I used to love swimming, go horse riding regularly and walk. Then I got early onset osteoarthritis so no motivation to do any of that anymore. Perhaps I'll feel differently when I've dropped another 40 pounds! XXX

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      Do you think we will feel better Tina when it’s over? I hope we all have loads of energy and get back to how we used to be X 
    • Posted

      I understand about no motivation and no energy but do try to get back to the pool!!  It makes a HUGE difference with me and my body aches.  I don't swim but take a water fitness class.  No back aches or hip problems anymore.  When my feet ache (or anything else) hit the pool and feel so much better afterwards.

    • Posted

      Thanks Kelly I will try really hard to get back to swimming as soon as I can make it outside again. Anxiety made me agoraphobic so rarely get outside at moment but need to try as have got necessary appointments to go to. X
  • Posted

    OMGoodness yes.... last year I swear I think I looked older.  This is not what I want to look like at 48 especially around my eyes.  Always looking for the best eye cream.  I do moisturize my skin but I'm finding that I'm applying it  in layers so that it stays looking non-dry.  My mom who is 76 can do circles  around me-- I have no idea where her energy comes from!    I have been looking at intermittent fasting to lose a few pounds and also to look younger.  That's what I hear anyways.. There's a few videos out and I'm currently reading a book about it. Maybe that's my problem is that I need to be excited about something...

    • Posted

      I think your right Kelly, I used to get excited about diets and exercise always having a new thing going on but now I just don’t seem to get excited about anything.  My skin is so dry now and it never used to be, in fact my whole body feels like it’s had the moisture sucked out of it! 
  • Edited

    I'm also 47 and just don't feel like "me" anymore. Like you, I have joint aches and pains, my hair is thinning, dry skin, lack of motivation, foggy mind and now I'm having odd bleeding, pelvic dull aches, and pains and bloating with indigestion which I am currently in the process of having checked with blood tests and ultrasound scans. If this is all menopause, then it has an awful lot to answer to. I do feel so much better when I'm on the move as my symptoms are so much better. But in the evenings when I sit down, bloating starts and I get out of the chair like a 90 year old..

    • Posted

      Hi -  oh my gosh, That is exactly me, I am 47, feeling old dried out LOL if I make a point to keep active and busy I’m OK, but certainly not like I was, I feel like aged 10 years in just about a year. I just trying to give myself a break but then when I do I feel like a total slug, things don’t get done around the house laundry etc. te that is exactly me, I am 47, feeling old dried out LOL if I make a point to keep active and busy I’m OK, but certainly not like I was, I feel like aged 10 years in just about a year. I just trying to give myself a break with them when I do I feel like a total slug, things don’t get done around the house laundry etc.  it’s like a no-win, but I’m doing the best I can. I try to get decent sleep you know sometimes it’s difficult. I’ll drink chamomile tea and I am just try to relax with a funny show. Justin touch and know that you’re not going crazy, it helps me for sure to look at this site every day. Take care 😊

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      Sorry the voice to text had some crazy words in there… I hope you can understand it LOL
    • Posted

      Oh my goodness ! Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m so happy you

      Mention pelvic aches !! I keep getting this and wondering what the hell it is ? Even radiates down my legs and the bones in my bottom also ache ? I thought it was just me and I was so worried I had something seriously wrong. I also don’t feel like me anymore 😢 dry everything including hair ! It’s so soul destroying isn’t it ? Deb xx

    • Posted

      I have exactly the same and like you the bones in my buttocks ache... all very odd! 🙄

    • Posted

      Thanks for replying ! I feel a little better knowing it’s not just me x

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