Feeling out of sorts

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Decided to start my own discussion, in the hope of helping others going through the same/or similar situation.

For the past year i have had many strange symptoms in varing degrees, good days/bad days, good weeks/bad weeks.

Here is a list of my symptoms

Lack of energy, Extreme tiredness/fatigue,feeling faint (although never fainted),dizzy on and off but always dizzy up to a week before my period,  one very bad period of 4 months vertigo. Jelly legs,shaky inside, feeling weak as though I've had the flu or something but I've not even had a cold this year.Palpitations, feeling detached, feeling like i'm about to loose consciousness (very odd feeling) the feeling you get just as you are about to go to sleep, Brain fog.Sensitive to light, eyes often become bloodshot. Headaches/migraine. Sometimes feel so cold inside & cannot seem to warm up.Periods of insomnia, bladder irritability especially in week before period, episodes of what i now call bladder fizz where bladder so irritable it feels like i have fizzy liquid in my bladder cannot sleep through this sensation sometimes accompanied by the feeling of a red hot needle going up the urethra (would be intrested to know if anyone else gets this & any remedies please? A pain I get on either side low down about where pubic hair begins pain seems to radiate to back & sometimes down into the thigh on the side of where the pain begins, doesnt seem to coincide with ovulation & randomly happens (ibroprofen usually takes it off after a couple of hours) Bloating & times of excessive wind.Monthly cyst like spots on jaw line, hair sprouting on chin & upperlip (invested in a home laser scanner) Hair beginning to thin at temples.

Food cravings for something salty & chocolate particularly before period.

I am almost 53 so after reading forums on here have come to the conclusion that its menopause & not some mysterious illness, thought I might have Chronic Fatigue Syndrom, just didnt realise there were so many different symptoms of menopause.

Last year I did have very bad night sweats & hot flushes but they have reduced greatly, I take vit 6, eat plenty of fresh fruit/veg/salads, chicken, fish, flax seeds/chia seeds.

I'm so pleased to have found this forum & to find i'm not the only one suffering through this and not going mad, hope this might help someone else.

3 likes, 28 replies

28 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Deb, so sorry! I had those symptoms in May 2013 which pompted me to seek answers. It was Suzanne Sommers book, "I'm too young for this" that helped me realize the symptoms you describe are peri-menopause. And I had those symptoms too (dizziness, confusion, vertigo, nausea, cravings,etc) until I found a naturopath doctor and got on thyroid medication and progesterone and estrogen (topical cream and oil). I had/have other symptoms but the ones you described were relieved by those things.  Good luck and keep us posted! You are not alone!
    • Posted

      Sorry, reading the other replies reminded me to say and calcium, magnesium and vit E. Like many others here, traditional HRT scares me but the topical progest cream and estrogen oil drops doesn't feel like HRT, still, by definition I guess it is... A bit.

      also, low thyroid function can be common during this time. My regular docs always said I was within normal range but my naturopath said the range is too broad and that being on the "high end of normal" was enough to prompt her to try me on a low dose of Armour Thyroid. (30 mg) and it worked like magic for almost a year. And the dizzy, flulike and other symptoms have never returned (thank God!). I am currently dealing with pain and stiffness and mood swings, mostly. 

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply, so pleased to hear you have found something that helps. I will look for the book online. I'm at Drs tomorrow so will see if she has any suggestions.x
  • Posted

    Sounds like you are in the group with the rest of us. I can identify with just about everything you listed with the exception of only one or two.

    You have come to the right place. You will receive so much support here. I don't know how I would've realized that what I was going through was menopause if I hadn't stumbled upon this forum.

    I heard it gets better. I'm still waiting. Lol !

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply.

      Its a comfort to know others are going through the same thing, but wish none of us were. I always thought it was a natural process, a few hot flushes here & there HOW WRONG I WAS!!!

      Hope it gets better for all of us real soon x

  • Posted

    Wow!!! I could have written this!!!! Thank you for sharing!!!..... I have attempted many times to write my symptoms but so many I don't know where to start!!! Yours describes me completely although things are improving but still struggle with anxiety, weird balance sensations that just come out of the blue which can upset my whole day/week and increases my anxiety. Docs is a no no as they not interested. (Small town/small practise 😔). This site is what keeps me positive. Xx
    • Posted

      Keeps mr positive too. So grateful for this site.
    • Posted

      Aww feel for you, its not a happy time is it?. I feel I have so much more life to live but when I actually get up to do something find i really dont have the energy. My mind says YES but my Body says NO!!!! Hope everything comes back to normal after this. The offer balance feeling is awful isn't it? Drs just dont seem to know enough about menopause but I guess if they have never been through they won't.

      Stay positive, we can beat this. x x

  • Posted

    I also get most of your symptoms.  I am in meno so hope it all passes soon!!!  The bladder I really suffer from and achy joints...going to try Rosehip for the joints as it meant to be realy good.  Take care.XX
    • Posted

      Hello Margaret, I never heard of Rosehips for joint pain, I will try that because other than hot flashes, my arms and shoulders especially my arms hurt ALL the time. I also have burning and it sometimes coincides with the heat flashes. I have got to do something because I feel like I am going to go crazy with the joint pain and hot flahes all together.
    • Posted

      Thanks for that, I will look rosehip oil up.

      Hope you are feeling better real soon.x x

  • Posted

    Thank you. I experienced all of the same. I pray for the day when i feel normal again x

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