Feeling scared
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Hi I'm new to this site but just wanted to know if anyone has had constant bleeding I'm 51 and always had no probs with my periods but I had a couple of months without seeing anything then spotting then flooding with no sign of stopping been to docs and he gave me tabs to stop so I can have an internal next week I'm scared to death it's going to be bad news as anyone else been threw this x
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rose00110 lorraine17633
I don't think there is nothing to worry about you might be lucky and your period will stop early that's what happened to my sister so try not to worry until you get tested.
lorraine17633 rose00110
Thank you rose for your reply just don't no what to expect feeling low with dull ache in left side bad headaches mood swings bad back had enough now but just worried because of the bleeding and large clots x
paisleygirl rose00110
Hi Rose this happened to me when I was getting ready to be done I had huge clots coming away so big I could feel them come out and I hated going out as I always totally flooded everything and had to Carry extra underwear etc with me just in case I needed them and it scared me but my examination showed everything to be fine ....it is quite normal to bleed heavy with the clots I was
51 when it finally stopped for me ...I'm sure your exam will be fine
Lorene51 paisleygirl
How long did the flooding cycles last? I am 51 and have been doing this for 11 months. I have had to stop exercising, I've developed anxiety and hate to go out of the house. I make myself do it but usually feel anxious. My cramps have gotten horrid as well. The last few cycles have been 40 days apart, lighter (a river rather than a flood) and then spotting/light bleeding for a few more weeks.
paisleygirl Lorene51
I had the flooding on and off for a couple of years and I also have dealt with terrible anxiety which is not as bad now but still flares up now and again especially health anxiety.I used to hate going out too but also had to force myself to go the anxiety will keep you locked away inside your home if you let it. My cramping was so bad sometimes I could cry that's when I wasn't crying from the menopause ...for a while I was a mess and even now am going through some of it again..but just try to tell myself that it's gonna pass although sometimes it doesn't feel like it will ...but in reality it will. I'm sure you are just fine but it doesn't hurt to get checked out then afterwards when it is happening you are able to tell yourself that you have been checked so it's okay it does help somewhat. I finished and had my last period just before I turned 52. Hope you get some relief from it soon (((HUGS)))
Lorene51 paisleygirl
Thank you so much for your response! I have had ultrasounds and an MRI and an uterine biopsy. I have fibroids in my uterus and two on my cervix. The largest fibroid is 4.3 cm. I've known about the fibroids for years but the symptoms just started last Nov. it is hard to know if it's the hormones from peri or the fibroids! Or both! I know my hormones are very crazy, as are my cycles. I pray every day for the periods to end! Maybe 52 will be my lucky number too. Thanks so much for the support!!!
Maestra Lorene51
I understand your frustration with the combination of peri and fibroids! I was diagnosed with a 6.7 fibroid. I'm having peri symptoms, but my doctor swears I'm not there yet because my cycles are still regular. For the last month I've had bleeding pretty much non-stop. It began mid-cycle last month, then a particularly heavy period, then some darker spotting for several days. This morning I woke to red blood again. UGH! I hope you're near the end! I'm only 44, so I'm praying I don't have to wait until early fifties for this to stop.
paisleygirl Lorene51
Yes this journey is awful but there's no way but through it unfortunately I hope you get some relief from it soon ...(((hugs)))
Lorene51 Maestra
I'm sorry you are having to deal with this too! Im looking into treatment for my fibroids but none of them sound very fun!
Guest lorraine17633
anita64577 lorraine17633
lorraine17633 anita64577
Let us no how you get on at doctors I'm in tomorrow 😒
anita64577 lorraine17633
Thanks! I'll let you know. I'm going Friday. Good luck to you, I hope you get great news and feel better soon!
lorraine17633 anita64577
Fingers x didn't have a good night up at six feeling sick ache in left side I think it's because I'm worrying ??Good luck for Friday x
elizabeth38734 lorraine17633
I am going through exactly what you describe! Last week at work was absolutely awful and it's starting to feel like there's no end in sight. The flooding and clots are beyond awful! Now today, it's the 8th day and I've got severe cramps and super heavy flow that makes me feel like I should just go sit on a toilet somewhere and forget everything else! I just feel TERRIBLE!
teresa33877 elizabeth38734