Feeling scared
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Hi I'm new to this site but just wanted to know if anyone has had constant bleeding I'm 51 and always had no probs with my periods but I had a couple of months without seeing anything then spotting then flooding with no sign of stopping been to docs and he gave me tabs to stop so I can have an internal next week I'm scared to death it's going to be bad news as anyone else been threw this x
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lynne57589 lorraine17633
Hello Lorraine, I'm 57 and I STILL have periods. Until 2 years ago, I'd never had a single problem with periods, but then I missed a couple (normal at that age) then had terrible flooding for 3 weeks, until I saw a doctor, who prescribed Norethisterone to stop the periods, and iron tablets for the anaemia. I was referred to a gynecologist who did an internal, an ultrasound of my uterus, and a biopsy of the uterine wall (painful but fairly quick). Nothing untoward was found, and I was fitted with the coil, which is meant to help. I found it to be very uncomfortable, and I had it removed after 2 weeks. Since then, I've had the flooding/clots/period pains every few months, and have had all the same tests done a few times, with nothing found. I'm resigned now to taking Norethisterone and/or Provera to stop the bleeding. Surely this must all stop soon - I'll be 58 next April. I sympathise with you, and I suggest you have all the tests the doctors want to do. They check for anything cancerous. Sure you'll be fine. Keep taking the tablets.
d19606 lorraine17633
its hard i dont know wether to take another one tomorrow and keep it as one pill a day to stop heavy bleeding thats why im going gp to see what to do as i cant take my kids school or anything wile flooding so bad i cant leave house so bad. this meno is horrid no one tells you its going to be so bad and it just happens like over night. i hate it.
lorraine17633 d19606
I really feel for you I hate it I get really scared when I lose large clots it is the same as a miscarriage so horrible x will find out Wednesday what's going on 😒
stefany14384 lorraine17633
I've been bleeding for 30 days straight. Dr gave me pills to stop (crossing my fingers!) but nothing yet. I'm 41 and guessing its the start of perimenopause? I go back in 2 weeks for ultrasound and possibly an endometrial biopsy. I was worried when i was flooding a few weeks ago but now light flow without clots so not as worried anymore. Bad headaches too.
Whino lorraine17633
I got the "flooding" type periods shortly before menopause, at just about the age you are at now. At the time, I was shocked and thought I must be having a miscarriage.
metamorphed Whino
Whino metamorphed
It's been a few years ago now so I don't remember all the details but I think I had two or three very long, very heavy periods, and then they got lighter than ever and I started missing some months. Hang in there!
metamorphed Whino
thanks! and how are you now? Do you feel any better now that you're a couple of years along!?
Whino metamorphed
Well, first I had horrible hot flashes. I tried over-the-counter black cohosh with soy and it seemed to help a little but not enough. So I got my doctor to prescribe HRT which worked like magic but now I'm having a heavy period after a year and a half of none, which I think the hormones brought on. So now I have to go back to the doctor. It really is all so annoying, isn't it?! Thanks for asking though lol.
metamorphed Whino
yes VERY annoying. At the very least, you had some relief with HRT. I plan to do this aswell but don't fancy having any more periods after suffering waiting for them to go.
no win
lorraine17633 Whino
I wouldn't be so worried if I had a break but just as I thought it was stopping whoosh it was back again