Feeling so miserable. And extremely low?!!!!
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The last couple of weeks I have felt at a lose?!!. I am peri about 8 months now and feeling more like depressed. Mood swings are you could say my bestest mate me and moods are buddies!!!!. I'm have a coil fitted and have just under 2 years left the Mirena coil. I have looked online at products that I can but but because I'm fitted with the coil I have been put off with buying anything. My question is can I buy anything ? For my mood swings I have been to the doctors and been fobbed off I'm to young and because I'm still experiencing normal periods I'm not peri? I'm 46!. I have gone to long not having anything and know I really need to start taking something I cannot carry on as ima.any advice ? I have looked at products Blck Codash, Angus something? Menopause etc. but there are so many products I just wouldn't know where to start.feel miserable moody and my temper is erratic!! I child scream plus I've 3 children and know looking forward (not) of 7weeks of the school holidays to look forward to. I have said to the doctor but as he thinks I'm not peri wont do a perscription?!!.
1 like, 18 replies
MrsMerm Shelly0069
try it, it works
nicole70701 Shelly0069
I am in the same situation. I know I might get blasted by everyone saying this but I had to go on antidepressants or be commited to the hospital. I was so sad, caring stayed away from friends, didn't want to go out and at times aggressive and irritable. And yes they are helping. I'm sorry you are suffering. Hope you find something that works. I also take Ativan at night to help the anxiety. This has been hell for me and I am so thankful that I feel better despite the drugs.
ruth09950 nicole70701
Better to try some drugs than lead a life of torture....I'm with you Xx
michelle50768 nicole70701
annieschaefer nicole70701
There is no reason to ever worry about getting blasted by anyone on here. I know sometimes people seem to have strong opinions but at the end of the day it comes down to what works for us individually.
I have taken ADs in the past for a hellish period which worked very well to stop the horrid sadness I was experiencing. I have also gone the vitamin and various supplement route to ease other symptoms and now implenting a bit of help from Prometrium which is a HRT.
There is no shame in any form of treatment of hormonal imbalance or shall I say, should not be.
No one will get a medal of honour for gritting their teeth and not finding some way to ease some of the most troubling symptoms this phase can present.
So by all means Michelle, see what works best for you at this present time. Do not suffer needlessly. If your doctor won't take you seriously, please find another who will. There is help available. Take good care.
Annie xx
nicole70701 annieschaefer
Thanks to all who share, it can make a world of difference knowing we are not alone!
ruth09950 Shelly0069
tjhaden Shelly0069
high doses of b12, b6,
normal dose of iron
magnesium before bed, sleeping better to !
it took a couple of weeks to kick in but I honestly feel ok.
u mite want to give it a go.
keep ur chin up, keep smiling.
oh to be a woman!! Lol
michelle50768 Shelly0069
I have been in perimenopause eight years now 48.
Last November the anxiety and depression got to much and I couldn't get out of bed.
After years of refusing to go down the AD route I finally gave in
I went on low dose mirtazapine 15mg which also helps with ssleep something I just wasnt getting.
I have to say they helped!!!!
I still get my down days but nothing like before. They are manageable.
Ive read that low close AD are given for menopausal hot flushes now aswell.
Ive had every symptom there is to have in perimenopause its been a real struggle.
This site is fantastic with all these amazing ladies and their advice.
Hang on in there and keep talking it really helps.
Hope you find something that suits you
Everyone is different and its just trial and error really.
Take care xx.
I didn't want hrt due to breast cancer in my family.
keepsmiling15 Shelly0069
I probably cant offer a lot of advice as i am too trying herbs and vitamins to help with menopause/depression etc etc. All i can say is hang in there! My days are sometimes black and grey and i feel complety switched off at times, but i know if i i have to stay focused and strong and there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Some days i do not want to get out of bed and i say to myself keep going keep going you are not beaten yet! Big hugs to you and be strong! You will get through this.
nikiola18292 Shelly0069
Sorry to hear you feeling low. I have not been on here for a while, I am peri, as told by Dr in April, after 10 day random period, had bloodwork done during this and GP confirmed that I am, i was releived as like a lot off what i have read on here i thought i was going mad!
I have mood swings, it dose help me a little knowing what all this is, before i wasnt sure if it was menopausal or not. I quite a positive person and this intense anxeity i was getting was a feeling i have never experienced before and because i didnt know what it was it really scared me! Since finding this site it has helped me massively. I currenty take Agnus Castus 400mg and drink green tea natural plant based Phto estrogens. Im sure that it wont work for everyone but its the main reason i have not been on here is because it is working for me. Its calmed down all the paniky feelings and generally i feel calmer. The green tea makes me feel fantastic (very good for you). As my periods are now all over the place im on the slippery slope for sure. I dont know where i am so when i get that day before your period time bomb of mood swings i know that im due.
Hope you find a remedy soon. If any of this helps well brilliant.
Take care xx
susan21149 Shelly0069
I am on prescription meds i know you don't want to do prescription meds but the last resort is you may have to if vitamin b 6 or 12 do not boost your moods
Hope you feel better you will be in my prayers
Shelly0069 susan21149
tjhaden Shelly0069
annieschaefer Shelly0069
you're best bet is to consult with a doctor you trust due to the coil. Honestly, I had to go through several before finding one that took peri/menopause seriously and somewhat understands it to be helpful. Like Ruth said, this is all trial and error, I'm proof of that like so many others. What works for one, may not another, but it's always good to see about getting a doctor who may be open minded to help you through this time period. Good luck dear, hoping you will start feeling better soon!