feeling terrible
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Hi ladies I am 57 and nearly 2 year's post menopause. I have had a lot of different symptoms during this time itchy skin flushes sweats at night which i still get and very up and down .Six years ago I lost my mum and only brother within 6 months of each other and hit rock bottom so was put on 20mg of fluroxatine which has been great till the last few months .I find I am having really down day's anixiety and generally feel very low some days I just want to shut myself away. I went to Dr they have upped my pills now to 40mg a day which I have been on now about 17 days but I feel terrible panic and low and I feel like I have trouble swallowing feels like I have a lump in my throat all the time this makes me even more anxious it's a nightmare feel like I am loosing the plot .I hate all these feelings again as I know I am miserable to be around but it seems to of triggered off my health anxiety again .Help please .
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debi62095 wen_54374
wen_54374 debi62095
pinkcatfairy wen_54374
Dear Wen
I am a year and half post menopause and I have had most symptoms going and even now I have them come and go. I had the bad panic and anxiety and take multi vits with magnesium (which when low can cause anxiety I believe) and since taking them the anxiety seems to have gone but it was horrible when I had it. I too had the health anxiety, I felt I was in a dark lonely place so I know how you must feel. I am sorry about your mum and brother I too lost my mum and sister within a year half of eachother but that was twenty years ago so it isnt when im going through this awful menopause. Bereavement itself is a moutain to get over let alone dealing with it through menopause. This site is really good to come and chat and there are alot of us going through it one way or another and you mustn't feel alone xxx
wen_54374 pinkcatfairy
maria101 wen_54374
Dear Wen, sorry your feeling terrible with menopause I have been through the same thing with these symptoms which has finally subsided...not all has gone just got better since going through it and don't feel as as I was
they will be a time that you too will feel better, you are not loosing the plot, the lump in throat is stress because of meno causing Hovac with our bodies and we are so confuse and miserable and want to go away
but there's no quick fix to this and you just have bear it out...you can get a fan drink lots of water try keep busy as much as you can, try a cup Horlicks at bed time some people swear sage is very good for the flashes you can try if you want
but as I said it will get better with time (((((hugs)))))
wen_54374 maria101
diane87594 wen_54374
I'm 50 15 months no period out the blue suffered anixety panick with every little thing thinking I have ever think wrong with me feeling very low I lost my mom this year in February light headed heart racing hot flushes then cold chills find it had to swollow aches and pains I did go doctors just didn't feel well b12 was very low had loading dose 5 Dec on folic acid it horrible having to cope no how your feeling hugs x
wen_54374 diane87594
Thank you for your help I feel your pain it's a terrible place to be and it is so scary. Grief and the menopause combined is so hard to deal with and a very lonely place with so many fears. I may try some b vitamin complex myself and hope it helps. We must keep chatting to help us all get through this.
natallia04776 wen_54374
Oh, no! Please try to be strong. I've lost my sister about 2 years ago and since my life never the same. I get very upset easily. My periods not regular since March and lots of things rolling in and out. How do I feel? - terrible.
We have to be strong!
Kind regards, Nat
wen_54374 natallia04776
juanita93228 wen_54374
Hang in there. I'm also 57 and post menopausal. I had my last period in 2010 and honestly I was fine until about 2014. My hot flashes have never been too bad. Mine is anxiety and depression my mind can go to some horrible places. Now I'm dealing with sore gums. Menopause is not for the faint of heart! Lol! But just be kind to yourself, pray, or meditate if praying isn't your thing. Get out of the house anyway, even if you don't want to. I have had days where I have missed work because I was so down. I immediately regretted it. I work with two very nice ladies so no problem there.
They make me feel better. I hope to get past this stage soon. You are not alone.
wen_54374 juanita93228
Thank you for your advice I am trying to keep busy and help myself as much as possible. It's such a terrible feeling all these different symptons and it seems never ending at the moment .hang in there .
natallia04776 wen_54374
Hi Wen! Just to say I got up fine but didn't sleep from 4.am. just cannot sleep anyway stayed in bed. Now 1 hour passed feel nausea. .. I couldn't believe that it's possible. 😕 Really all hormonal changes are not nice.
I'm very healthy eater, cook all the time.
wen_54374 natallia04776
juliet91758 wen_54374
Dear wen 54374,
I am sorry to hear that you feel so rough. Might I be so bold as to ask if you had any grief counselling after such terrible family related trauma? I am not post menpause yet and so I can't say if your symptoms are related to that and they might very well be but if you didn't have any grief counselling at the time, I do wonder if it's all coming out now. CRUSE are a brilliant organisation to speak to if you think that this might be the case. Their free help line is 0808 808 1677. And honestly, it's not unusual to have delayed grief, especially if SSRI's kept it at bay.
I'm not a counsellor but I have volunteered with many and and have had a great deal of help myself. I wish you much love and luck with feeling better, no matter what. Hugs. X x X
wen_54374 juliet91758
Thank you Julie I did have cruise help back in 2010 after my mum died which helped .I then went on the anti depressants and been fine until a couple of months ago when it all seems to have started bubbling to the service again for no reason except maybe the menopause has triggered it off .I hate feeling so low as not like me I so want to feel well again .talking on here is so helpful as u don't feel so lonely .Thank you for your advice .x