Feeling very alone, fed up......... started night sweats and have fibroids
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I just typed a long message and it disappeared
I am nearly 46 and it has been two years since I started feeling not myself. I went back and forth to the Dr with skin issues, swollen ankles, nausea, dizzy etc which were all knew to me. Around the same time I started treatment for emotional trauma and continue to wonder what things are perimenopause and what are anxiety.
Today I just feel so tired and alone. I started night sweats two weeks ago, well not sweating just waking really really hot and I have missed a period and no signs of one coming. I have an appointment with a gynaecologist this week to talk about multiple fibroids found on a scan in December.
I have been through major worry that there is more going on, I have had mid cycle pain, on and off bloating and digestive issues and wonder whether there is a cyst (they could not see on the scan as a fibroid was in the way) I had the scan because I had a couple of periods close together. All last year my periods were different, gushing blood, not lasting long really and not as regular as before and my GP sent me for the scan just to check but said it was probably perimenopause that could go on for years - previous to that a GP told me my FSH was postmenopausal and I was at risk of osteoparosis and heart disease but the next test for FSH was normal.
So, I have just been managing and only went to the GP just to mention the bleeding. I feel so fed up and the last thing I want is another vague situation with these fibroids or more tests when maybe they are all part of this transition and will reduce as my hormones do (which clearly they are as per my night heat).
I guess I have lost confidence in myself and taking care until this all passes and wondering whether I am missing something important with my health - my gut says I am not but really, I feel so vulnerable. Not one medic has really listened to the whole situation and I feel I have so much changing, with the therapy and my hormones that I just want to crawl under a rock about these fibroids or anything else and just ride this out.
My GP's havent educated me on the menopause, can't really explain anything and I feel they can only help if I have a structural issue or want HRT, which I would rather avoid. No counselling how to manage, what symptoms will ride their course and what to be watchful of - I feel in the dark and only forums have helped.
But today, I am fed up of it all and just want to hide. The night heat maybe heralds the end of things or a new phase as the other issues seem to have gone and I was beginning to feel more 'stable'. Maybe the fibroids are on their way out too.
Anyone else want to just ride this out but it feels a bit scary to do so and not jump to the doctors every five minutes or worry incessantly? I feel so fed up on taking so much energy to manage all this stuff.
Thank you for listening
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lennie45832 Beetle1965
debbie_18471 lennie45832
I am considering a partial hysterectomy because of my enlarged retroflexed uterus and fibroids. I'm just a little nervous about surgery, how did yours go. Did you do labroscopic or bikini incision? Any info would be so so helpful 😊😊
Thank you so much
Beetle1965 lennie45832
Fibroids - well, I had one diagnosed at 30, I've also had a few burst cysts in my lifetime but never any further investigations and I did not have children, so I guess the current situation with my fibroids could have been there for a while. I see the consultant this week and maybe they will scan again, the original ultrasound wasn't clear enough, too many to count! eeeek I will keep writing
lennie45832 debbie_18471
debbie_18471 Beetle1965
You are not alone in this by any means. It is completely overwhelming frustrating and scary. Just this morning I was crying thinking "I'm all alone in this and I have no one that understands what I am really facing every single day I wake up". This forum helps a lot. The women are so encouraging. We are all in this awful transition together. I too have an enlarged retroflexed uterus and 9 fibroids 😜. The 3 largest are 3.5cm, 3.4cm and 2cm. Not sure what I'm going to do about it. The last two years have been pretty hard with peri symptoms and back, hip, leg and sciatica pain from fibroids and uterus. Going to get my hormones checked again and also another ultrasound to check fibroids and uterus size. Like you my last FSH levels stated I was entering menopause. That was a year ago. I had no idea perimenopause and menopause would be this awful. Keep reading this forum and posting for advice and encouragement. Take Care of yourself 😊
Beetle1965 debbie_18471
I think I also have a retroverted uterus, mentioned a few times when smears are tricky. I have also had cysts and a fibroid diagnosed 15 years ago, but no one said I ought to check on things. I have a feeling all these issues for me are a sign or ongoing hormonal imbalance or at least a tendancy to one as perimenopause came upon me. Fibroids like estrogen I hear!
I have also had sciatic type pain but it comes and goes, now I know the fibroids are there, I suspect it was those pressing on things. However, all pains go away and are cyclical, so I really do see how hormone fluctuations effect the growth or not of the fibroids.
Did your doctor recommend a watch and wait scenario with the fibroids? This is what I am hoping will be possible, I really want to try and see if my hormones/periods are infact diminishing and then maybe avoid surgery but on the other hand if they are likely to grow and cause more troublesome symptoms then I might need to act. It's a really frustrating turn of events.
Thank you for writing
debbie_18471 Beetle1965
Debbie 😊
lennie45832 debbie_18471
verena6528 Beetle1965
I finally went a few weeks ago, and the doctor of course sent me for an ultrasound, after telling me that it's likely nothing but a recurrence of my period. I wish she'd have mentioned this as a possibliltiy when I went for my yearly exam back in October. The ultrasound came back fine, just a couple of small fibroids that she said are nothing to worry about, and of course I have had another period, this one much heavier than the previous one.
It would be nice if there was more solid information regarding these life changes for women. Googling symptoms will do nothing to allay anyone's fears, and doctors don't seem to have a lot to say on the topic. I now know that I could have sporadic periods for years to come, and beyond keeping track of them I'm not going to pay them a lot of mind unless I have other problems to go with them. I'll keep going to my yearly checkups, and let the doctor know then how I'm faring then.
Beetle1965 verena6528
Your strategy to monitor and keep going sounds good and hopefully I can continue to do that - words here are helping me stay afloat. Thank you.
dawn37202 Beetle1965
about 20 years ago i had my womb ovaries & half my cervix removed due to systs on my ovaries plus excessive bleeding every month .. i was put on HRT this year they are weaning me off of it .... i feel very low & tired i have swollen ankles & trouble sleeping ... it seems im just starting my menapause which i didnt no was going to happen
im 53 now .... my mood swings are awfull im angry at everone even me which sounds stupid when i say it here .... my psoriasis symptoms have escolated its everywhere ... im sore itchy & very uncomfortable ... i feel very down which i hadnt been prior to reducing the HRT .... i wish i hadnt ever been on it as this would have been over by now .... i guess we all have different symptoms & suffer in our own way ...im going to look at foods to help relieve my symptoms .... i dont have fibroids that i no of .... i hope everything gets sorted for you ..... Dawn x
Beetle1965 dawn37202
dawn37202 Beetle1965
it sounds like you are on the right track with the vitamins & protein i wll give it ago ... i walk my dogs most days which helps ... iv never tried accupunture so will look into that .... i wish you well & thank you x
carmen51657 Beetle1965
misty36246 Beetle1965
lennie45832 misty36246
misty36246 lennie45832
susan556 misty36246