Feeling weird at ovulation
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Does anyone else have weird feelings around ovulation? I always feel nauseous, dizzy completely not with it and anxious 😩 and then the same again when my period is due. I'm 41 and have been having these symptoms like this for about 18 months now it's such a struggle and I do everything I can to help it like cut out caffeine and dairy and as much sugar as possible I cook everything from scratch and take lots of vitamins and have acupuncture but yet every month twice a month I feel like this it's driving me and my family nuts!
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Stevo100 Foxy_polly
Hi Foxy Polly,
I can empathise with you although you have had the symptoms longer😩Mine started about 3 months ago about a week before my period. Feeling nauseous and other bizarre symptoms like pain/aching in my arms. I have a brief window whilst on my period (which has been for 1/2days in the last 3mths) and then nausea again then it goes x I was told to hold your thumb on the inside of your forearm about 2" up from your wrist apparently this is a pressure point. lol I'm no GP though but in desperate times and all x hope they pass soon x
Stevo 100
menopolized Foxy_polly
sorry for off topic
Marisa02082 Foxy_polly
I have the same thing. It helps to have it on my phone with a period tracker and then I see that I am supposed to be ovulating. Then I just chalk it off to that. I feel anxious, I have different symptoms it seems as time goes by. But I read that it's like that because the hormones are shifting so much. As time has gone by it seems in some ways better..maybe my body is adjusting? or because I have changed alot in diet ect. But try to relax the best you can and allow your body to do it's thing. I know it stinks...I started with all these crazy things 3 years ago..right after I got married... I was a wreck...ugh. But now I accept it and try my best to work with it..than anything. Flower Bach helps me with my heart..Rescue...thats my saving grace for that anxiety..I take like 3 or 4 droppers..I work with women all day and it heightens like crazy during ovulation..and I have to seem very calm..and listening to all their life. I hope this helps you in some way. Your not alone for sure!
Foxy_polly Marisa02082
littleme1969 Foxy_polly
Foxy_polly littleme1969
Thank you littleme
I try so hard not to focus on it but when it's bad that's all I seem to do! I meditate and have acupuncture and have changed my diet and take lots of supplements and exercise a little all of which has helped a lot but I still get really rubbish days and that's when I crack but it really does help when all you lovely ladies share your experiences and advice. Xx
littleme1969 Foxy_polly
you could look into things like *oestrogen dominance* i know that can make things worse and getting some bio identical hormones is known to help with the symptoms. You can go private and see a specialist who will run blood works so you can get just the right blend for you. No idea what the cost is
kim1968 Foxy_polly
I’m glad I found your post. I’ve been dealing with the same thing for nearly one year. I’ve been keeping track of it on my phone. I get this really weird dizzy feeling and then a hot flash. It seems to be like clockwork around ovulation. Then I feel anxious and my head feels strange - almost like I have a head cold or something. It lasts for about a week (the anxiety) and then I’m good as new until the next month. Does this sound similar?
kasi14698 kim1968
I just came on here to inquire about my symptoms. I just turned 40 and I can't believe that you are describing my symptoms exactly. I am so sick of this. Im a full time student and mom of 2 girls and I am so annoyed with it. Seems like a trend. I will check back after I get some blood work from holistic dr. Good luck and hope we all feel back to NORMAL
vicky77852 kasi14698
maria76995 Foxy_polly
Hi Foxy, feeling not with it and anxious that's me girl, I can't cut out to much I'm to slim as it is so have to eat normal..I'm getting up now with a funny head like something around it..your not on your own your never yourself we just have to push through it....last night had thoughts of this that and third I'm dying and something is wrong all because I couldn't sleep to anxious to in bed very sad time and to long to go through it what can we do.
taylor14689 Foxy_polly
Wow, this made me feel so much better to see this thread.
I certainly understand your pain. Right around ovulation, every month, i develop nausea thats debilitating. I will have diahrrea, severe nausea (lump in throat, close to vomiting), dizziness & anxiety. My nausea will even cause the chills at times & I will think that maybe Im coming down with a stomach bug but it always ends up not being it.
I am tired, to say the least. So coming here and looking for answers and getting them feels much better. Thank you!
I also hope that we can all figure out a suitable solution and begin to feel better one day!!
elizabeth81694 taylor14689
I am having very similar side effects as you from ovulation to after my period. This has been going on for about 4 months. I am 38 and never had problems with it before. Have you always had these symptoms? I also have cramping and burning hotness feeling in lower abdomen. I'm also exhausted for those two weeks. I thought it was prenatal vitamins so I stopped taking them. The only other thing I am on is Omeprozole. Just wondered if we have any similarity. Hoping to find a solution soon because I am miserable.
natalie_06883 elizabeth81694
I completely sympathise. I came off the pill about a year ago after many years on it and have been tracking my cycle ever since. I’ve been experiencing nausea, weakness and dizziness around ovulation for the last 6 months. It seems to come on like clock work but freaks me out each time until I check where I am in my cycle. Even though I think it’s caused by ovulation it doesn’t make the symptoms easier to deal with hence me looking for answers on the web (again). I’m 42 and wonder whether it’s age although I can’t say that the pill didn’t reduce symptoms for the years I took it. Any suggestion for alleviating the distress and discomfort is very much appreciated I’m on the sofa as I type after feeling light headed and wobbly. 😿
maria76995 taylor14689
Hi Taylor yes I know how you feel, I always worring that I would be like this for ever and gives me sickly stomach as you said close to vomiting although I have throw up we are all the same..I'm so unrelax in doors out door maybe I think something will happen nothing really does but the mind wonders and tell you crap,I have to find something to make me sleep at night I bought menopuase Supplements and hoping they will work soon all I need to do is relax and sleep
elizabeth81694 natalie_06883
I have not been on birth control for 6 years so I do not think that is it. I just went to my doctor on Monday and she made me feel worthless. She can't find anything wrong after doing ultrasound and exam. I honestly think it is a change in hormones. She did say your cycle can change as you age. I actually have the nausea with cramping for two weeks out of every month so I understand how miserable it can get. Is there anything else in your life that has changed in the last 6 months? Maybe we have something similar. I have gained some weight in the last 6 months and I wondered if it could be tied to sugars as I have PCOS. I am trying to conceive as well so I thought maybe it was from the vitamins. I have tried various types and even came off them, still have nausea. I notice I feel better when I eat and then it gets worse two hours later. It's like all my previous normal PMS side effects tripled how they impact me, but the nausea is definitely new. Do we have any similarities? I know there are tests you can take to test your hormone levels. Although even with results I don't know if there is anything that can be done. I have not found any solutions for the nausea. I just have to deal with being miserable for two weeks of every month. Doctor suggested an antidepressant to help with PMS symptoms for two weeks and I just don't see how that could help. Just feeling lost and confused.
natalie_06883 elizabeth81694
Eclairs or half a pack of biscuits) eating, eating, eating and then feeling worse a few hours later. I’ve also found that I feel hugely aggressive and irrational for no real reason! Obviously making life peachy for my husband and teenage son. What are your thoughts on the anti depressants? Do you think it’s worth a go? Just feels as though there has to be a better way to manage this than drugs. I’m so sorry this is how you feel 2 weeks a month. I’d say I’m affected for one week at ovulation and then have a whole heap of more normal systems just before my period.
maria76995 elizabeth81694
Hi Elizabeth I was Ompeprazole but my sister says causes Anxiety so I only take it if I'm bad not easy at this time of life so many of us are suffering daily and don't know what to do but with God grace we shall get through it you hear me.