Feeling weird when walking and standing.. anyone else?

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I've had anxiety for a while and it started getting worse and I noticed I was slightly off balance. Fast forward to almost 2 years and I am constantly off balance when walking or standing, feel like im swaying back and forth sometimes when standing, head gets heavy, would describe as a constant dizziness except nothing is spinning. When walking I will get a sudden feeling inside as if my body dipped into the ground or kind of jolted forward. All of this has made me scared of walking and standing which only makes it worse. When I am leaning on something or holding on to something such as a railing or shopping cart it doesn't happen. As soon as I am freely walking is when I start to feel weird and my feet don't feel right on the ground and I look as though I'm walking normally but I feel unsteady and get random bursts of dizziness that last for like a second. Again, not a spinning dizziness. I've been told it's anxiety but just worried that it could be something else as I've tried several anxiety meds and only one has slightly helped. Doesn't happen when I'm sitting or laying down. Only upright and it's pretty much constant when walking. I can maybe get a few steps in here or there feeling like a normal person walking. It makes me constantly think about how I feel when I'm walking and obsess over how my body feels when I'm walking. Occasionally I do also feel the floor drop underneath me or the floor will feel bouncy like rubber. My heart also skips beats which also feels like the floor is dropping under me. Does this happen to anyone else??

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    i was having the same issue with the off balance feeling and swaying. someone on here actually told me its an inner ear thing and to hold my nose and blow until my ears pop. i do this ancouple times and it goes away

  • Posted


    do you have an update on your symptoms. I am a 33 year old and Somewhere in the middle of my rigorous nursing program i suffered some kind of mental breakdown. It started with extreme fatigue and panic attack. However, fast forward 6 months and I've been dealing with a kind of dizziness that i can only describe as feeling off inside my head and just not as stable or quick with my processing. I can stand on one leg and go for a run but it just does not feel right. My doctor has ruled out EKG or Blood Pressure issues and has diagnosed me with Anxiety. When it started I had a plethora of symptoms from burning sensation in my blood, panic attacks, and stress induced pains. However, Ive been on Sertraline 75mg and all my symptoms have gone away except this constant state pf dizziness. If Im distracted it goes away, sitting or laying down it goes away but the moment im standing or walking i feel it immediately. Does anyone have anything like this and done things to improve or remedy it. Ive started a vitamin regiment of B12, C, Multi-Vit, and drinking my fluids. I do not smoke or drink. Hoping to find some answers

  • Posted

    Hello Jessica,

    Not sure if this helps but I have been suffering exactly the same symptoms as you have experienced. Sometimes it just goes away when I am not focusing on the issue, try and keep your mind occupied and most importantly talk to family and friends about what you are going through. I am sure mine is down to health anxiety but only really started when I began taking SSRI'S as a medication. Keep strong.

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