Posted , 8 users are following.
Does anybody feel like when they sitting down something is going to happen to you..is this call Anxiety too.
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Posted , 8 users are following.
Does anybody feel like when they sitting down something is going to happen to you..is this call Anxiety too.
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olga_48822 maria76995
juanita93228 maria76995
dawn70425 maria76995
Hi Maria
Yes our minds are very powerful and can do this to us, ( god knows why ) like the other lady on here said she focused on some eles, and it went away, the more you focus on this happening the worse it dose get...
As soon as this happened to me I try to take my mind eles where, or watch tv if your at home, just to take your mind away from it..
It will get easier as time goes by, but for now try to just take your mind of it, you will learn to control it at the end,
Good luk 🤗X
juanita93228 dawn70425
I agree dawn70425. The mind is a powerful thing. I mean every ache, pain, burning sensation, soreness or whatever, you think you're dying. I cannot tell you how many women on here think they're dying (myself included on the bad days). One woman said she just wished it would kill her and get it over with. Of course she didn't mean it, but that's how bad she felt. Remember the days when if we had a ache or pain we wouldn't give it a second thought? Of course we didn't have them often because we were younger.
But menopause does something to the brain and you just always think the worse! I'm not on HRT so to make it I've just been doing different things, some natural some not. I thought that I used to pray when I was younger, ha! It's nothing compared to how much I talk to God now, which is a good thing! I'm just so thankful for this forum. I have NO DOUBT that God sent me to this forum. (((((Hugs)))))) to you dawn. You too maria76995 and olga48822!
mary27278 juanita93228
I really need someone to talk to right now.
juanita93228 mary27278
Talk all you want! Go ahead. We don't judge on here and every feeling is valid.
juanita93228 mary27278
if you're shy you can private message me. I just got to work(late).So I may not be able to respond until later this evening. Are you in the US?(that's just for time purposes)
dawn70425 juanita93228
Hi Juanita
Bless you, sweet lady..
I know what your saying, things seem to be bitter sweet when we were younger, not that I suppose I'm old ( 53) but my body feels like 83 at times lol..
I don't take HRT as 2 years ago I had blood clots on my lungs, so they tell me I can't have that...
I have been trying herbal remedies, whather they work I'm not sure, as some days are good others are bad 😩 Seems to be a new symptom that comes a long every day, I'm sure they do it to test us out🤔...
Owell I suppose there's not much us lady's going through menopause can do about it, but talk and self help ourselves the best we can, we've got the menopause so we've got to ride the bloody thing out ...
It's been really lovely finding this site, just to know your not on your own, and that one day the person in the mirror you use to know, hopefully will be back again, as at this moment I don't even recognise that person in the mirror ...
Good luk to all you wonderful women fighting out there, lots of hugs 🤗X
dawn70425 mary27278
Every one is here for you Mary , just keep talking on here and we will listen to you, there's always some one to talk to so don't ever feel a lone ..
Chin up the best you can, you welcome to email me at any time good luk 🤗X
mary27278 juanita93228
mary27278 dawn70425
On last night i tried taking the oral biodentical progesterone again. Before it would give me side effects so i stopped taking it. So desperately wanting to feel better i took it again.
This morning i woke up very hot, and feeling really crazy. I just hate waking up with anxiety but this morning it was crazy. I pushed myself to get up because i still had to drop off my kids. I tried to get ahead of my symptons by taking motherwort (for palpitations) and 5 HTP (for anxiety) . I would normally take 1 but i took 2 instead. I felt so ill in traffic, i thought i had to pull over to call 911. Dawn, as i sit here with this lump feeling in my throat, chest discomfort and feels like something is keepinge from breathing, upper back hurting and feels like something moving around under skin but mainly beween shoulder blades. I am hot but legs and feet are cold. i can go on and on with symptons.. On top of that yesterday i discovered a nodule and swelling on left side lower back. Now im wondering if this is contributing to my back ache. I was doing deep breathing to help me throughout the day but today its hard to breath in without coughing. I do have Gerd, dont know if this has worsen.
According to my menstrual cycle this is ovulation week but i missed period and it seem like everything went overboard. I think the progesterone made me feel worse. My bowels feels like it wants to go all the time, and the color doesnt change. Its been that way for a while now. Thanks for listening...
juanita93228 dawn70425
I'm 58 and yes all we can do is pray and ride it out, talk to each other. Just knowing you're not alone and not going crazy helps.
Most days I'm okay. Yesterday I was a mess, bad anxiety. Today, I'm okay thank God. I have to say, I'm coming to my symptoms late. My only symptom in peri was heavy periods(fibriods) and one tablespoon a day of unsulphured blackstrap molasses took care of that. My mood was great, sex drive was wonderful. I had my last period in November of 2010 at 51. I had hot flashes but that was it. Then in 2014 the bottom dropped out and thought I was crazy, dying or both.
juanita93228 mary27278
dawn70425 mary27278
Don't worry Mary, that's what we are here for to listen and comfort each other the best we can, and don't EVER feel like you are being a pain with writing your feelings down on here, we are here ....
I'm havin sleep problems 😡 I go to bed hoping I'll sleep and still awake a 2 in the morin, I manage to fall asleep till 4 then that's it, soooo tied through the day then, and a bad headach from lack of sleep... doc gave me two weeks of sleeping tablets and won't give me any more😩 They really help, so Iv tried herbal tablets, and like you, I take more then I should, but still don't work, just make me very agitated ...
Full on hot sweats, if I put makeup on it's gone befor I'm out the door and glowing like a lanten lol...
think Iv given in to the way I look untill this dam menopause is over and done, I just take each day as it comes, and hope it won't be to bad 😌....
You sound like a lovely ladie, like we all are just going through this ruff patch in our lives, one day we will come through this and be the person we use to be...
Keep your chin up, and keep talking, take care and I'm always here to chat at any time..
Lots of hugs 🤗X
maria_03422 mary27278
Hi Mary
i felt the same this morning, the lump feeling in my throat and i notice i get that a lot when i'm stressed..upper back and shoulder pain!!! i'm going through this for almost 8 years!!
every day is something else and when there is quite and some good days here we go again all over again.
i come here and read all the comments from all the wonderful ladies and that gets me through the day..
Reading seems to take my mind of all this craziness..
Feel better