feels like I'm slowly dying!

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Hi ladies! 

I feel like I'm slowly dying, anxiety through the roof everyday! Every ache and pain (and believe you me there's a lot) is some type of cancer! I don't even mention it to friends as they will think I'm nuts! Doctor just looks at me when I list my ailments, I'm 46, had two periods when coil was removed then nothing for 10 months......answer is maybe your at the start of your menopause and that was the end of the discussion!!! Dizzy beyond belief, no energy, bloated, stabbing stomach ache, muscles ache like I've done a marathon gym session even though I've sat for hours, anxiety is making me smoke heavily which in turn makes me more anxious, skin is like sandpaper, dry eyes, nose, burning sensation in mouth, the list is endless! Feel like a hypochondriac! Force myself to go to work as I feel more sane there as it keeps my mind busy but I'm that busy all I can feel is my heart thumping in my chest and the anxiety about that kicks in! the moment I'm home I collapse with exhaustion and then the head starts playing games! Oh and the sweats! There always a joy!!!!.........really cannot see light at the end of this horrible dark tunnel 

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    There is a light at the end of that tunnel. It is horrible, I know! It is not that you're dying...it is that everything about you is changing so fast that it is overwhelming. I seem to have come out the other end for a breather the last year and a half...but I am terrified of it ever coming back after my periods finally stop. So far I am having my periods like clockwork although they are shorter these days. My periods were never regular before my peri years...go figure. I know it is hard to just embrace the change...but I think it helps when we do. Hope you see the light soon. I know it is a terrible ride.

  • Posted

    Hi dennymo,  welcome!  You are in the right place...this forum is wonderful.  Yes, to everything...especially the fatigue a d dizziness and health anxiety.  Last year, i raced around to so many drs and ER visits only to be told there’s nothing medically wrong with me.  Get your basic tests done...but if this came out of nowhere...like me....it’s your hormones playing games.  
  • Posted

    I'm right there with you Dennymo! My symptoms change day to day. Some days its muscle aches the next its stomach issues..the list goes on and on. No matter what issue I'm having my anxiety goes to work on them and the worry wheel begins to spin! I try to keep bust during the day and that seems to help. Mornings and nights are my worst! I try to remind myself of the wierdness I felt when I was going through puberty..This feels a touch worse, but similar! I guess the hormones were at work back then too! I've been to my doctor for everything from Lipomas to panic attacks. I'm quite certain she thinks I'm crazy! Hang in there girl!! Hopefully we will all be feeling like our old selves again in no time!

    • Posted

      Oh I really hope so jo! It's just the worst, even when I'm sitting talking to people I can feel random aches and go automatically into panic mode! I'm so jealous of friends the same age that are looking forward to nights out/holidays when I can't think of anything worse......hopefully this is the worst it gets! Good luck to you to x

    • Posted

      Hi Denny I’m the same, I call myself Mrs Doom and Gloom I always fear something is going to happen to me . I fear if I go out I will collapse as I never feel right when out shopping or visiting friends . Is it my heart today or the pains in my shoulder or the stomach ache ... my husband is nearly off his head with me as I’m always ill. I feel sorry for him as I’m not the person I was was this time last year , not one of my friends or family have have gone through this oh did I mention the anxiety /panic attacks have to be the worse . 

      Keep going /keep posting 💕

    • Posted

      Hi Jo67532..where were your lipomas located? I have puffiness in my chest area and thats what my friend said it could be. She's an ultrasound tech.

    • Posted

      Hi Mary27278! My lipomas are in my left thigh. I started with one about 2 years ago and now there is another one. They are quite small and I'm only bothered by them every once in awhile.. thinking about them does get my anxiety going at times,but other than that they are tolerable.

    • Posted

      I'm the only one of my friends going through this. I asked my mom if she ever felt this way and she told me that she had some hot flashes and sometimes she got the blues, but could make herself feel better by just going for a walk or a drive. I think sometimes googling my symptoms actually makes me feel worse, but i can never go very long without doing it!

  • Posted


    I'm 46 also and feel exactly the same... I feel so jealous of friends who are sailing through life happily and I feel exhausted, physically and emotionally plus before I went on HRT I ached sooooooo much and I had no strength! I started to need two hands to lift the kettle, pull the handbrake on etc... 😰

    HRT has helped but I'm still very tired and feel generally off colour. 

    I mourn my 20's and 30's!!! 

    Hang in there - you're really not alone. 🙋🏼

    AJ. xx

    • Posted

      Hi you say the pain /aches that’s what I’m struggling with just now, shoulder pain and lower arm pain . Takes me to hold my shopping bags or even hand bag. Always feel better or can handle the pain better when I know it’s just another symptom. Been through the anxiety which always lingers and panic attacks . What an awful stage of life for us all . I feel my husband is in his prime just now , he’s looking great feeling great and watching his diet and fitness but I can’t keep up I’m always tired or having some issue with my health . 

      Thanks 💕

    • Posted

      Hi there, 

      Yes, my shoulders, elbows and wrists ached so much and I felt like I'd lost all strength... I coped with it for around 3years but then just felt awful and doc said I was too young to go through menopause and that my bones needed protection... we talked calcium but she said HRT would possibly aid it more. I went in HRT and although I have had reactions to a few progesterones and so changed a few times - the one thing it really helped was the pain and aches. 

      Obviously it's personal choice and not for everyone but I've chosen to stick with HRT for a while, I've just started on a new regime again and so hopefully this one will suit me! 

      I do find it so hard and get quite upset/resentful that other people sail through this and I'm not!! Like you say it's hard to see others in their prime as we used to be and then wham! It all changes for us... 😖

      I really hope you are coping and can get through this with no other issues. Try to stay happy, eat a little chocolate! Chocolate always helps! 😊

      AJ. xx

  • Posted

    Wow you just described me everything you just put on this post was me at age 47 I'm now 53 and those symptoms were horrible they have gotten better I too like you learn to breathe through the belly now the anxiety was horrible and it still comes and goes the dry eyes the dry nose the stomach spasms aching joints burning mouth tongue my ears irritates me more now my allergies flared through the roof now I have now developed bursitis in my shoulder and when it flares up my wrist hurts my elbows my shoulder I work two jobs and I think that's the only thing that keeps me sane because I'm constantly moving at both keeps my mind off of thinking other things hopefully one day all of this everything will be behind us

  • Posted

    Ladies please help. Last your I started to get health anxiety out of no where. Then bad sinuses stomach cramps and aches and spasms ibs full of gas and bloated. I will be 41 in November my periods we're always normal til last year I was late one month 4 days the next month it was a wee and was like that a few months. Now they come on time but are extremely heavy I get bad anxiety heart palpitations over whelming feeling of dread. I have had many test done on heart and blood work doc said heart is fine and other than being a little anemic I'm healthy but this damn anxiety and panic attaks are the worst. I brought up pre menapauae to my GP and he said I'm to young yet like I said I'll be 41 in November. Are any of my symptoms a sign if Peri should I make a appointment with gyno to have testing done. I just feel like I'm going crazy and my poor husband doesn't no what to do for me. Thanks sorry was so long. I hope we all get relief soon

    • Posted

      Hi Renee,  I am 41 and peri started for me last year. Got a clean bill of health, yet felt miserable. I’ve been told I’m too young too.  Wrong.  You know your body.  Our hormones change constantly, so it is hard to test...but it is a good start.  I’ve tested out post meno several times...yet I still get periods...irregular though.  Chart your periods and bring it into your dr.  Peri can go on for upwards of 10 years.  You are officially in menopause when 12 mo go by without any periods.  I think some drs do not acknowledge perimenopause.
    • Posted

      I crashed at 41 ! Just walking down the street and bad panic attack and from then on I went literally crazy !! I could not leave the house for months very dark thoughts and literally lost my mind. all drs said it was PTSD after a bad accident but now I’m seeing it was Peri .

      I leveled out  but never became my old self due to the panic anxiety so that’s 10 years of it . Now at 52 I’ve crashed again so get your hormones checked and if anything maybe go on a low dose birth control pill. You don’t want to go through the next 10 years like this . 

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