Feels like something is stuck in my throat
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Okay, so.... I've been getting this feeling like something is stuck in my throat and it's really irritating. I don't know what it is. I can swallow properly and my body feels good but i've been gettin' that feeling where i feel like something is stuck in ther and i'm really scared i don't know if it's cancer or something else serious but i'm really worried and i'm 17 with alot of anxiety from it. I don't know what caused this i was recently sick but i feel great now and it's just this throat irritation. I've looked up alot about it on the internet and alot of people say it's caused by gerd (acid reflux) i don't know if that's the case though but lately i've been getting stomach aches and i really think it is caused by this gerd thing. I'm scared cause i don't know what it really is i just need answers on it so i can stop panicing about it cause everytime i panic about it i get anxeity attacks and it's really not healty for the body to be in panic all the time. I also was losing sleep cause of it but not that much no more i have gotten a good sleep last night which is a good sign. If anyone can talk me through this it would be great cause i'm young and i get scared quickly when my body doesn't feel right, i just don't want this to affect me no more cause i have been missing alot of school cause of it and it's starting to worry me more and more everyday. Thank you for taking your time to read this/
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claire94040 kyleishash1
kyleishash1 claire94040
paterpull claire94040
Claire, if you could touch your neck or throat area with your fingertip, could you find the spot where the "stuck" feeling is coming from? I ask for a specific reason that I will share with you and all as soon as I see that info. Hang in there. You will be fine.
claire94040 paterpull
claire94040 paterpull
claire94040 paterpull
That was neck not knock ... 😂😂😂
jmcg2014 kyleishash1
kyleishash1 jmcg2014
kyleishash1 jmcg2014
jmcg2014 kyleishash1
julie36704 jmcg2014
Mikeglobus kyleishash1
First off, dont freak out - we’ve all been there.
Realistically its nothing but Im not a doctor so if youre unsure, get it checked. The doctor telling me it was nothing to worry about (after tests) was one of the things that helped me the most. Granted the tests arent the most pleasant but there's definitely worse. I had two endoscopies and a barrow swallow.
Lots of things can cause the Globus sensation youre having (the feeling something is in your throat), unfortunately its a just a sensation and controlled neurologically so your mind set has a lot to do with it. Things like GERD, anxiety (the feeling you get before you cry and your throat closes up), previous trauma etc etc, the list goes on, can all trigger it.
If its GERD then read up on diet stuff - also, loss weight if youre overweight, do excercise, dont have caffeine or smoke, dont have too much coffee bla bla bla
The good news is, once you get there mentally it gets better I find. Mine hasnt gone away but I dont think about it every minute of the day - in fact it hadnt even crossed my mind today until now and suddenly I can ‘feel’ it. Coincidence eh haha
It sounds like youre already handling it a bit better than I did at first. I had a reaction to spicy food one night and my uvula swelled up, once it went down I was stuck with the globus sensation and I FREAKED. I got so caught up in it, it was all I thought about which of course made it worse. But I got crazy health anxiety and became near enough an insomniac - 1hr to nothing of sleep a night. I was depressed and had to take time off work and thought I was never going to sleep again. That was the worst for me, finally learning after 30 odd years the power of your brain and how it can affect your body. Once I realised I taught myself to be that way I decided to unteach myself. Did meditation, breathing exercises and generally learned to deal with anxiety...without meds! You can do it. I am an anxious person (suffered from panic attacks etc) but Ive never been better - cause this has caused me to address it all in a healthy way - ie no meds. And the fact I did it on my own makes me feel even stronger about it. The law of attraction can work both ways. You think positive and youll subconsciously make positive actions and decisions which result in positive outcomes...however think negative and its the exact thing in a negative way.
Long story short - be patient. Look at this as an opportunity to address a few things in your life. If youre overweight - lose it, if you smoke - quit, if youre anxious - address it. Be productive and dont hide away from it. Just dont sit at home focusing in on your throat feeling sorry for yourself.
You can do it - its not the end of the world. There are throat exercises you can do that help, some people like them and some people dont think it does anything. I like them - I do it with the hot water from the shower running on my throat (I dont know if it does anything but I pretend the heat relaxes my throat). Try and have a read about it. I dont have time right now to find a link. Type in ‘kiss the ceiling’ throat exercise or something.
Best of luck to you on your journey....fingers crossed Ive given you some hope and direction! The problem is with this topic, when you search it on google you always find horror stories of people hating life and on the edge. When things get better for them they never come back on and say ‘dont worry it will be ok, Ive been there’. So this is my attempt. Life isnt perfect but whos is!
kyleishash1 Mikeglobus
kyleishash1 Mikeglobus
Mikeglobus kyleishash1
If you have any question or a bad day just message and I'll do my best with advice.
I'm not saying it will ever totally go away and I'm not saying it won't. But I know from experience it can get much much better. You learn to live with it, and the more you learn to ignore the less intrusive it is on your life.
tin176342 Mikeglobus
Your reply email helps me alot becasue i am facing same problem as Kyle. Thanks you.
Gerdanxiety79 Mikeglobus
morisn kyleishash1
I see that thjs post is about 2 years old so perhaps no one is reading anymore...still I'll give it a shot. I also happen to notice that most people who posted replies are young one whose likelihood of having this diagnosed as real cancer are slim, not that it can't happen but as you age it's more possible that you may need to check it... having said that, how many over 45 have experienced the same and not been consumed by panic or the very thought that the worst can happen? Take me for example, I started experiencing this weird sensation since the time I was eating seafood and a ligament if squid got stuck in my throat. very funny because I wasn't chocking but the very sensation of not being able to swallow nor spit it back out was unnerving. i was able to get it out when i went to the bathroom and coughed so hsrd all patrons musy have heard me. and then, i was ok... partly that sensation never ceased, and nom i was not thinkg about that at all but after that episode I felt thta it was a bit more umcomfortable, as though the walls of my laryngth had swollen and never gone back. again i nevee worried and never gave it too much thought, until today. i have the exaxt same sensation after breakfast and no i did not have squid! pure and simple eggs and fried beens and fried plantain (im latino so it is a typical latin food and something i have rather frequently for bfast. by the way, that episode at the restaurant, happened about 5 months ago... I have ibs and my share of stomach issues but not that terrible...what do you think, should I worry?
Jmcmree morisn
SnickerDoodle Jmcmree
Hi Jmcmree,
I am in the same boat as you. I am in my 40s and I have this awful lump feeling in my throat, brought on by who knows what. Do you know what brought yours on? Acid reflux? I went to an ENT and he said I had silent reflux, caused by a bout of antibiotics I took a few weeks previously. My other symptoms were heartburn, hoarseness, occasional cough. This was 6 weeks ago and all the symptoms have subsided apart from the lump in the throat. I also have ringing in my ears too which is less than pleasant on top of everything. I do not take any antacids but was prescribed omeprazole by the doctor. If you haven't already, go to the doctor and see what they say. I also have anxiety issues and it's been said that could be a cause but check with the doctor to make sure it's nothing physical. I've done that and it does help with the reassurance at least.
paterpull SnickerDoodle
ENT gave me the same diagnosis. Gastro folks put me on Omeprazole. Not really convinced it accomplished anything but I won't take it ever again. This stuff (PPI) can really mess up your kidneys. You might want to have some blood work done and check for CKD. I wish you the best. I can't accept the fact that the medical profession has no idea what causes these phantom sensations and simply just call them "Globus."