Felt horrible for 18months
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I can't accept this is all anxiety, and don't know where to go now. My symptoms are constant..
Flushed face
Hair loss
Ear pain
Sore teeth
Sore throat
Dry mouth
Lump in throat
Throat clearing
Back pain
Weak arms and legs
Numbness and tingling in hands, legs, fingers, toes
Shortness of breath
Chest/tightness & discomfort
Pounding heart
Lower /upper back pain
Stomach pain/nausea
Rib pain/ tension/ stitch feeling
Pelvic pain
No motivation/low mood
Lack of sleep
Shin pain
Weight loss/ lack of appetite
Blurry vision/floaters in eye
Last year i had chest xrays, ct scan, endoscopy, 2x blood test.
I've tried counselling, 2 x antidepressants.
I struggle to accept this is all anxiety. In contact with the doctor weekly. I just can't go on in life feeling like this anymore, constantly worried there is something wrong with me.
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dawn81303 suzanne68414
going through this now weak arms hands dizziness and loads on your list .. its vile i had loads of tests done mri bloods now am waiting to see a neuro for my arms have gone weak stress can do alot to are bodys
dawn81303 suzanne68414
i also get numbess and tingles in hands arms .. shaking/ extreme tiredness my arms are wierd like i have lost strenghth in them prob coz i sit tenced up 24/7 through anxiety and depression
suzanne68414 dawn81303
It's hard when it impacts your daily life so much and you just want to feel normal, i just don't know what other tests i can get to convince myself.. Are you on any medication? I'm probably so tense 24/7 that i don't it and focus so much on the physical symptoms. I just can't accept anxiety could cause all this. Glad everything has came back clear for you, hopefully you get your neuro appt soon.
dawn81303 suzanne68414
i am the same i think like you its been a wierd 10 weeks for me all these vile syptoms i have .. i say everyday i want to feel normal ..i cant move on in life with it coz i fear the worse
suzanne68414 dawn81303
That's my saying everyday i just want to feel normal, your right the physical symptoms are vile I'm just hoping that the medication helps slightly and a bit more positive thinking will help me move on.
dawn81303 suzanne68414
each day is diffrent one day the left arm is weaker the next day me right arm is weaker an left arm goes better so strange it a diffrent thing each day stresses me out makes you tence and suffer anxiety even more ... what do your arms feel like
suzanne68414 dawn81303
My arms feel heavy and weak, i often feel like I'm going to drop things or my hand go numb and tingly.
suzanne68414 dawn81303
What symptoms on my list do you get?
dawn81303 suzanne68414
heart burn 'i had the tingles all over my body numb feelings in arms hands bottom of back legs . bad pains in my chest stomack back . weakness arms hands , light heavy feelings . things i use to be able to carry i cant now, vision problems sometimes . vertigo of balance .. defo sleep problems havent slept good in a long time .. clearing throat . breathing bad like my throat feels like it closes over and i cant get a deep breath,i have had sickness ... vert tired all the time .. shakes sometimes as well so most of yours i get .. but i am ready to start menopause so thats not good .. i hate being on my own as well incase somethin happens .. all messed up isnt it i do work as well in the hospital in clinics with doctors it horrible going into work it makes me feel worse ..
suzanne68414 dawn81303
It's so horrible living like this but it's good to know I'm not alone, my hormone level was tested last month for premenopausal but came back OK.. Do you find medication helps xx
dawn81303 suzanne68414
yes i did but hormones change everyday so you still can be peri as i am a nurse and work with consultants in my job so you prob are peri ..
suzanne68414 dawn81303
I thought they done 3 tests but after the 1st one came back fine nothing was ever tested again. The only symptom that get me down all the time is the rib pain/tension that's constant and it drives me daft.. I admire you been a nurse and having to deal with all this at the same time, it can't be easy.
dawn81303 suzanne68414
well i had to go of sick for a wile because my worries are so bad i cant stop tencing up feel really drained ... my arm weakness is what bothers me more it all started after i was suffering from bad balance problems it got me into a state to were i sat that tenced up up 24/7 that it ended up with hand tremors and weak arms .. i just worrie its somethin bad when i see neuro i got my self into a state of fear until i see them .. i just hope it goes well and its somethin that can be sorted
suzanne68414 dawn81303
I had to take sometime off at the start of year but thankfully I'm working at home at the moment, i think once you get all results bad it will put your mind at ease.. It's so hard to stop your mind wondering away 24/7.
dawn81303 suzanne68414
he hopefully not bad results al have to let you no
suzanne68414 dawn81303
Yeah please keep me posted on how you get on, I've just pushed myself to do a 4.5mile bike ride first time in years, see if that helps me.
dawn81303 suzanne68414
a wish i could do a bike ride not with my weak arms ha