Felt horrible for 18months

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I can't accept this is all anxiety, and don't know where to go now. My symptoms are constant..



Flushed face

Hair loss

Ear pain

Sore teeth

Sore throat

Dry mouth

Lump in throat

Throat clearing

Back pain

Weak arms and legs

Numbness and tingling in hands, legs, fingers, toes


Shortness of breath

Chest/tightness & discomfort

Pounding heart

Lower /upper back pain

Stomach pain/nausea

Rib pain/ tension/ stitch feeling

Pelvic pain


No motivation/low mood

Lack of sleep

Shin pain

Weight loss/ lack of appetite

Blurry vision/floaters in eye


Last year i had chest xrays, ct scan, endoscopy, 2x blood test.

I've tried counselling, 2 x antidepressants.

I struggle to accept this is all anxiety. In contact with the doctor weekly. I just can't go on in life feeling like this anymore, constantly worried there is something wrong with me.

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31 Replies

  • Posted


    I relate to a lot of these same symptoms. They waver in intensity for me but Ive found what works for me is to tell myself its ok, its ok to feel this way and just go on about my days. If I can get past the initial hurdle of dread or dizziness to start my day it does tend to get better the more distracted I get. Some things that help are staying busy, exercising even if you're feeling crappy, getting enough fluids, and finding the right combination of medications and communication that works for you. Anxiety and stress are terrible and make us feel like we are dying or there is something seriously wrong. The reality is there is a disconnect between your brains communication center and the nerves that transmit and receive these messages. You're not crazy more likely imbalanced and you need to find things that alleviate that. Ive been dealing with my symptoms for 6 months now but Ive come a long way in my road to recovery and I know you will too it may take awhile as we are all different but management is key.

    • Posted

      Thanks so much Marc for the reply and every word you said was so true, i started fluoxetine last year just as we hit the pandemic and everything changed i gave it 18weeks and came off it, i wasn't looking after myself or couldn't get out the house, I'm on sertraline now for 16weeks still low dose i may try to increase to see if they help, i walk most days and eat so much healthier and i have days that i can cope with and days like i could crawl back to bed which I don't. I need to try and keep myself a bit more busier. I certainly think i need to manage my thoughts better and be more positive.

    • Posted

      hope your ok mark i now what your going through its all bad you think somethink serious is wrong makes me worse

  • Edited

    Ive been feeling all these symptoms for 3 months and my doctor keeps saying its anxiety to. I have been to multiple emergency rooms and have also been told i have anxiety. I went to a neurologist today and they are going to do an mri of my head and also an emg to see if anything is wrong with my nerves or muscles which i am scared that i might have a neurological disease like MS or something else.

    • Posted

      Have you had all the symptoms I've had? I find it hard to accept it's anxiety, it's like a vicious cycle. I hope all your tests come back clear and you can move forward xx

    • Posted

      I have all the symptoms you are having and also cant believe its anxiety sometimes. I saw a neurologist yesterday and im going to have an mri of my brain and spine with also an emg of my nerves and muscles to make sure its nothing neurological.

    • Posted

      I hope you get to the bottom of it soon and pray it all comes back clear, it may help you move on and accept it is all anxiety. Have you tried medication or counselling.

    • Posted

      I have tried counseling but it hasnt worked. My doctor prescribed me sertraline but im scared to take it because of the side affects.

    • Posted

      Yeah i don't find counselling is for me i done 10 sessions, i started sertraline 15weeks ago just upped my dose to see if it helps, i didn't really get many side effects, a bit of a headache, dry mouth and tiredness, but i was so scared to try them and also to increase them hence why it took me so long.

    • Posted

      Yea, right now im just experiencing muscle aches all over and sometimes my vision feels like it flashes all of a sudden which scares me. I also get sudden head rushes which makes me feel dizzy and like if im falling.

  • Edited

    Hi Suzanne,

    I have all your symptoms except weight loss (I have weight gain), ear pain and shin pain, all the rest you listed I have and I'm in perimenopause, even though my tests come back normal I know I am because my periods are all over the place.

    Of all the symptoms I get the worse is that every time I need a bowel movement I get shortness of breath, sweating, fast heart rate, shaking...it feels like I'm going to drop dead, then about 20 mins after pooping it all settles and I feel better.

    Anyone else get this? It is ruining my life.

    • Edited

      I often wonder if it's premenopausal, my periods are all over the place as well normally early but as like you bloods came back ok.. This is taking over my life and just want to feel normal again.. I'm trying medication and counselling at the moment to see if that helps.

  • Posted

    Hi, i can relate to this so much. I have so many of the symptoms you have and some others, every single one I have been to with the Drs comes back clear. I have had so much extensive testing its crazy, CTs, MRIs, MRCP scan, utrasounds, bloods, bowel tests. nothing comes back.

    I do have chronic UTI that has been diagnosed which is awful.

    I also have terrible night sweats for 4 years with no answers. Just told its anxiety

    It is horrific. My wonderful life has come to a standstill. I have left jobs, have no money left after paying for so many private tests. I used to be so full of life, passionate, always out and socialising. Now I just stay home, scared, under the covers not wanting to see anyone or do anything because I am so frightened.

    I am convinced I have cancer and it is being left untreated, and I will die.

    My mind will not let me rest and allow me to relax and calm to see if these symptoms will settle. I cant trust my intuition anymore, as I can't tell is it is intuition or anxiety.

    It is just so tough and I don't know how to deal with this anymore.

  • Posted


    i have had a lot of them

    symptoms for the past 2 years now all i had gone anxiety free for years then covid hit and ever since ive been in and out of a&e god knoes how many times

    ive had palpatations chest pain tension headaches nausea low abdo and back pain dry mouth heartburn frequent urination jaw pain its never ending and even tho every blood test has thankfully come back fine and any other test has been ok im still constantly health anxious googling every symptom and wondering if i should go to a&e again

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