Fevers of unknown origin for 2 months
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At first I thought I was coming down with a illness of some sort. Two weeks of fevers, chills and sweats, fatigue, and extreme tiredness no other symptoms made me start fearing the worst. My husband started nagging me to go get checked out after two months of constant fevers. went to the er. They could find nothing wrong. They tested me for hiv, AIDS, hepatitis, and mono, all negative, they also did tests for bladder , kidney, uti, infections, those were all negative. My cbc was determined normal. A few days later I had appointment with my familydoctor. Told him about thee fevers ranging 99-102 degrees f, chills and sweats. He was baffled. My red blood count was normal as well as the white. He decided to do a sed rate. The sed rate read as 12 mm/hr. So that was normal. A lot of cancers and auto immune diseases run prevalent throughout my family. So I am beginning to get worried. He put me on a two week course of antibiotics with a cbc after one week of antibiotics. Duracef is the antibiotic. The Cbc along with urinalysis is showing abnormal now. My red blood cell and my white blood cell are normal but have dropped to the bare minimum of what's Normal. My urine creatinine is low. Amylase and lipase are high now. And my urine urobilinogen is very high. My chest X-ray was clear. I have been having high abdominal pain that radiates through my back. Does any one have any idea or clues that may be wrong that I should bring up to Doctor? I'm I'm going on three months of fevers and becoming very exhausted!
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kristyk Kdb2006
Kdb2006 kristyk
Kdb2006 kristyk
kristyk Kdb2006
Kdb2006 kristyk
kristyk Kdb2006
God bless you
Kristy k
Kdb2006 kristyk
debbie75601 Kdb2006
Kdb2006 debbie75601
debbie75601 Kdb2006
kathleen39 Kdb2006
I have been reading about you on here and i wonder if you should have a thyriod Function Test done (blood test) has you could have a overactive thyriod thats a autoimmune daese too.i have this and at the moment i am waiting for medication and my body is attacking it self and i have weird things happening to me.
Kdb2006 kathleen39
Kdb2006 debbie75601
Kdb2006 debbie75601
kristyk Kdb2006
Kristyk 💕💕💕💕
debbie75601 Kdb2006
Kdb2006 debbie75601
Urologist ordered a IVP. And a bunch of pelvic Xrays. It was interesting to see a fluroscopy in action. He is out of state until Friday so probably will not hear anything about results until next week. He has also scheduled me for a uro dynamics testing and a cystoscope on 27th. I'm nervous because he doesn't use any anesthesia for these test, hopefully it is not too bad.
Gi specialist called and now I have to also repeat my lipase test again because it came back abnormal....Again. This is the third lipase test that has been elevated. Not elevated the three fold that would normally indicate pancreatic problems but just moderately high.
Mean while this week has started out with 100.9 f fevers. And since my last reply my headaches are not only constant instead of coming and going but now I will get a fiery burning sensation in my head and face on one side off and on. It is painful to lay the affected side down on even a pillow. My legs have been extremely weak and often get "jello" legs off and on. My eyes and mouth have been so dry. I have been drinking more liquids now than ever because I have never been so thirsty on my life. And now my shoulder joints hurt so bad and my arms are getting locked up. My husband and I have nicknamed this t-Rex syndrome. Lol. Another issue I am having again is cold chills. The brain fog is getting worse. My mother commented it is worse than "pregnant brain". I also feel my self slipping in to a depressive state. I am tired of being sick and tired.
Can't wait to find some one to help me! I am asking tomorrow to be reffered to a Rheumy for a consult and getting another family doctor that may actually listen to my symptoms, rather than tell me to Sh, and tell me it's not important!