Fibroids and HRT

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So I've been told by two separate gynaecologists that by using Hrt I am feeding my many fibroids the hormones they need to survive and therefore they will never shrink and I will continue spotting and bleeding. Their advice is to stop using the Hrt. Go cold turkey, use herbal supplements and I should enter menopause. I was even offered an antidepressant!. I'm not depressed, just fed up.

I'm 58. Started Hrt last summer after suffering many symptoms of perimenopause. Was still having monthy periods up until last spring '16. Using the Hrt I feel great.

I don't have any pain, just bloating, my uterus is the size of a 18 week pregnancy.  

Does anyone here use Hrt with fibroids? Has anyone had a similar experience or suggestions please?

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, I’m 59 and in a similar position. I have not tried HRT as I've been told the same, that I would be feeding the fibroids. I have not had a proper period for a couple of years and am having severe sweats. I still have occasional spotting but that's all, I'm hoping the fibroids will now shrink but have no way to relieve the menopausal symptoms!

    • Posted

      Hi Christine. It is so frustrating isn't it. I managed 18 month ago with super strength sage when the night sweats started, it seemed to help. And I was taking passionflower for anxiety, coq10 for brain fog,  silica for hair, rosehip for aching joints,  iron because of the bleeding, tried probiotics, sea buckthorn for dry eyes/vagina.  Magnesium and Vit D.  I think my stomach gave up!! Bloating and nausea. Oh and previously I'd been taking menopace and menoserene then found out that the soy isoflavens in them feed the fibroids.  So I asked for Hrt and its been brilliant at relieving all the peri symptoms apart from causing regular spotting and proper bleeding every couple of month.  

      I'm scared to give up the Hrt and go back to feeling bad. 

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    I think that the whole fibroids and hormone debate is a complex one and there is simply insufficient research to give definitive answers.

    It's often not about what your hormone levels are - it's often about how your body is processing them.  I wish it was simple because if it was I would just take natural progesterone as suggested by Dr. Lee in his book where lots of women seemed to shrink their fibroids, but then I've read reports where it made some women worse!

    My advice is that if you can afford it go to a specialist clinic/doctor who uses bioidentical hormones or see a functional medicine doctor as they will be able to profile your hormones and also see how your body is processing them.

    I wish we could afford it - I started to see a functional medicine doctor but it was too expensive.  If you want any names or links PM me as I don't think they like you putting names in these messages which is frustrating as I am guessing we all want the names of useful doctors.

    Good luck to both of you.

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply. I have considered going to London to see Prof Studd. I'm in the north of England. I need to ask him if the Hrt I'm currently using will affect the blood test results they will do. I have enquired on the cost and it will be over £700 for initial consultation and blood tests.

      I'll PM you

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      That's expensive just for  consultation and test, imagine the treatment. So you can either afford and get treated or not and be in pain, horrible monsters fibroids 

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    Yes I've tried lots of things, currently am only taking milk thistle and evening primrose high strength. I have some menopace but stopped taking those too.

    If this means my fibroids will stop growing I'm willing to endure the sweats etc. but it could go on for years.

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    There is also Dr. Sohere Roked who has some really good reviews and the Marion Gluck clinic, but all as you say expensive and therefore not accessible to most people.  So unfair as I have read a couple of reviews saying that after treatment from Dr. Roked fibroids had dissolved - one patient was taking progesterone lozenges!  

    I have a quotation for Dr. Roked and it's not so much the initial consultation its the inevitable hormone tests that she will then run which add up.

  • Posted

    Hi Maisie, why having fibroids will make one to continue spotting and bleeding?  

    I am 60, have fibroids and have suffered heavy bleeding because of that for almost 10 years, and things slowed down since last year and my fibroids appear to be shrinking.  However this year, after 3 month no bleeding, it started again lasting 11 days, not everyday bleeding, but more when there is more physical activity.  4 weeks later a normal period, and 4-5 weeks later started again, and after 7 days seemed to stop, but spot on and off still.  Needless to say over the past 3 years I have had many TV ultrasounds and once the doctor suspected that I had sarcoma and an MRI proved not, and now the doctor suspected that I have uterine cancer, saying that women my age should not bleed anymore, and asked for another TV ultrasound only shy of 3 months after the previous one, and also a biopsy.  She also would not test my hormone levels saying it is not accurate.    

    I have tried to avoid any surgery and waited for the fibroids to shrink (they are smaller now than before, and my ovaries are shrinking also) after menopause.  However I am really quite lost now about the situation, and the prolonged spotting.  Is there still hope for me to just naturally menopause, or I need some surgical procedure to stop it, or I should try holistic medicine?

    I've read that menopause will not happen if one consistently has high enough level of estrogen and I wonder if this theory explains my case.  I have not used any HRT or bioidentical treatment.  


    I appreciate any comments/help/guidance!

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear that Cathy, hopefully there is nothing sinister that you have. My gynae thought the same but my MRI showed no cancer only fibroids. I will be 60 in 2 months time and still have spotting and sometimes bleeding but not as prolonged as a period. Maybe it's true that with the fibroids producing oestrogen we can never properly enter menopause, I hope that's not true as I also want to avoid surgery if I can. I think my fibroids have shrunk a little but not much.

    • Posted

      Hi Cathy.

      I too have been through many tv scans and hysteroscopys by different gyne.  I never see the same one twice!  

      I only know that fibroids feed off oestrogen. I was eating foods containing natural plant oestrogens, like rhubarb, flax, soya milk, for years thinking that I would be able to combat menopause symptoms. Then I discovered I was feeding fibroids!

      Try and google foods containing plant oestrogens and cut back on those. I have, but not much success as yet.

      It seems the only permanent way to get rid is to have a hysterectomy but I'm not ready for that yet. Still hoping they will shrink naturally.

      We don't need this in our early 60's. Periods should have been long gone.

      I'm hoping to see a hormone specialist next month so will keep you posted.

      Good luck with your next tests, hope all's well x

    • Posted

      Hi Cathy have you tried the drugs that induce temporary menopause? Perhaps after the use of the drugs your natural menopause will start. Try not to worry about the results of the biopsy, is a normal test they do all the time, even me I have done it. Have you spoken with another gynaecologist than the one you are seeing for advice regarding your symptoms? 
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    My doctor took me straight off HRT when I was diagnosed with fibroids and said it feeds the fibroids and makes them grow. x


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      Hi Julie, that's interesting. At least it confirms what I've been told.  I remember you were considering hysterectomy? Have you got any further with that decision?  xx

  • Posted

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions!

    Maisie, can you elaborate why if fibroids "never shrink then one will continue spotting and bleeding"?  Is it because, as Christine said, that "with the fibroids producing oestrogen we can never properly enter menopause"?  

    I know fibroids thrive on oestrogen, so HRT grows them.  However, does "fibroids produce oestrogen" so that we will never properly enter menopause?

    Christine, thank you in advance for keeping us posted about your meeting with the hormone specialist.

    Camelia. I have tried drugs that induce temporary menopause but guess I was sensitive to the hormonal content and reacted quite strongly (serious dizziness) so I discontinue it after one day.  I then planned to just wait out for the menopause.  Later I learned endometrial lining will grow thicker if menses are delayed either artifically (such as by the drug) or naturally (due to irregular period in perimenopause), and make bleeding longer next time as it takes longer for the lining to completely peel off.   I am seeing my 3rd gynaecologist now for fibroids, and plan to see a 4th one soon.  I have the feeling that I may go to alternative approaches and not traditional medicine anymore as the latter doctors - including my current doctor - just told me I need and should do a hysterectomy, which I think is a major surgery, also I always wanted to reach menopause naturally.

    For me, I haven't had any HRT as I am not experiencing symptoms such as flashes or sweats, or maybe just briefly and bearable.   My major symptoms are itchy and dry skin - especially around eyes.

    I have searched extensively ways to combat/shrink  fibroids, so far it seems going organic and taking milk thistle for the liver to process oestrogen is helpful.  Lots of Broccoli, Apple Cider Vinegar, and castor oil pack may also work to lessen heavy bleeding.  I have much lighter bleeding now.  However as said, the most bothersome is I still bleed now and don't know where is the end. 

    We may also in the so called "oestrogen dominance" stage because our progesterone level is too low - then in this case maybe Dr. Lee's suggestion to supplement progesterone may help.  I have bought progesterone cream already but haven't started using it.  Has anyone tried and can you let me know if it helps shrink the fibroids, or stops growth?


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      Hi Cathy, which country are you in? I wonder why most doctors give hysterectomy only as an option.
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      Hi Cathy. I'm not sure if fibroids produce oestrogen (but Christine may be correct) but I'm told that as long as our bodies are producing oestrogen or we take hrt then the fibroids will thrive. I guess because I'm on a continuous hrt, no breaks for monthly bleed, then I'm shedding the uterus lining as it builds and my own hormones rise and fall. 

      I'm interested to read Dr Lee's book. I think I need to learn and understand more. 

    • Posted

      Hi Camelia:  I am in the US.  The doctor said this is because I have a larger fibroid 6x5x7, and some other smaller ones.  But there's statistics about over-hysterectomy in the country. 

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