Fibromyalgia Diagnosis fortnight ago
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Hi everyone, just introducing myself on the forum I was diagnosed recently with Fibromyalgia, it's only taken 4 1/2 years! I'm still reading and learning about this thing and thought the best way would be speaking to the people who have real experience of it. During the last few years I've been checked out for all sorts, bloods always normal and most recently investigations for MS. Had MRIs, evoked potentials, lumbar puncture. All normal thankfully. Having a relatively good day just pins and needles in my right side of face and some thigh, hip and calf stiffness. Oh and some itching, I always itch!
3 likes, 34 replies
Flowerlady Busybeemumof3
Busybeemumof3 Flowerlady
jimtorry Busybeemumof3
best wishes james
Busybeemumof3 jimtorry
debb123 Busybeemumof3
Busybeemumof3 debb123
jimtorry Busybeemumof3
Busybeemumof3 jimtorry
victoria98900 Busybeemumof3
I had a bad fall when I was 19 and that is when all my problems started. The specialist I saw also said that fibro is usually kicked off by a traumatic event or accident xx
victoria98900 Busybeemumof3
I was diagnosed approx 4 1/2 years ago as well and it took about 16years, a lot of poking and prodding, x rays, scans and blood tests, but I got there in the end.
I have used other forums but joined this one a couple of days ago and have defo found it's the best I've found-good advice and really lovely understanding people.
Busybeemumof3 victoria98900
victoria98900 Busybeemumof3
found this forum four days ago and have already found it a great way of chatting to people when you feel like. You can come on and have a look when you have the energy. And when you haven't been on for a bit people are still there with advice
I hope the after sun has helped you a bit and you're feeling less isolated xx
jimtorry victoria98900
I used to feel down all the time the same as you there were days when i just couldn't be bothered. Then i started practising meditation/self hypnotism there are loads of free stuff on the internet to try out, i then came across a hypnotist Adam Eason (google it) his website has loads of free stuff even videos where you can have some fun and practise self hypnotism technics his work is very refreshing and has made a big difference to my life and coping with F/M. You will have nothing to loose by checking him out and you can even send him e-mails about your problems with health. He will go out of his way to help you.
best wishes
Busybeemumof3 victoria98900
Tried the after sun last night after a bath. I had some left over from the summer, it did help! I find the all over itching worse at night and I can feel really irritable, so any rief is welcome. Started my medication last night too, hubby said I snored all night lol! Makes a change, I'm usually wide awake listening to him. First full nights sleep in months, usually up to the loo 3-4 times every night. I think the after sun is here to stay, helped a lot. Thanks. Hope youre doing ok. Best wishes.
Lucyred Busybeemumof3
Busybeemumof3 Lucyred
Lucyred Busybeemumof3
Lucyred Busybeemumof3
debb123 Lucyred
Lucyred debb123
victoria98900 Lucyred
started work at the pharmacy and found that I could still interact with people, but I'm finding even three hours a day hard to manage at the moment.
Before my diagnosis I though I was really loosing the plot-I'd had so many doctors do x rays scans blood tests, you name it, but all said there was nothing wrong. To finally be diagnosed was actually a relief in a wierd kind of way-I cried for the rest of the day, but don't know if it was with relief at finally being told I wasn't crazy or that I have a condition that I have to learn to manage at 31 years old. I'm now 36 and like you expected to have a happy heathly working life and get to retirement age doing something I love, but that is looking less likely by the day.
I'm glad I found this forum as people seem lovely and are always ready with good advice and support.
good luck and hopefully chat again xx
Lucyred victoria98900
I know what you mean about before being diagnosed you feel like seriously am I going crazy because it is like nobody believes you. I'm so sorry you are so young and going through all of this.
Prayers and yes we will chat again!
I know I am glad I found this site. I love people that is what I miss the most!! I cared about them as others sometimes really don't it's just a job.