Fibromyalgia , the answer ?
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Dr John Lowe has researched and treated thyroid and fibromyalgia for many many years he was the director of the fibromyalgia research " . He spoke and lectured about his findings , this is some of what he had to say about fibromyalgia " for forty years researchers of fibromyalgia have said , they do not know what causes fibro, and they have never gotten anyone well , the only thing they can offer is drugs!! " the patients are told they must live with it but sufferers don't live with it they try antidepressants chiropractic and massage. They talk in journals at lectures but they all miss the vital and positive conclusion that we have proved . A one line summary of dr Lowe is" the missing ingredient in the treatment of fibromyalgia is thyroid hormones " if any one is interested and I am sure even skeptics will show some interest,! Go to dr John Lowe where you will read all the information on his research and results .
6 likes, 21 replies
Bee70 sylvia17461
I have had my thyroid checked and all has come back negative. I will research Dr John Lowe for more info.
Thanks x
TeresaJS sylvia17461
beth_littlebear sylvia17461
julie43903 sylvia17461
bronwyn97278 julie43903
julie43903 bronwyn97278
bronwyn97278 julie43903
julie43903 bronwyn97278
bronwyn97278 julie43903
bronwyn97278 sylvia17461
christine95213 bronwyn97278
bronwyn97278 christine95213
christine95213 sylvia17461
What I read inspired and infuriated me. Compared to the information pack that I paid for from a different Thyroid charity (all of which can be easily found on the site or other freely available sites - it was pure gold. The difference I suspect being related to the ways in which the charities are funded.
I would recomment this site and the information pack to anybody with thyroid disease and those with the symptoms but who have been told there tests are 'normal'. Even my GP has accepted my refusal to have my dosage of synthetic thyroid hormone replacement adjusted based on a basic TSH test. Just as well I insisted on having free T4 AND free T3 measured. T4 was normal but T3 was low! After years of begging, I was finally prescribed liiothyronine (? spelling) which helped a little but not as much as the suggestions in the tpauk book - which I took it upone myself to follow.
Those of us that still have hypothyroid symptoms on synthetic replacement can blame the persuasive methods of 'big pharma'.
Which path to follow is an entirely personal choice but just for information. I am doing nothing illegal! I can't be - customs levy 20% VAT on my 'supplements'
I am prone to paranoia but now I fear that Big Brother may start to read my emails and browsing history and brand me an 'Extremist'. OMG, I might be sent to prison. Forgive my veering into antiestablishmentarianism but I am a little bit annoyed with the establishment but who wouldn't be under the circumstances!
sylvia17461 christine95213
bronwyn97278 sylvia17461
christine95213 sylvia17461