First missed period!
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Hello everyone!
I was just wondering if symptoms stay around for a while even when you missed your period? I'm going on my second month without a period I'm 49 and peri, but I still have have many of my symptoms! I even had jittery fingers, itchy sore breast and terrible burping! All the same
systems less the bleeding! Is this normal?😩
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nancy0925 maureen12052
I'm 54 and just this year since March I started missing a couple months at a time and I used to bleed very heavy but when I do get my period it's much lighter. I get horrible burping too! Have been for about 3 years. Do you get a pain on your left side like where you heart is? I do and then I burp for quite a long time and the pain goes away. You'Re the first person I saw on here that has burping. My tummy feels really blown up before that as well.
kim94806 nancy0925
Hello Nancy...I saw where you mentioned getting pain on left side where your heart is...I get that at times also..Scarey... I have been associating that with perhaps my gerd, bad acid reflux. Does it happen to you mostly when you eat or drink something? That seems to be the case with me. Sorry to hear that you experience that. But it also gives me alittle piece of mind that I'm not the only one and I'm not crazy...
carmen_22574 nancy0925
I have pain on my left side around my heart. And yes every time i have I'm afraid im going to have a heart attack. Also my ankles swell and that scares me too. I tell you i can not wait until all these symptoms stop. Hormones suck.
nancy0925 kim94806
Definitely happens after eating and probably is my acid reflux. Love my 1 cup of coffee in the morning but that really brings on an episode. So embarrassing to say the least! And yes it makes me all the more anxious
maureen12052 kim94806
Hi Kim
I've been told I have gerd as well. Sometimes it so painful 😖 but differently happens around eating and drinking. I get the pain on my left side around my heart ?? to. Sometimes I get something the feels like a muscle spasm right near my heart it scares me so bad but I've gotten use to it. I just hope this all goes away soon.
kim94806 maureen12052
I definitely know what you're going through. It's horrible..It's a very scarey feeling.😟 I hope it all gets better for you! Know that you're not alone ?
colleen90305 carmen_22574
carmen_22574 colleen90305
Goddess1 maureen12052
I had missed 3 periods back to back in the summer but it seemed like a lot my symptoms banished the only I hate is I gained weight😅😅👎👎👎 but that was due my bad eating habits … for whatever reason my period decided to come back this month and then again 3 weeks later😢😢😢 and now I'm back to having more anxiety😢😢😢
good luck to you hunny! We in it together,… hugs
carmen_22574 Goddess1
linda61015 maureen12052
Hi Maureen
I hope your'e ok .
I'm in peri and have'nt had a period for about 3 months. I'm so mixed up with jittery nerves and insomia and llke you, its affected my digestive symptom . I have all sorts of burping and wind all the time. I think the lack of hormones affects every part of our bodies and I understand how hard it is to deal with.
I hope you can find some relief for all this.
Take care
Linda xxx
linda61015 maureen12052
Hi Girls
Lets stick together and fight this horrble thing thats happening to our bodies. I don't think people can understand until they experience what we are going through .
Please contact me for support and you can give me some back !!!!
take care girls
Linda xxx
Lotti1966 maureen12052
So, you all are in peri...then there's menopause which could last 10 years. The symptoms come and go all throughout this time.
I wish I was still in peri
carmen_22574 Lotti1966
linda61015 carmen_22574
Hi Girls
I think peri is a lot worse because you don't know when the end is; it feels endless at the moment.Blood tests don't always give you any anwers.
Linda xx
colleen90305 Lotti1966