First period after myomectomy

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Hi all

It was 2 weeks yesterday since I had my open myomectomy and this morning I woke with the worst period pains ever!! 😫

My tummy hurts so much particular at the sides of my scar and my back....if it hurt before, now it's seriously hurting!!! Is this normal??? Did anyone else experience this? Is it a one off because my op is still fresh or will my period always be like this from now on? I'm in agony and keep bursting into tears 😪


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112 Replies

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    I had my myomectomy 3/19/18 . I woke up to heavy bleeding and threats of blood transfusions if it didnt raise above the hemoglobin of 6i was at. I was released 2days later at a 7.6 still bleeding also. By the 4th day day had moderate bleeding and stopped their oxycodone. MSM natural pain relief to control pain . I also use burdock root a blood cleanser and milk thistle to help my liver function to push out toxins and the anesthesia. On the site of the incision i applied Arnica oil and Cumsee Lotion to heal and relieve pain between MSM doses. And very little need for the MSM. Now today 4/2/18 is 1st cycle since and its no pain and spotting so i pray this and these alternatives will help someone and continue for me . Ill be 48 soon i desire at least one more healthy natural child birth as i now had C section procedure to remove the 5month size fibroid and orange size one. Praying we all know stress and negative grow them just like hormonal changes.

    • Posted


      I am 4 weeks post op. I am feeling a bit discouraged so I am sooo happy that I found this chat. I got my 1st period yesterday and I am in pain and still see clots. Like many of the ladies on the chat I am an older woman and an hoping that I can become a mom soon.  While my period is certainly not as bad as it was prior to the surgery I am just nervous because I am still in a lot of pain coupled with I still have clots... I pray that I am not going to get the relief I anticipated.  I am going to remain positive and try the holistic remedies that dot07040 suggested (thxs 4 sharing).  I feel emotional better already after sharing my story. 

  • Posted

    I had a myomectomy on the 10th May due to a prolapsed fibroid, I bled for almost a week after and my period was due on the 15th. I'm not sure if it came or if it was still post op bleeding? If it was, then it was a light one and only lasted 3 days, normally a good 6-7 days but tbh I don't know what's 'normal' anymore! I've had no real pain throughout as such but this weekend I'm a bit crampy, I've had 2 days of bloody discharge and I am now bleeding slightly again! I'm not sure if it's due to ovulation (I've never noticed anything before) or what? I'm just praying it doesn't get as bad as it was, I honestly don't think I could cope with bleeding like I was before!!

  • Posted

    Hi all,

    I know the original post was years ago but I was wondering whether anyone following it could update me on when their periods began to get better. I'm 3 cycles post-myomectomy & the 2-3rd day of my period is as heavy & intense as pre-op, if not more. My periods aren't lasting quite as long but I am flooding a lot more with big clots. Is this normal? Does anyone know any positive steps I could take to improve my uterus' rate of recovery?

    Thanks all in advance!

  • Edited

    Hi there

    2 weeks post op is still very fresh so this sounds normal.

    I'm 7 weeks post open myomectomy and my second period is about to start, I'm in worse pain than my 1st , everything hurts like I have had the op all over again so your pain sounds normal.

    My dr gave me suppositories I find them more effective and quick than oral pain meds, maybe you can call her and ask for a script.

    They say things will improve so for now pain killers, water bottle, and your bed should be your besties.

    All the best and take it easy.

    • Posted

      Thanks LandiM & wishing you a speedy recovery! I hope they are doing some research into why so many women get fibroids in modern life!

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    Hi, I'm having the same issue. I'm 8 weeks post of a laporatomy style myomectomy. I'm on my 2nd cycle and they have been painful with clotting and heavy bleeding. Did any of your cycles get better and lighter?

  • Posted

    Hey guys. This thread is old but I hope it is still active. I'm two months post op and on my second period - Day 7 and I'm still bleeding. Did anyone experience longer periods initially after myomectomy? I'm sad and scared because my periods ran like clockwork and lasted the normal 5-6 days before surgery.

  • Posted

    I see that this really an old thread but have found some good information here. i had an open myomectomy 29/11/2021. My period began 3 days before the surgery and i only bleed a little the day of the surgery and spotting the next day and that is all. i had 9 fibroids removed with largest one 7 cm and degenerated. Doctor says i had a residual adenomyosis and uterus was mushy. she used bikini cut and stitches in the uterus and medical glue on the incision and asked i wait 3 months before becoming pregnant. the procedure went well and the incision healing well. it is 4 weeks and 3 days now and i am yet to see my period. 20 days after my surgery i ovulated and my Doc said i should expect late period. i am 44 and i am praying all goes well becos i want to have kids.

  • Posted

    Your period will get more painless over time. The surgery procedure is new, and tissue is newly cut. Over time that will go away and be as it was before the surgery. Take pain killers for the moment, and also lie down more.

  • Posted

    hello. not sure if this thread is still active hut ive read through the responses and its really put my mind at ease.

    i had an open myomectomy in November and got my first period March 2022, it was worse than before surgery, to the point where i had to go a&e. I'm now on my 2nd period and pain and bleeding is still bad but not as bad as my first period post op. Ive had to cancel all plans this weekend and have spent the weekend sleeping as i just feel so tired. I can see from some of the responses that people have experienced similar scenarios but it would be good to know when the periods will start easing. Im 39 with no kids and feel really down that my periods are worse than before. Any advice would be much appreciated.

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