First Walk
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hi fellow hippies
my surgeon has let me out of bed and I tried to walk. I walked round my bed and sat in the chair on the other side. Like everything else the chair was not high enough so was uncomfortable to sit in. I was in really bad pain because. This hip feels so different to the last one. I do know that I have to take into concideration that my leg will be using muscle it hasn't used for years. I also have to take into concideration that my hip deteriorate so much. But the way he did the op is no different than when he did my right one. But to err on the side of caution. I am to wear a brace for 6 weeks once it arrives. I'm so glad I had my left hip done first because this has helped me cope a little more and it is almost as strong as the original leg. The pain is intense and nothing at the moment is helping with it. So they have upped my oramorph to 15 mil to try and make me comfortable. This just goes to prove no two legs are the same on anyone. I hope this pain will subside given time but right now I feel like my right leg has been chopped off not replaced. Things I know will settle down. I am just disappointed they didn't go the same way as before.
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mark26805 Hailea
You know deep down it will get better and easier with time, at the moment it is at it's worst. It may not be a steady progression, some days it will be more painful, but week by week it'll improve and in a short time you will be pleased it's all done and dustied.
KEEP THE FAITH, take care.
derek54514 Hailea
Sorry to hear you are in so much pain and hope you are soon feeling better.
Your body has been through much trauma in the last few months, so it will take a little while to recover. You can do it Hailea, by taking small steps to a new life. Derek said what kept him positive was that he kept thinking of how much better he would be in 12 months time.
All our best wishes for a swift recovery, we are routing for you.
lors23 Hailea
Funny enough l am due to get my right done soon my left one went smoothly and my recovery was really fast. When l seen my surgeon last night he told me that the this operation would be totally diffrent from the left one as its a diffrent leg. He referred to one being peter and one being paul and they would behave diffrently. I might have more pain or less l might be sick my recovery might be diffrent.
So i guess this is what you are going through. Jang in there it will get better although it might be harder this time.
Hope you feel better soon
Laura x
Rocketman_SG6UK Hailea
So good to hear you putting a positive slant on your status.
As you say, no two are the same, just what I found out with mine, even though mine were both the same leg.
Sounds like your surgeon is very good and understands you better than anyone else possibly could.
Hope you are more comfortable on the 15mg Oramorph,
Best wishes
AnnieK Hailea
May this time pass quickly. Those first few weeks are the worst, aren't they!
TJ007 Hailea
Every hour that passed brings you closer to your goal of getting a pain free life back.
Best wishes
TJ x
shirley17649 Hailea
I admire all the people who need to get the second one done. I have just had a neck xray as I think that will be the next place the OA Monster will bite this little chicken! Grrr. Think I put a lot of strain on my neck and shoulder because of using crutch/stick on that unoperated side.
Sweet dreams in between your doses of pain relief.
Night night Hailea.
belleAUSSydney Hailea
renee01952 Hailea
how are you doing today. ..
thinking. you
Big warm hug
Renee ❤
gail2910-US-MI Hailea
to be honest I really don't know where to start.
first of all the pain was bearable after they changed my meds. The problem is that the meds just make you sleep all the time so you don't feel the pain. So for the last two days from starting theses meds I have had nothing to eat and very little to drink because I am asleep. I am really disappointed with my care. I havnt had a full wash since I had my shower the day of my op. No one has had time to do anything. I know I am in pain because the meds are not given to me on time and only when the nurses decide to do the drug rounds. I have / had a system I had an alarm on my phone for every med I was taking and it kept me out of pain. You literally got to beg and the answer you get is she will be here soon the trolley is going round now. Your still waiting over an hour later
i have an agency nurse on tonight. I asked for a pan to go to the loo she spilt some of the contents on my bed shrugged her shoulders and walked away leaving me in a wet bed I had no tissue left of my own till other 1/2 brings some today. so I asked if my bed was going to be changed or if not for some hand towels and was brought wet wipes and dry wipes so as I am laying in bed I have no way of getting out of the wet patch. The dry wipes soak up nothing. I am so miserable. I feel dirty sweaty sore and cold. I can't put my blanket over me because it will start to smell like I do and I don't want that. They have moved my bedside locker away so when they shut the curtains anyone can go look through it. They took me out of my room and put me on a 6 bed ward with 5 women I can't relate too. One of them is so nosey she even picked stuff off my bedside table to look at without asking. My bedsid cabin ate is on the other side of my curtains when they close them so I can't keep an eye on my stuff.
I am am with people I just don't want to be with because I am a very private person.
I cant wait for my other 1/2 to get here later and sort all this out he isn't going to be happy. I am really suffering and no one here is listening.
Sorry for for being such a grouch but I am really upset at the way I am being cared for.
I am scared I may end up with an infection if I am not careful.
renee01952 Hailea
It is like a horror movie ... a bad one - B-rated .... I am so sorry - I keep syaing this because it is unbelievable what you have to content with ...
WTH ???? are the work conditions that bad that they only can employ uncaring staff ? Isn't there a Hygiene protocol in place -
The worst is that you feel neglected, abandoned while in such a fragile state ..
I hope other 1/2 will be able to take care of -
big warm hug, darling
Rocketman_SG6UK Hailea
Darling that is an awful tale - it makes me appreciate that in my hospital (Pinehill, a Ramsay Healthcare private hospital, but on the NHS) I was treated wonderfully, both times. Drugs were always on time, help with regular washes/showers, good food, regular bed linen changes, privacy; in fact all the things you are not getting.
Your good man needs to kick up a fuss - get them sorted out. It is just not acceptable to leave someone in a wet bed like that, with the danger of post-operative infection.
Best wishes
The meds probably won't change but I am going to get my me chart later and ask when my meds are due so I can buzz them when my alarms go off and I won't take no for an answer.
Hope we fully this will continue. For the foreseeable future still not happy but that Igetting be excuse I am so tired from the meds.
Hailea x
Rocketman_SG6UK Hailea
Well done to your good man there - at last you are getting seen to properly, but let's see how long they keep it up before cheering shall we?
Best wishes
carol98191._UK Hailea
Hopefully you will get your meds on time now as well and that will keep the pain bearable for you.
Do take care - thinking of you 💕💕💕💕💕
Hailea Rocketman_SG6UK
who ever is in charge tonight I am going to ask them if they wouldn't mind spending a little time with me going through my med chart telling me the name of the med and how often I can have it. This way I can go back to my way wether they like it or not and when my phone alarm goes off I can keep check that they are keeping me pain free it is the only way I think. But f they won't listen to me I will be texting other 1/2 and telling him again that I am being made to wait in pain. See how that goes 👍
Hailea carol98191._UK
if I could boot the bad nurses and keep the good ones beleive me this place would be like it was last time. Just about bearable. I have a very good friend in Northern Ireland. His sister is a nurse. He said she is disgusted by the treatment I am getting and anyone on her staff did what they are doing to me here would be out on there ear no messing. He is going to speak to her for me and ask her who else I can complain to. It like the saying goes those who speak loudest get what they want.
Rocketman_SG6UK Hailea