First week of Sertraline

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Well after a good few months of feeling consantly anxious, dissasociating and having panic attacks the doc has put me on 25mg Sertraline for 2 weeks, and then I'm to double to 50mg after that.

I haven't had any side effects yet apart from slightly blurred vision & dizziness. Which I actually had in the first place anyway so I can cope with that.

I'm already feeling a lot less 'edgy' but I know I'm nowhere near completely 'fixed'.

I'm combining this with weekly counselling sessions & I've got high hopes that I'll be OK one day soon. I'd love to hear other peoples success stories smile

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34 Replies

  • Posted

    Been just over a week now and I'm not 100% sure about these yet. The dizziness is horrible, it literally feels like the room is going WHOOSH and I have to grab onto things to steady myself randomly throughout the day.

    I had a good old cry yesterday for the first time in ages, I was feeling really low. My head seems constantly fuzzy, like I'm in a little bubble.

    Still haven't been dissasociating as much as I was though so that's a good thing I guess...

    • Posted

      The fuzzy feeling will go away I promise hang in there.
  • Posted

    Nearly two weeks and I actually really want to stop taking these. They're making me feel worse, I feel like I'm actually going mad. I was lay awake in bed last thinking \"I'm going to quit uni, I'm going to dump my boyfriend, everything is bad and wrong\"

    Now that is NOT like me. Can someone please reassure me? I don't want to just stop taking them but I don't want to continue and feel like this...

    • Posted

      I went through the same thing. I got a lot worse (contemplated suicide kind of worse) and then one day I woke up and things felt a tiny bit better for the first time in a long time. Over time I started to feel human again. Hang in there, it works.

  • Posted

    hi suziebee,

    if any consolation i felt just the same,

    keep perservering.ive been on them 9 weeks and still struggle on the odd occasition,

    but im definatly better :shock:

    they make you feel more anxious before they start to make you feel better.

  • Posted

    hiya suzie :cheerup:

    i'm afraid it's early days for ya suzie :wink: a lot of times these sorts of meds make us feel worse before they get better i'm afraid suzie :cry:

    you're not going mad/insane ok :ok: if things aren't starting to get better by week 7, see ya doc for something different :mrgreen:

    as regards quiting uni etc, DON'T make ANY major decisions whilst you're poorly, it can be disastrous if you do, you might as well flip a coin suzie :shock: :wink:

    keep posting and learn as much as you can about this indiscriminate/evil illness, knowledge is power suzie :rainbow:

    take care, cheers,

    Ken ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :run: :rainbow: :rose:

  • Posted

    Thanks guys smile

    Today has been a good day actually. I managed to go shopping on my own for a good few hours which I haven't done in ages.

    These tablets have shot my appetite to pieces though. I think yesterday I managed a plate of chips. Today I've had a cookie. I don't want to eat AT ALL and I've not exactley got much weight to lose...

  • Posted

    glad to see your having a better day Susie, you have given me some hope....

    i had my dose increased today to 100mg, 2 weeks of sleeping for 15 hours a day is driving me insane, i hope to see some improvment, just getting up and staying awake would be a bonus for me right now.

    i guess we have to take each day as it comes...

  • Posted

    Well it's been 2 weeks today. I'm now supposed to double my dose from 25 to 50mg, but I don't think I'm going to... I know that might not seem wise but I'm already noticing some difference to my anxiety and mood so I'd like to carry on with just 25 for the time being. In the past 2 weeks I've barely eaten a thing and I'm only small anyway so I look like I'm wasting away, I fear doubling the dose is just going to make my appetite worse and worse.

    I too have been sleeping a ridiculous amount! But still feeling tired when I wake up and constantly feeling like I want to go for a lie down.

    Keep me posted on how you go Crabtree smile

  • Posted

    Hi, I took my first pill yesterday. Its nice to read about your experience. I fell asleep and woke up feeling dizzy. Had to keep reassuring myself that they give these to kids so they cant be that bad. I am aware I am just extra sensitive right now.

    I am going to persevere because it has to feel better than taking nothing at all.

    Therapy starts next week.

  • Posted

    Hi Guys,

    I can really identify with your feelings, I have been on 150mg of Sertraline for around 4 months, gradually built up to that, can't tell you what I felt like, I was also on a high dose of valium which my doc told me I HAD to come off. Well - have got down to a minimal dose of that and will finish next week. The sertraline has helped me get through the withdrawl and I can now go to work every day, and yes, roar with laughter and eat for England, your body gets used to it gradually - and then slowly the good effects start to happen, the appetite comes back & I lost a lot of weight while I was depressed & anxious. I have gone back to a size 12 where I hope to remain. It is not an overnight miracle, but it will happen.....

    I am doing CBT therapy which is brill, you can really help yourself, but I had to pay to be seen immediately- but it has been worth every penny.

    I can only say that you will get better, just believe that, and I have found that last thing at night I write down all the GOOD things that have happened that day - and it sends you to sleep with a nice feeling.

    My best to all,


  • Posted

    Ive woken up on day 3. I find it better to take the tablet at about 3pm. Ive found I am alert for a good 5-6 hours then get tired, which works well with a nice early night. I am still eating normally, and not feeling sick at all really. I know its early days. But Im not too worried about my 3rd pill. Time will tell. Feeling okay today.
  • Posted

    well its been several days now since i increased my dose from 50 to 100mg, i was concerend about increasing as i was sleeping far too much on the 50, well im glad to say i was wrong... i take my tablet at night now and after 4 days i sleep well all night, no more interupted sleep and yes i wake up not groggy and wanting to go back to bed after being awake for an hour. i have actually got up, showered and dressed and even went to the shops AND stayed awake with no need for my day time siesta's, let me say this is a huge improvement as i have been sleeping and stuck in the house since i started taking this medication. dont get me wrong, im not quite bouncing for joy and want to skip down the road but its a small step and i feel more postive.... i have noticed though that im not eating much at all but i have a bit if weight to lose so im not too concerned about that right now... keep you all posted and just remember guys we all have to take baby steps...
  • Posted

    Great to hear how everyone's getting on :D

    I'm almost 3 weeks in now and slowly getting better and better. My appetite is coming back, hurrah! Still sleepy all the time but I know I'll get used to it soon.

  • Posted

    [quote:a469b31f68=\"Annie6 \"]Hi Guys,

    I can really identify with your feelings, I have been on 150mg of Sertraline for around 4 months, gradually built up to that, can't tell you what I felt like, I was also on a high dose of valium which my doc told me I HAD to come off. Well - have got down to a minimal dose of that and will finish next week. The sertraline has helped me get through the withdrawl and I can now go to work every day, and yes, roar with laughter and eat for England, your body gets used to it gradually - and then slowly the good effects start to happen, the appetite comes back & I lost a lot of weight while I was depressed & anxious. I have gone back to a size 12 where I hope to remain. It is not an overnight miracle, but it will happen.....

    I am doing CBT therapy which is brill, you can really help yourself, but I had to pay to be seen immediately- but it has been worth every penny.

    I can only say that you will get better, just believe that, and I have found that last thing at night I write down all the GOOD things that have happened that day - and it sends you to sleep with a nice feeling.

    My best to all,


    Hi if you don't mind me asking how much do you pay for your CBT sessions?

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