First week of Sertraline

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Well after a good few months of feeling consantly anxious, dissasociating and having panic attacks the doc has put me on 25mg Sertraline for 2 weeks, and then I'm to double to 50mg after that.

I haven't had any side effects yet apart from slightly blurred vision & dizziness. Which I actually had in the first place anyway so I can cope with that.

I'm already feeling a lot less 'edgy' but I know I'm nowhere near completely 'fixed'.

I'm combining this with weekly counselling sessions & I've got high hopes that I'll be OK one day soon. I'd love to hear other peoples success stories smile

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    Day 10- Side effects have dramatically reduced. Feel fine. Have also increased from half a tablet to a whole 50mg.

    CBT is free with a doctors referral. I start mine in 3 weeks.

  • Posted

    Oh great, thanks Melissa. I suppose there's a bit of a waiting list?

    Well I'm coming up to the 1 month mark now. I'm meant to be taking 50mg but only been taking half of the tablet at 25mg because of the amount of weight it's made me lose. Lost half a stone now and I was only 9 stone to begin with.

    I actually forgot to take my tablet for the past 2 days. Can't say I feel any different.

  • Posted

    Hi, I waited about 2 months for the appointment. He is going to start CBT with me in 3 weeks, and is going to refer me to the OCD group and Anxiety group. You have to get all the help you can.

    I wouldnt suggest missing a tablet because it could mess you up a little. Your body wont be able to adjust, especially in those early days. Keep with it Susie, and take them each day if you can.

  • Posted

    Well it's been little over a month now and I'm noticing improvements, slowly. I now have good days - when before I didn't, every day was a bad day. So they must be doing something. I've also been reading an excellent book by Dr.Claire Weeler I think her name is and that's helped me A LOT.
  • Posted

    Well I've been on these for around 3 months now. I have been feeling brilliant and much more like my old self again, but for the past week or so I've had that anxious feeling creeping back again so am thinking of asking the Dr to increase my dose from 50 to 100. My appetite is totally normal again now and I've had no side effects.
  • Posted

    [quote:f87adeaf64=\"Suziebee \"]Nearly two weeks and I actually really want to stop taking these. They're making me feel worse, I feel like I'm actually going mad. I was lay awake in bed last thinking \"I'm going to quit uni, I'm going to dump my boyfriend, everything is bad and wrong\"

    Now that is NOT like me. Can someone please reassure me? I don't want to just stop taking them but I don't want to continue and feel like this...[/quote:f87adeaf64]

  • Posted

    this is my 3rd day of sertraline and im feeling a bit woozy otherwise ok, i was taken off citalopram because i had seratonin syndrome (not a pleasant experience!)

    i was surprised to be put on them because there is also a possible risk of the syndrome with these as well..thought it odd but decided my gp must know what she is doing, but now im not so sure after reading your posts about lack of appetite and weightloss (most anti/d's have the opposite effect) as i have anorexia and am already underweight with a bmi of 16.8.

    I have been slowly gaining weight but have a poor appetite anyway and im very worried if i start to lose again then it will spiral out of control again it's still very difficult for me to get used to eating and weight gain as it is, any weight loss and i know all those feelings of elation and obsession with lowering numbers and drop in clothes size will hit me right in the face because the larger part of me still wants the anorexia in fact craves it and its a very hard battle every day to stop that from taking only in recovery for my family and partners sake not my own.

    it seems a strange thing to prescribe me knowing my medical history.

    Has anyone else here with an ED being prescribed it and did it affect you?

    • Posted

      Im not anorexic but i have the same bmi as u after months of anxiety i have lost abt a stone did u stick with the sert
  • Posted reply to dodie. I would say if you have concerns talk to your doctor, and if they don't listen, ask to see a different doctor. Don't be afraid to keep asking until someone listens. I have never been diagnosed with an eating disorder but I have a very complex relationship with food and when i get very stressed I binge. Sertraline made my appetite disappear within hours of taking it, been on it for a week and haven't eaten one meal. So maybe it is something which is obvious from the outset?

    But again I would say talk to your doctor about your worries, they are the ones who will be able to present alternative options if necessary.

    Good luck!

  • Posted

    Hi there,

    2 years on from 3rd childbirth i'm still feeling the effects of depression / anxiety after failed alternative therapies including acupuncture and herbal medicine, i've started Sertraline today and am really hoping that things will improve for me. Started on 50mg a day but am really worried about all the side effects that i've been reading about, especially the insomnia, am really hoping that these will be minimal and that I will be able to persevere with it. With 3 small children a new business and a gravely sick father life seems pretty stressful at the moment.

    Take care

    Anxious but hopeful!

  • Posted

    Ive just gone onto 50mg in the last few days after a slow reduction of my previous anti-depressants and sedatives- which was traumatic for want of a better description. feel absouletly terrible coming onto Sertraline- absoluely no appetite and havent slept properly for over a month since coming off my previous tablets. can only hope it gets better. im a research student at university and the side effects are making me feel terrible and im struggerling to keep going without support of family. dont get me wrong its better than panic attacks, but im not sure i can carry on feeing like this...
  • Posted

    Hi, I've been on 50mg for 4 months now and I felt much better after a week. I haven't felt this good in years! smile :D there is hope for you!
  • Posted

    [quote=\"packw\"]hi suziebee,

    if any consolation i felt just the same,

    im at 2 weeks now and i hate it.... i feel so wierd and in a dream world. im at day 15 now and i hope i start feeling better asap. i find it hard to go out cous i seem to feel worse. its as if im out my comfort zone if that makes sence. wat is the best thing for me to do to make me feel better a little............. thanks guys

  • Posted

    Hi all,

    I started taking these because i was really low. My gf split up with me and then i just started getting so depressed. I've had to take two weeks off work. My doctor said it might not be that i was dumped but a build up of stuff over a period of time, which i agree with.

    I have noticed some improvement but im finding life unbearable at the moment. I know time is the greatest healer but its just going so slow. I just wish it would speed up so i can be myself again. I'm on 50mg a day. What would happen if i took 100mg?

    • Posted

      It's best to increase it by 25 mg at a time. I take some in the morning and some at night. You should definitely talk to your Doctor before doing anything.

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