fit for work note

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do you need to keep putting sickness note in all the time with esa as I recently put in a new claim for my son with learning difficulties the first one ran out on the 16th dec ,so I received a letter saying they wanted another which I have and as I only received the letter after it was due up I had to contact them to say it was late im going in tomorrow that they can scan it and send it on ,  his assessment on the 29th dec  so will I need to keep sending another in after he,s been assessed

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    You will have to keep sending them till they say you don't need to I still have to send them when my esa stopped and said I was fit for work when I am not so on job seeker still want sick notes like you don't rightly now what their up to don't think they know themselves

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    I am waiting for my last appeal against esa now going to proper appeal and tribunal against the esa
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    Annmarie Hi

    Yes you will have to keep sending them in until the DWP tell you they no longer need them. I would keep a note of the date they run out and make sure you always get the next one in plenty of time to ensure there's no gaps.

    All the best


  • Posted

    Hi Annemarie.

    Yes you need to send them until DWP tell you they do t need them. Or like my doctor wrote to them stating i would not be able to work again. So would not need to send any more. DWP informed they wouldn't require them after receiving doctors letter.

    My be a good idea to speak to your sons GP.

    Good Luck. XxX

    • Posted

      well I managed to get my sons fitness sick note into the job centre, it was a knightmare the advisor was really snotty ,  cause  I hadn't brought any evidence in to say that I was an appointee for my son I explained that the person id spoken to just booked the appointment for me and he,d not stated that I should bring evidence any way she asked some security questions and passed it took my mobile number and said that someone would text me in 24hr to say they received the sick note .. now im worried that it wont get scanned cause  I never saw her do it ,,, do they normally behave in that way I feel sick in the stomach with worry I have to fight for every single penny I get for my son and I feel its wrong

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      whats happened to denise I hope every things ok with herself and daughter
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      When you took the fit in into your local job centre did they give you a reciept? If they didn't then they should have. Never ever had anything to them with a reciept. I have to be honest that over the past years that i used my local job centre to had in those fit notes i never had any problems. The DWP should recieve that fit note very soon. I would advice you to ring them tomorrow just to check it's been recieved. If it hasn't then there may just be a delay in adding onto the system. Tell them that you took it to your local Job centre to send it accross and they'll add a note onto the computer. Tomorrow is the last day they're open until after christmas. Hopefully everything will be fine. xxx

    • Posted

      Over last 12 months I have been taking sick notes in never had any thing for them but you can declair your fit note on line never had a problem at job centre all the hassle is from deep as we talk I have had a letter again for a assessment this is the 3rd one do they not understand I had a bad stroke was in hospital 8 week like denise said give them a ring but I always post it to them recorded then you know they have it
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      hi denise  happy  christmas, no they didn't give me receipt  she was more bothered about evidence to being the appointee for my son  I give them a call tomorrow before it gets busy , she did say they would text within 24hrs but Im a little worried as I never saw her scan and send it ..... any how did you get everything sorted, I know you were having issues    x 

    • Posted

      I was going to send it recorded but advisor said wasn't wise with being so near to Christmas it may not get there on time  that how I ended  have a pleasant afternoon with miss snotty biggrin   at the job centre,,, I will defo give them a call tomorrow

    • Posted

      Thank you and Merry Christmas to you too! I wouldn't worry as usually the Job centres are pretty good. I don't know ehy she got off with you about not having proof of being his appointee. Secruity questions is more than enough and besides all you were doing is handing ina fit note for goodness sake. Some people should be in the type of job if you ask me.

      Yes my daughters PIP claim is all done thanks. Enhanced rate for both thankfully. xxx

    • Posted

      hi denise hope you've had a nice Christmas, ive got the assessment on Friday is there any advice you can give me im treading taking my son in case he kicks off , plus he has tendancy to say yes to everything that's being asked hopefully they wont ask him questions only me

    • Posted

      Hi, i did thanks. Hope you did too.

      As you're his apppointee you'l be abe to answer al the questions It will just seem like they're talking to your son because the assesssment is about him and not you. You just have to answer those questions as if you're him, if you understand what i mean. A little like when you ring DWP for him, when they go through security all the questions they asked are about your son.

      There's nothing i can really advice you on because no 2 people have to same questions asked. There's not really set questions to ask people. It will be mostly based on what was written on the form. Bear in mind also that it's not about the work he can't do, it's about what he CAN do. In other words he'll be assessed on his ability to do any type of work.

      You can ask for a copy of the assesssment report by ringing DWP middle of next week. This will give you some idea what the decision is likely to be because mostly they go with that report. Good luck to your son.

    • Posted

      hi denise hope your keeping    well, I finally got esa answer ,they don't half take their time , im happy to say they've placed my son on the support group ,so he wont need to go any work related assessments,  they haven't mentioned if I stil need to send in fitness note though... but ive just received a letter would you belive saying his dla    gonna  stop so I have to contact by the 19th feb if I want him to have pip    I just get over one worry and they hit with another ,never mind ,any advice   thanks annmarie

    • Posted

      Hi Annmarie,

      That's fantastic news, well done. No more fit notes are required because he's now in the Support Group.

      Oh dear the dread PIP letter. I would advice you to take a look at the PIP descriptors first, so you'll at least know a little of what it's about. You'll need evidence to support his claim, the more the better. I would say use what you used for the ESA, add more if want to of course.

      When you ring to start his claim off they'll ask you some questions, bank details, GP name etc. Then they'll send you the PIP2 form. I'm guessing you're his appointee? If not and he can't manage his own affairs then i'd advice arranging this when you start his PIP claim off.

      The form will need to be returned by the date stated on the letter. They will allow a further 14 days so if this is needed i'd advice you ring DWP and ask for this extended time. The form is like a book, as ESA50 is, so getting some help filling this out if you can't manage it yourself.

      PIP is about how your conditions affect you daily and not a diagnosis. It's a lot different to DLA was. There's lots of advice on the internet. Please don't take in too much of the stories that you read, a lot of them are bad. Remember those that have a decision in their favour, have no questions to ask therefore we don't hear their story.

      Most people have an assessment, as it's rare to have a paper based decision. The more info you put on the form, the better. There's no timescales to how long it will take to hear back, like the ESA was. His DLA will continue to be paid until a decision is made on the PIP but you must make sure the forms are returned on time, otherwise the DLA will stop.

      Good luck and if you need any further help, please do just ask. x

    • Posted

      hi denise ive just received the pip form for my son they don't half take their time sending them out im contacted cab to help fill it in , it looks easy enough to fill in but holly the advisor helped with the esa and knows how to word it better im trying not stress about it but I can feel the tension climbing already ive not told my son as it would stress him to much and he doesn't really need any more problems to worry about ,they've asked for the form to be back by the 8th march which isn't  give me much time so im gonna have to ask for an extension ,finger crossed they,l be okay about it

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      They will give you a maximum 14 day extention if you ring and ask. Don't forget to send the evidence with the form because as with ESA they don't often ask anyone for evidence. A face 2 face assessment is most likely because it's rare to have a paper based decision. During the assessment if you're his appointee then you'll be able to speak on his behalf. If not then you will only be able to prompt him.

      As with ESA a few days after the assessment you'll be able to ring DWP and ask for a copy of the assessment report (PA4 report) to be sent to you. This will give you an idea what the decision is likely to be as mostly they go with that report.

      The assessment is very similar to ESA where they will ask question based on those descriptors and how his condition affects him daily. Answer with as much detail as possible and avoid those yes and no answers. It is very stressful. Infact i found it more stressful going through it for my daughter than i did for myself.

      Fingers crossed for you annmarie and if you have any more questions please just ask me and i'll be more than happy to help all i can. xx

    • Posted

      hi, just sent form in for pip it seems like a lifetime.. earlier this year my son was awarded esa as you know denise , I don't know if I already told you he at college doing an art course well the other week I had a review with student curriculum leader and she stated that he was struggling with some of his other subjects ie maths and English , so she informed us that he wouldn't be able to go onto the next level with his art ... he would go onto a supported internship at the college startin from sept this year which also had maths and English intergrated in the programme , she also said he wouldn't be able to cope with the larger groups in class , this has really upset his dad and I as we know that are son loves his art , the internship is getting the student ready for work etc the problem is they say he cant cope with larger groups and he gonna struggle and then says the complete opposite by training him for work ... what I want to know will he stil be able to claim for eas if he does this course or leaves college I feel so stressed as ionly want the best for him plus im not looking forward to telling him that he want be able to do his art course any ideas on what to do

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