Following night time panic attack "
Posted , 9 users are following.
Firstly , I would like to thank everyone who responded to my first post re night time panic attack ! Unfortunately since then , 5 days ago I have been in a unusually heightened state of anxiety , prob spend 90% of the day trying to fight the feelings of fear etc ( so scary ) , have put myself back up to 20 mg Seroxat which is helping I think , hate to imagine what I would be like without it ! Have made an appt with my GP ,but can't see me until next Tues ! Am determined not to give into these feelings though and am trying to continue " normal" life ( very hard) ,have told those closest to me who are living with me how I am feeling as very hard to pretend nothing wrong ! Just wondering if / how any of you deal with this or infact if you have suffered in this way , just feel like my nerves won't switch off and am in a permanent state of anxiety ! Very tiring ! Anyway any suggestions advice warmly welcomed , Many thanks Sarah x
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donna27148 sarah63813
sarah63813 donna27148
Carolmayhew6 sarah63813
I had this a few weeks ago infact it was 12th may n I was going into hospital for a simple procedure on my knee
My god I have never felt as ill in my life felt sick was sick was on edge dramatically could not settle myself down was terrible I ended up having to lye down but still felt terrible, I had to force myself to get showered n dressed n go for surgery n started to feel better once I was ready no idea why I was so bad as I wasn't bothered by any means of having the surgery it was other things revolving round n round in my head, as hard as it is n I'm a born worry so it daft fir me to tell yu try not to worry about things I'm terrible I WORRY WORRY WORRY n my family go mad I'm always what if !
No 1 knows what it's like until they have been in that position
sarah63813 Carolmayhew6
Cris2002 sarah63813
Carolmayhew6 Cris2002
I've done the same
Not a religious person by any means but I get comfort by talking to my lived 1's that have passed especially my Mum & always thank god for what kind a day I've had may be in my head but I feel some1 is helping me get through the last 5mnths as I've not been well with back pain leading to excruitiating knee pain n now 4 weeks post op on 1 knee
Some1 is guiding me at the moment n I'm thankful for that x
Cris2002 Carolmayhew6
Phillipone 4:6-7
This is one of my favorite scriptures in the bible that always helps me. Believe me it's not in your head its God that is helping you get thru this. I pray to healing over your entire body. God bless you and take care.
laura80566 Cris2002
Thank you for posting the Bible verse. It helps a lot to be reminded that God is in control even when things look bleak and scary to us. As a Christian I tell myself I shouldn't be afraid but easier said than done. i wouldn't cope at all without God's Word and a relationship with Him. Church helps too. I am worried that the bloating and indigestion is something other than perimenopause such as cancer. I have an ultrasound this week and am extremely nervous (not functioning very well). This forum helps and posts like yours. Thanks.
Carolmayhew6 Cris2002
sarah63813 Cris2002
Cris2002 laura80566
laura80566 Cris2002
laurie70017 sarah63813
sarah63813 laurie70017
laurie70017 sarah63813
susan21149 laurie70017
Anxieties have always been my big trouble. I get anxious about everything my health, the way I am feeling everday stress makes me anxious too