Food Diets After Gallbladder surgery

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Hi guys! I've been curious to all gb patients about how and what you're all eating after the operation? Some stated they shifted to vegan from being meat-eaters, others gluten-free and etc. how about you? what foods are you avoiding? or completely forgotten? Any dish you would like to recommend for other fellow patients? Thanks!

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20 Replies

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    Hi Katherine, I had my GB removed two weeks ago today. Although I was very apprehensive in eating certain goods that would most certainly cause a biliary colic attack, black coffee, Palm oil heated to high temperature, melted cheese and eating too much, I tried the melted cheese and..........

    Fingers crossed and touch wood I seem, so far, to be able to eat what I did before I had the operation (butter, milk, cheese, crisps, currys, fish n chips) and a little of what was forbidden. However, have not tried the rest. Only when I've made a full recovery will I try the rest

    I think that when you're ready, you should give all foods  a try and if it upsets you, don't have it again. Listen to your body, have you had your GB removed?

    Take care android wishing you well

    • Posted

      Hi thanks for your feedback i appreciate it so much! smile

      Feeling better after operation? How was it?

      Really? can you eat cheese already? Looks like it's true every patients have had different reaction with their food intakes.

      Yeah! Got removed mine 2 months ago. I'm a vegan now so, no meats (except fish) and dairies. Well, thats my preference because i want to be careful when it comes to my food diet. smile


    • Posted

      Feeling more like a human being now 😊, and very relived it's all over with. Put up with my problem for many years. Even though I can eat what I want, I still can't eat a lot. Which is not a bad thing at all, everything in moderation.

      I still am still bruised pretty bad and one of my incisions has not healed properly; would be the bra line one!

      Been slowly excercising and getting more active. Feel good after a nice walk, especially in this lovely sunshine.

      You take care and keep well, great communicating with you 😄

      Apologies for my previous spelling mistakes 


  • Posted

    Only 4 weeks since my gall bladder removal (polyps not stones) and the first two weeks i was constantly having stomach pains and nausea . only once since. i haven't tried hard cheese yet but use mozzarella. I have wondered about feta but it is salty so think I'll leave trying that a while. I'm using decaf coffee and tea and oat milk. Lots of fish including tuna in spring water.

    Meals are fairly plain at the moment without sauces. I enjoy my breakfast most of all which is banana with wholemeal bread and a little later berries and oatley yogurt with a sprinkle if oatmeal and a swirl of honey.

  • Posted

    I am 6 days post gallbladder removal surgery. I have been pretty much low-fat for the past 6 months due to issues. Since surgery I have kept things really simple and low fat still. But each day I introduce a bit of something I kept away from for 6 months, and make sure I am at home when doing that in case I need to dash! All going well with that approach, and not had to dash at all but gurgling stomach and bloating, perhaps slight nausea tells me I am not quite ready.

    I have been eating lots of vegetables and fruit, seeded bread, fish and chicken. Tried pizza with reduced fat cheese and all good with that. Had first sausage (reduced fat) in 6 months and it tasted brilliant. Not so good with rich diary good - hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows were not a good idea. Milk chocolate in general I feel I can only tolerate small amounts; guess I have gotten used to dark chocolate too much.

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