Food for relief ?

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Hi ladies! I was just wondering what foods you have tried to help with perimenopause or menopause? I have been using soy milk and flax seed. It does help some! I also take a multivitamin, b complex , and D. Any other suggestions? 

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38 Replies

  • Posted

    Sound similar to the pull my gynie gave me, femarelle. I don't know if it had a part in bring back my period and sending me to have a biopsy because of post menopausal bleeding... Even natural things need to be questioned by you and advice I'd dr.

  • Posted

    One of the issues concerning soy is its high level of phytoestrogens — compounds that mimic estrogen in the body. Soy contains two primary phytoestrogens, sometimes called xenoestrogens, genistein, and daidzein. Both compounds are known to disrupt the endocrine system in males and females.

    The thyroid gland, which is responsible for the production and storage of hormones that control all of the body's systems, can be disrupted by phytoestrogens.

    • Posted

      Hi, i also was drinking Soya Milk, it did seem to make me feel better, now however after reading what you have said am thinking perhaps not. xx

      Thanks for info.

  • Posted

    Although I do not like the term very much, I try to stick to a diet of 'clean' food. By that I mean not highly processed or full of additives. I try to eat organic food - not because it 'tastes better' or it's fashionable, but because of the things it does NOT contain. I believe those are the things that are making us fat and ill. I agree with Sochima about the soy.

    If you are taking multivitamins, avoid the supermarket 'Big Names' - they are full of sxxt! Source your supplements from a reputable company. I make sure I always take vit K2 with my vit D. I also take Magnesium (very important mineral) There are several forms, some better than others. I take Mag.malate.

    Flax has omega 3, I have it one my porridge every morning with raw honey and cinnamon. That sets me up for the day - and is YUMMY!cheesygrin

    • Posted

      I think "clean" eating is half the battle! I had been doing really well with that and felt great but just recently fell off the wagon, so to speak. I'm blaming it on Tons of sugar and carbohydrate cravings which I've given in to. I've gained back half of the 15lbs I lost and I feel terrible...stomach is uncomfortable feeling, acid reflux is back, headaches and get tired so easily. It's my own fault and I have no one to blame but myself.

      Wish me luck...I did a healthy grocery run today...back on the no added sugars, no processed foods and carbs. I am tired of not feeling moving forward I go!

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      We sound alike except that I loss 30lbs, and had gained half back, and now I'm lossing it again. Eating until I'm 80% full and the pounds are dropping off. But then I also do mini fasts which really help. Wish you luck.

    • Posted

      Mid January - once the Christmas goodies were out of the way, OH and knuckled down and cleaned up our act. We have always had a good diet but had ready meals in the freezer for 'busy days etc.

      Between then and mid Aug I lost 23lbs - no low fat 'diet foods' no 'calorie counting', just good quality fresh food and a smaller plate.

      Then the family, my sister and OH's son and his family came to stay. In the course of two weeks I put on 7lbs!rolleyes Meals out and chips with everything. Serves me

      Now we are 'back to normal' I have already lost a couple of pounds and feel much less 'stodged'.

    • Posted

      Thank you. Maybe I need to change Vitamins. Clean eating I am sure would help.
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      That gives me hope that I can get back on track again!
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      Can I ask u what the magnesium is good for? Im on Bp tablets can I still take them x
    • Posted

      Hope you don't mind Bobby. I have first hand experience with this: 

      Tina, magnesium is a calcium channel blocker that is used to lower  blood pressure. Taking blood pressure medication and magnesium might cause your blood pressure to go too low. You would need to consult with your doctor to see if there are any contraindications if you take magnesium with your current blood pressure medicine. If he/she gives you the okay, it will help reduce many perimenopausal symptoms but will not get rid of them. 

    • Posted

      Don't mind at I have been on BP tablets, but a chance remark from my Optician 'oh you'll probably be on those for life', made me think. I have been monitioring my BP for some weeks now, with the diet I'm on and without the BP meds - so far so good. Between the magnesium, niacin and coconut water my BP has stayed on the high side of normal. That'll do for now.

      I am NOT saying this is right for everyone!!! But my doc is pretty clueless when it comes to diet, she put my (slightly) raised potassium down to bananas (can't remember the last time I had one?) and didn't know the meds I was on raised potassium levels.rolleyes

    • Posted

      Magnesium is a very important mineral which is in short supply these days. We should be getting it from our food, but it is not in the soil anymore so it is not in our food.

      It is vital when it comes to helping you absorb calcium. It relaxes muscles, prevents cramps and nerve twitches, it is responsible for SO many things I would suggest you look it up because I would be here all day!lol

    • Posted

      Hi thank u so much will check with my doctor. Can I ask does it help with low mood or am I just expecting miracles!! I dont want to take hrt or ad as they don't agree with me and I can't take st John's wort bcos of the bp tabs

      Thank u really apreciate ur input xx

    • Posted

      Bobby, magnesium helps to lower blood pressure so maybe it's good you're taking it without the meds to help lower your blood pressure.

      Coconut water is high in potassium.  My doctor advised me to stop drinking so much coconut water because my potassium was high. She told me to drink filtered water. I buy coconut water maybe once a month now and drink a little at a time. I've heard of  people get really sick from drinking lots of coconut water. So be careful with drinking so much of it.

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      I don't know that one but I do know that it has a hand in over 300 processes in the body - so it must be pretty dxxn important.

      You can also 'take' magnesium in an Epsom salt bath. I find a cup of Epsom salts and a few drops of a good quality lavender oil in a bath to be very relaxing and helps with my joint pain.

    • Posted

      I know about coconut water and potassium and I don't overdo it. But I find it to be THE MOST refreshing drink out there. I'll have a glass when I've finished the house clean that I do on a Monday. I find it a real pick-me-up.

      Having said that I'd better get going. A rural house (mud, leaves), 4 cats and the messiest husband around, all make for a marathon clean up.cheesygrin

    • Posted

      No, unfortunately it does not help with low mood. Taking Vitamin D3 helps with that as well as a good quality multivitamin.  With the vitamin D3 it will take about a month before it starts working if you're not already taking it.

    • Posted

      Thanks for that.. All this trial and error is costing a fortune! ! Albeit worth it if it works! ! X
    • Posted

      I take a magnesium supplement..a slow release one. Don't know if I can say the name here but it is slow release and it also contains calcium. Like bobbysgirl, I take medication for high blood pressure and have always stayed on the borderline high side even with medication. Taking the magnesium has helped with this.

      I don't profess to be an expert on taking supplements for menopause symptoms....I only know what works for me. Magnesium is a mineral that many people are low in and it kind of acts as a nervous system calming agent in some people. I suffer from anxiety and I do find that taking a magnesium supplement does help with that a little. I don't know the mechanics of why it helps and I don't know if it works for everyone....I just know it works for me.

      I also find that taking it does help with preventing constipation which is something a lot of menopausal women suffer from. I take it with my suppertime meal and almost every morning it works in this regard

      I am retired from working in medical field so, like sochima says, am cautious in overdoing it with supplements and I so agree that discussing it with your health care provider is a good idea.

    • Posted

      Hi thank you for replying. I will def hv a chat with my gp abt wether it's suitable or not for me to take.

      Cud you private message me the name of magnesium you use. Much appreciated x

    • Posted

      Don't let him tell you that you don't need magnesium. We all NEED magnesium - in some form.

    • Posted

      bobby she's on a channel blocker she needs to consult with her gp before she can go on it.

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