Frightening memory loss 😂
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Hi all,
Had a horrible horrible day today.  My memory loss seems to be getting worse, which is just frightening me to death.  I had a referral at work to occupational health and of course barely sat down before dissolving into tears.  I nearly took the wrong road to get there ( which of course should be a familiar route).  Before I went, I tried to phone to confirm I had the correct date and time, but, despite staring at the letter, managed to phone the fax number. The letter also stated "unit 12", so I turned up at "unit 10", thought I must have the wrong place, so drove out of the site completely.  He acknowledges I have a problem calling it "mild but significant memory loss". Now it's a horrendous wait of blood tests, before they consider doing proper memory tests.  He said it could be hormonal, deficiencies, anxiety.....I am frightened to death it's dementia and am now in a complete state.  I don't have any other symptoms you ladies speak of, no aches or pains.  I did have several night sweats going back a few months, but it all came on in September with sudden "spaced out" feelings, which has turned into total forgetfulness on a really scarey level.  And yes I am the one who drove off without paying for fuel and had the police around. I am also the one who works with aluminium and God knows what other metals.  I'm only 45, but with a prolactinoma I am back on medication for.  I have just spiralled into complete despair 😪Â
0 likes, 18 replies
jayneejay Bubbins
sounds like brain fog, had this in peri myselfÂ
and also when people talk and you cant get your brain to take it in
jay x
maybe its just hormonal or the prolactinoma like the doc saysÂ
try and relax ... Maybe just brain fog ...Â
big hugsÂ
jay x
Jan999 Bubbins
Bubbins Jan999
Jan999 Bubbins
Bubbins Jan999
middlemuddle Bubbins
Bubbins middlemuddle
laurie70017 Bubbins
shaznay96184 Bubbins
You sound like you've had the mother of all days!
Personally, I've always had problems concentrating - genetic I believe. Plus I can switch off if someone's talking cr*p - but that comes in handy sometimes!
I honestly can't tell you when my peri symptoms became that obvious to me as I gather they can start and hang around for a very long time before proper meno hits us. Aside from the insomnia and occasional flushes, I've always been a bit of an 'Anxiety Annie' (sorry if we have an 'Anxiety Annie' on here for real!), a bit of a 'But what if....'-type.Â
Haven't experienced your 'spaced out' feelings, but do you do what I do VERY OFTEN: I saw words that start with the same letter, but often have absolutely nothing to do with the subject in question?? Â
I think woman are commonly thought to be able to competently multi-task. I'm the first to admit that yes, I do many things at once, but I don't really do any of them very well! I don't beat myself up about it as I know that's what I've always been like.
Listen, I thought I was the Queen of ringing Fax numbers!! And have for a very long time been in the habit of repeating whole phone numbers as I often transpose numbers. I think where you're probably experiencing other symptoms, however subtle at the mo, all the things you've mentioned as issues are sort of par for the course I fear.
I agree with Matron: tell your sister how it is. If she's younger, she'll probably appreciate what she may have to expect when her time comes. Why not ask her, hypothetically, how she'd deal with one of her patient's who presented the same symptoms as yourself?
Take up your sister's offer of a break. I think you sound a lil' fragile at the mo and need a bit of support from those you love. With her medical background, she'll be able to help you put things in perspective: you've been to see your GP and they are exploring all avenues via blood tests. I think you'll feel much better once you have a little more info, but for the time being, why not think you're just another fully paid-up member of our Peri/meno Club??!!! it's membership's growing by the week!
(If its any consolation, just to confirm how befuddled I am, I've had to re-read your original post as I kept seeing the ref to the 'Police' in other posts and had no idea what that was referring to!! Speed reading was never my forte!!
Cheer up gal, and kick back tonight. x
Bubbins shaznay96184
jayneejay Bubbins
Well done you playing footy tonight.Â
You see .. Your energy levels must be good, lets say alot better than mine.Â
I wouldnt be able to play footy, i would be off on a stretcher 😀
Be kind to yourself hun.Â
Dont over think this brain fog. We all get it.Â
Wasnt so long ago i went shopping put it all away and lost my cheese, swore blind i must of left it at the checkout, searched car boot, no where.Â
Few days later i found it ...Â
I put it in the freezer .. 😳
Jay x
Bubbins jayneejay
susan556 Bubbins
shaznay96184 Bubbins
Hope you're feeling a bit more relaxed. Sx