Frozen Shoulder HELL

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Hi,I am quite a few months into this hell called frozen shoulder and my physio recommended a forum to see if i can get any tips or ideas from anyone else that has been through it.

i started getting pain in December, started physio in Feb, got MRI in March, saw shoulder consultant in April and got first steroid injection.Have another injection booked for May and then consultant said it would be surgery then if injection doesn't work.

i am really struggling with the constant pain and lack of range of movement.putting on a bra trying to put my hair in a ponytail or put on clothes in general have all become major daily trials. the sleep deprivation has me on edge- i reckon i get 3 hours sleep on a good night. no pain meds help and my mood is abismal i just feel miserable.

any thoughts ideas or just letting me know its not just me thats all alone in this hell would be appreciated

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41 Replies

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    hi piper


    yup aches don't it lol. welcome to the club


    yes ice is good. its a distraction from the ache while its administered . i have an aircast ic cryo cuff. lasts for hours. you can sink i to the chair and sigh. but when its turned off the ache comes back and haunts you.


    best advice is to try all the remedies which are out there and see what you body responds to. everyone had a different response to ice, heat, PT, acupuncture, sports taping.


    try and find what suits you and most important what makes the shoulder happy.


    please look after the other shoulder or you will find yourself bilaterally frozen. and that is not nice.


    think very carefully about surgery. that quite soon for you my surgery was after 2 years. think hard as it brutal with physio post op. and it can lead to other issues.


    you can see in my picture the holes all over the shoulder. and now i am back in on 5th may to have the bicep tendon re attached, yes messed up.


    the most important thing is to keep a positive attitude and kick ass like " looby" on here.


    feel free to have a wallow on here and let it all out on bad days. thats what this is all about. share your problems, we have all been where you are. and it hurts.


    its the not sleeping that bits ya. i am now a part time vampire now lol..


    if you have a other half talk talk talk. its a lonely nasty thing. lean on some one for support.


    me i am 41 months down the line and still suffering.



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      christ Colin, 41 months down the line, you poor thing....i honestly don't think I could last that long with this level of constant pain.

      i think my physio saw how low i was the other day and he recommended a couple of websites tame the beast and pain-ed they are about retraining your mind to not think you are in willing to try anything

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    and forgot


    be mentally prepared for the freezing . frozen. thawing .


    you read bits that you can be healed. or someone says they can fix you. no problems easy peasy. on youtube there are instant fixes.


    you have to visit all three stages. keep your glass always half full. especially on a friday afternoon lol.



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    Hey Piper, welcome to the FS club, the one that nobody wants to be part of.

    I'm 52 year old female have been struggling with a FS since October 21, although the lead up to it actually freezing was probably around 6 months too. It's hell and like nothing I've ever experienced before.

    I have no clue at what stage I'm at with mine, all I know is, it will not beat me!!

    Like you, I've been unable to fasten my bra, strugled to blow dry my hair, couldn't even wash under my other arm due to lack of ROM. Ive had carpal tunnel symptoms, muscle twitches and spasms. It really is a grim condition.

    I've become friends in the group with Colin, who commented earlier. He has been to hell and back and his journey is by no means over, but as he says you have got to push on through.

    I had the steroid injection in December, for the first 48hrs after the pain intensified and I was a wreck. The pain is unrelenting and there is no respite no matter what you do. I would dread going to bed because I just couldn't get my arm comfortable. My hubby slept in the spare room for weeks as I would toss and turn all night trying to get my shoulder comfortable. I was taking 30/500mg cocodamol and Naproxen and it was only just taking the edge off.

    It's now April and things are getting better!!

    I can now fasten my bra again, its a struggle and exhausting but I manage and continue to push the boundaries rather than succumb to the pain. I can dry my hair without the excruciating pain, I can sleep without the use of additional pillows to prop it up. In the main I'm off pain relief and I can manage all my exercises. The pain is much easier now and nowhere near as debilitating as it first was. My ROM is still really compromised though, but I continue to work on that every day with weights, stretches and a tension band.

    The pain is brutal, you feel isolated, it's exhausting, physically and mentally. All I can say to you is, it will get easier and with a FS it's all you can ask for. I don't think my shoulder will ever fully heal, when I exercise it, it doesn't just click it actually clunks and grinds, I also have muscle wasting as a result.

    I've got an xray on Tuesday and then I see the orthopaedic consultant the week after to get some further insight into the long term prognosis. Unlike Colin, I will do anything and everything rather than go under the knife.

    Just been in this group and chatting to FS sufferers is a huge comfort to me. Colin has some pearls of wisdom and despite his agony is always upbeat with a positive attitude.

    When you're in constant pain and not sleeping, its hard to think rationally and to believe that things will ever get better, but they will.

    Stay in touch on here, me and Colin always pop in to see 👀 who is suffering.

    Take care, Michelle

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      Michelle,thanks for your informative + supportive reply.honestly i don't think id heard of a FS before all this but there really is no pain like it,the sleep deprivation really tips me over the edge- it makes the next day more of a struggle.i just feel like a big moan and i think family and friends are sick of listening to me,i really don't think they can understand just how sore it is and how difficult even the simplest of things is to do now,i am finding it hard to remain positive,it just feels like this pain will never end

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    Piper2022...thank you for bring this to my attention...a study by the ISMP on injury to shoulder during covid vaccine injections describes a shoulder injury can be triggered by the incorrect injection of a vaccine into the shoulder capsule (joint) rather than the deltoid muscle. It is caused by using an incorrect IM injection technique or improper landmarking of the IM injection site (the deltoid muscle) that results in the unintended injection of the vaccine (and/or trauma from the needle) into and around the underlying bursa of the shoulder. This results in an inflammatory process that causes injury to the musculoskeletal structures of the shoulder.

    its the lack of training of health care workers who were mostly volunteers during a pandemic injecting incorrectly in the shoulders . Not the vaccine i misread the statement . it's the needle used by health workers administered in the wrong area of the shoulder.

    i have FS it in both shoulders even flue shots has been a trigger n the past. i never really put it together before . i always assumed anyone is certified who administers injections, not necessarily. now i am going to be very cautious and be sure anyone injecting in my shoulders next time are certified and trained .

    I hope that many of you can find peace from FS. it is so miserable.

    I have read there are new medications for controlling pain without opioids called monoclonal antibody and others medications that work thru a different pathway to the brain ask your doctors for more info. usually pain clinics have many resources available. and many have had success with reverse shoulder replacement surgery.

    sending healing blessing to all.

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      yes its a worrying thing that just a simple injection given incorrectly can cause such damage, hopefully it doesn't happen too often.

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    hi piper.


    after all the flurry of messages, how are you doing.


    now you know what you are up against it, and yes is not nice. it helped me to understand FS. then to work out how to counter it.


    in your spare time use google and youtube and learn about frozen shoulder.


    look at the shoulder joint and what the capsule does. it may make you more pro active in your personal civil war.


    me i have spent a fortune on gizmos and gadgets ( ice pump fantastic. electro-magnetic brace for the morning to warm the shoulder not bad). potions and ointment kind of..


    i am an advocate of this but i see you have been jabbed and are down for another steroid. google hydrodilatation shoulder.

    it actually worked for me. you can actually feel the capsule tear off the scar tissue.


    so cool



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      i have been doing my research alright.i recently got a loan of a tens machine so i am trying that out.i said it to my consultant about the hydrodilation at my appointment but he literally rolled his eyes at me and said if he was in my situation he would get the steroid injection so i just did considering it cost me €180 just to see him i didn't want to leave with nothing....have had no relief from 1st inj but supposedly sometimes it works the 2nd time around.

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      where are you based.are ya southern Ireland or abroad.


      the € gave it away. i cannot believe he rolled his eyes so narrow minded.


      that steroid has to get into the heart of the GH joint. feel for you there.



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      i will have to call you detective Colin! - yes i'm in ireland

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      out of interest where do you buy uddermint?.since its meant to be for cows does it come in only large sizes? it a lot better than volterol + difene spray as they have done nothing for me.

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      lol uddermint


      i first herd chris evans on radio 2 mention it. its cool in a hot way ????!!


      and ya get to smell like a humbug to boot. i also use rock sauce thats more like sports smell. i am band from out bed with that one. too smelly


      just google uddermint. i have sent a pic of what i use to help you




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      i am so disappointed with your consultant and its you suffering here badly. i feel for you .


      give him the ache for a week. its so personal.


      i only found out about hydrodilatation as i was working fitting a patio door and in pain. the customer she just had it done and gave me the orthopaedic surgeon phone number.


      cost me £550 and he did it 3 days later. i went in not being able to put my palm up. came out after i had to do an over head hand clap !!!!!!!!. so instant so cool.


      by the way i spent ages working in your place. nice area there ( superquinn ) supermarkets. worked out of tallaght Dublin.


      as ever stay strong. i am down to 1 week 6 days till surgery. and not looking forward to it.



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      I'll say it to him again, maybe he will listen more since I have had no relief from his steroid injection ,that would be amazing to lift arm above head straight after apt...its amazing that a thing I was able to do all my life now seems completely impossible.

      one of your messages is pending approval....I don't know why...was it to do with the uddermint?

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      I wonder why the forum doesn't want me to see picture of uddermint....can you tell me where you bought it please

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      good morning piper

      i went onto amazon and purchased it. .


      made by teisen . 600ml bottle. its uddermint for udder health. 35% japanese peppermint oil. it cost me about £20.


      its not a cure, its just a distraction for the ache. gives you a nice hot glow in a stick of rock kind of way.


      i decanted half for the physio to trial. better than her smelly sport stuff. the other clients loved it.


      please if you here of any mad cap things that work. please let is know. or any treatment you find helps.


      have a great pain free weekend if you can




      ps they hold pictures until it is viewed at their end in case it is explicit. it takes a few days i think

    • Posted

      Hi Colin, thanks for info I know what my next purchase is going to be now!

      my physio was recommending websites tamethebeast and pain-ed as good options to retrain your brain so it doesn't think that its in pain. I've also ordered loads of books from library on pain management in the hopes that 1 of them is of use- I'll let you know.

      really hope that your surgery goes well,not long to go for you now

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      cheers piper


      i think we all train our mind to the ache its always there in the back burner letting us all know it has not gone away.


      and will bite us at the earliest opportunity. even me last night i had both shoulders play up. right hand frozen ache left hand tendon ache. i forgot to take the pain medication..


      let us know if you find a book frozen shoulder for dummies lol.


      people ask if i am worried about the op. absolutely no. just want to be pain free. and i think i have had a bum deal with these.


      i have paid all the way through and with the £14,000 for the two operations private. i have spent around £8,000 on injections and physio weekly.


      some people hate physio. my job is so demanding the related muscles are in fire at the end of the week.



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