Full blown anxiety/ panic attack.
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I have never had these before. Last night out of the blue, my heart started to pound. It did that for about an hour. I became concerned a little as to why it wouldn't stop, then out of the blue it sped up so fast and hard. Bp went sky high and at one point the heart rate was so fast, the bp machine couldn't detect the bp. Heart rate on phone app detected 238 once and the rest of the readings were 160. Pretty scary time. Once I got a bp it was 201/ 118. I of course took a xanax and the bp pill as it was about 3 hours from being time to take it, layed down and about an hour later normal again. Bp 128/78 and heart rate 69. Crazy stuff!!
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metamorphed tonilynn
this exact thing happened to me three nights ago. Perfectly relaxed, watching tv, heart started to pound, tried to ignore it because I've had palpitations before, but felt woozy with it. So sat up straight, still beating hard. Walked around, started getting a little anxious so took deep breaths, but wouldn't calm. Then, same as you, suddenly got faster and faster, and could not calm down then. Pacing the room, all of this out of nowhere. Of course the anxiety kicking in doesn't help, but how are you supposed to react to this, wasnt anxious and then the heart not stopping pounding made me worse. No-one believes me that it starts out of no-where though, but it does. Its hard to control once the anxiety kicks in then. When will it all be a thing of the past. Do not like this at all. I understand this perfectly toni, it's pure rotten.
tonilynn metamorphed
This started to happen to me again tonight, but I went on and took my 1/2 of xanax and it calmed. Thank goodness! Bp was 181/106 and pulse was 112 this time. I don't know when it will stop, bit I'm tired of this. I had just come in from visiting my son and was happy, nothing on my mind and out of the blue again. Sometime I'm scared I'm going to have a heart attack or stroke with the high bps.
jamie53221 metamorphed
The intense panic attacks and palpitations are caused by the fluctuating hormones which jump constantly like they're having a wild party! Some women ( I'm one of them ) are very sensitive to the fluctuations which makes it almost impossible to walk or even something simple like crossing the street. I know HRT relieves this instantly for some women, however, once you decide to stop the HRT you go back to square 1 all over again. HRT only gives you a Hall Pass while you're on it. BP constantly elevates in peri and menopause. I thought I was truly mental and not dealing with some big time emotional past when lo and behold - it's menopause! Lucky me!! I hate it...my condolences Girlz.
tonilynn jamie53221
Thanks Jamie. I was seriously thinking something was wrong with my heart because it can go from very high to 120/70 in a few seconds. It is crazy. This time I did notice a stronger heat flush with it. I haven't had any sweating with heat flushes. My doctor asked if I had any hot flashes. I told her no. She said you are doing real good then. I told her, I don't think you understand. Lol.
metamorphed tonilynn
I said the same to my doctor when asked if I had the hot flashes. I said no, and she said I was very lucky. 'Lucky' -- I may not have intense heat, but this is just as bad as what other women experience. they don't understand
at least, I know through this forum that there are others like me.
metamorphed tonilynn
i know the feeling all too well. I have been told over and over that my heart is fine, but they don't understand these terrible feelings and that it is hard to believe it is not the heart. I am finding that I have a need to have it checked on a more regular basis, because I worry about it, it seems far to sensitive? The crazy thing is, that this has come back after disappearing for about 4 months (it was terrible last year, every day!) and I just hate it. It is debilitating, that sometimes I think, I could cope better with the heat and sweats - but I don't get these, at all!
metamorphed jamie53221
looloo43 jamie53221
The thing with hrt that i discovered with my super knowledgable gp, & made my informed choice with her start it is: doctors treat THE PROBLEM AT THE CURRENT TIME. they are guided by their protocol, & I can now logically see why myself, to not worry about coming off hrt in the future, because who knows what lies ahead? peri/meno symptoms may just naturally diminish with ageing. so many women go through total hell with peri/meno, so doctors treat those awful symptoms NOW - in the present situation to try to give those ladies there lives back NOW, not leave them suffering without hrt. I started my hrt in april & feel myself again mentally & better with the other symptoms that are much easier to cope with now lessened & with my mental symptoms being under control. I might not even still be on this earth in 10yrs time, but at least my time on it NOW is normal again (with the exception of other unrelated illness). the doctors guidance & now, my attitude really is "live for the moment". No-one can see into or control the future. for me it answered/closed alot of questions i had about hrt initially. its certainly food for thought particularly if you are one of those ladies still suffering dreadfully but not tried hrt due to fear of what may or may not happen in the future with your hormones............xxx
pamela2016 jamie53221
Thank you for posting that you sure have made me feel alot better because I've truly been going crazy not knowing why my bp wants to go sky high while on bp med and I can't do alot of things cause my heart will race and that sets in panic being in the heat it will race if I get Alittle upset it will race I ask my Dr today if I could start magnesium suppose to be good for anxiety s well hoping to get relief soon. How are you coping with the heart racing and bp fluctuating?
pamela2016 tonilynn
Me too your not alot I've become obsessed with checking bp and pulse all day long I've ran to my dr office a few times as well I can't take no more of this nightmare
jamie53221 metamorphed
Yep. Worse thing I've ever been thru besides the death of good friends and family. Gonna see where I land if ever.
metamorphed jamie53221
tonilynn pamela2016
Hi Pamela, I find that I can't stop it from happening but when it does, I find that if I lay down the bp comes down and the xanax calms the high pulse rate. Usually in about 20 to 30 minutes the episode is over. I have had the pleasure of being able to stay at home so I could lay down whenever. Not so sure what I'll do when I go back to work though.
tonilynn pamela2016
I too became obsessed with checking my bp. My doctor told me too stop. Lol. It's not them having theses symptoms though.
pamela2016 tonilynn
Mine will stay up for hours I've noticed it starts when my face gets boiling hot and my ears and I'm on fire like a slow ember flush then bp goes up and stays up the whole time horrible sick of all this