Fundoplication and hiatus hernia repair

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Hello there!

I was on this site a lot prior to my operation and did promise I would update people on my experience, I have however been extremely busy due to personal circumstances, but finally here goes;

I had my operation at the end of October 2015, when I woke from the anesthesia I was in a lot of pain with my left shoulder, and being so drowsy I wondered if I had been given the wrong operation, however I was then dosed up with morphine and told it was normal, I later found out this pain was because of a nerve that runs from your digestive system to your left shoulder, for the following week I had this pain on and off, I'm not going to lie it was not pleasant.

Recovery in the hospital was a little longer than expected, I belive this was due to the fact that I was told by nurses to try and eat soup only a few hours after the op, and was being given several different tablets to swallow, this meant I actually kept being sick, aggravating the operation recovery, once they put me on IV pain relief and stopped suggesting I ate, I started to feel better.

Once home, my recovery was much better, the first week, understandably was the worse, lots of tenderness, lack of appetite and very lethargic, but this soon improved.

After three weeks I was eating solid foods again, albeit not large amount or anything like bread/biscuits!

And unfortunately food was just running back out of me. (not pleasant I know)

Since the operation, I have not had the slightest bit of indigestion/heartburn, I am on no medication and can eat just about anything.

My one downside from the operation is that my IBS is definitely worse than it was before, and as much as I hate this, I feel it's a small price to pay to help prevent the Barratts I was diagnosed with back in January 2015.

If anyone wants to know more details about my experience etc, I'm happy to answer people's questions more directly, if they think it will help them in making a decision on surgery, as I certainly struggled before but I can safely say 5 months in I don't regret it!


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    Hi there, I have just been diagnosed with barrets which has really scared me as it was the last thing on my mind. Last July i was meant to be seen again by hospital and never heard anything and my neurologist referred me for a scope in  feb when i had my first scope and have been retsted this july and found i had osophagus ulcers which hae healed but have barrets. I am terrified it goes on to cancer as any surgery for me is dangerous as i also have myotonic dystrophy. i also hae a h h and gastric diverticulum although i ant find much infor on this and gallstones, bit of a wreck lol. I noticed another poster has m g which has similar things to md. I was just wondering if the 40 mg omeprazole will eventually help as i have started getting acid again through the night. I havent seen the hospital dr who kinda forgot about me although i have been put on barrets surveillance list  now. Has anyne any ideas how often you get rescoped ? Scopes are a nightmare as i also nt have sedation as it is dangerous for me..
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      Hello there, the consultant that I saw said that the NHS guide lines are every 5 years, but he has put me on survellance now for every two years. I think every two years is more accurate, but then I have heard people saying they are checked every year. I would like to have an operation, but my consultant wont do it, he wants to try and keep me on omeprazole. I am feeling it is a bit of a mind field out there, I have also just recently been diagnosed, so I am just learning like you. 
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    I had the laproscomy Nissan fundoplication last August 22 it immediately cured my acid reflux which had caused esophageal ulcer stomach ulcers and duodenum ulcers . It worked well but after November I got a hiatus hernia from the weakening of the area from the surgery.

    So I had hiatal hernia surgery December 7 my birthday 😣 and things were iffy as I developed a huge hematoma which has just finally dissappated last week but four days ago I started having waves of deep back pain and abdominal pain that comes in waves and the wanes . It seems to occur in totally understand determined ways not before or after eating or any particular pattern .It's just unbearable. I won't see the Dr untill Jan 31 so I wondered if anyone had the same experience?

  • Posted

    Hi Stephanie, and thank you for your informative post. Like you I was on here before my operation looking for info and general reassurance. My story is this:- In 2002 due to chronic acid reflux I was started on 15mg Lansoprazole, which was fine for a number of years but then I started being woken up at night with bad reflux, so it was upped to 30mg daily, which did the trick.

    Just over 2 years ago I started getting pains under my left rib and back after eating, and often at night my food would suddenly come rushing back into my mouth and choking me. This went on for a while and then suddenly got worse. During the day after eating food would "get stuck" in my Oesophagus, causing horrendous chest spasms for anything up to 12 hours, before then being vomited up with lots of burping and stomach pain.

    My GP ordered an Endoscopy, which couldn't be completed due to the size of the "Giant Para-oesophageal Hiatus Hernia". I then had to have a Barium Swallow which showed my stomach lodged up in my chest. I was told to loose 2 stone before they would consider surgery. That wasn't hard as I was vomiting every day, and little food was going down.

    I had the Nissen Fundoplication and Hiatus Hernia repair on 24th January 2017. I am 65 years old. I was told the Op went well. The first thing I did when I was fully awake was to check the Op site as I was terrified it might have to be "open surgery", but luckily he managed to do it Keyhole. I have 6 "holes". I thought it would only be 5. One is right in the area of my breast bone. Post Op I am full of wind! Constantly burping and humongous at the other end too! Both my shoulders and chest area are very painful. It's like a real knorring pain in the bone, and quite uncomfortable at times. I was given liquid Morphine and liquid Paracetamol for all pain, plus a 3 week supply of dispersible 30mg Lansoprazole to let things heal, then stop. I also have problems with Diarrhoea too.

    I am on a liquid/sloppy diet of runny porridge, soup, yogurt and mashed potato with loads of gravy. The potato does hurt a bit going down, so I've made it a bit runnier.

    In general I'm feeling very tired, sore and in some discomfort....but I couldn't carry on my life with my symptoms getting worse and being unable to eat like a normal person. I think in time I will make a good recovery.

    I hope I haven't rambled on too much, and if anyone has got any questions I'll be happy to reply.

    Thank you once again Stephanie, I found your post very helpful.

    • Posted

      Hi Krisee.

      I'm curious how you feel now? I am contemplating this surgery and now that you are three months or so out I want to know what your day in and day out life are



    • Posted

      Hi AAR20.

      Well....I'm not sure how I feel to be honest. First off I will say that I suffer from Fibromyalgia, so how much that affects my recovery, I don't know!

      Good points are: I no longer have to take a PPI tablet, so no reflux. Which is great after 16+ years of suffering.  I can also breath a lot better since my stomach is no longer up in my chest. Food is no longer getting stuck in my throat, and its great not being sick every day like before.  All chest pain has gone also.

      Downside....for me personally....I am still getting random pains in my left shoulder which radiate across to my throat and breast bone area.  Sometimes my throat aches all day (not sore throat type of ache).  I still get occasional twinges in the area of the operation if I accidently press on that area.

      An annoying thing I find, is that I can eat or drink something and feel fine, but then about 30 minutes later I feel like I'm so full and going to burst.  Consquently I find judging quantities of food and drink a bit of a problem at the moment.....but everything goes down fine. Bread, meat, rice etc etc I can eat anything without any discomfort, its just 30 mins later I get uncomfortable.

      My main problem, and this is really upsetting WIND.  I burp constantly. When I get out of bed in the mornings the first burp of the day is sooo long it virtually takes my breath away! Similarly the other end....farting huge farts all day long. I can't go to Yoga anymore as I can't control them, and its soooo embarrassing!  I have also had Diarrhoea for over a month. Got this checked by GP, but no stomach infections.

      I dont regret the operation, and do understand it will take time to heal, but the wind and diarrhoea are really getting me down. GP just scratched his head and said he couldn't answer my questions. So maybe its just me!  In case you didn't know there is a Nissen Fundoplication group on Facebook who are very helpful.  I ask questions on there a lot, but not many seem to have the same wind problem as me! So I dunno.

      All I can say to you is that most "problems" after sugery seem pretty common, but clear in time. So don't be put off.  Hope this helps.

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      Have you researched the FODMAP diet? Seems to help people with wind issues. Suggest google it on Monash University website. 
  • Posted

    Hi Stephanie. Just reading your post and Im due to have a Nissen Fundplication and hernia repair as i have a giant para hernia laying on my left lung in 11 days time. Naturally im a bit nervous. Im overweight, but have lost a stone this last 3 wks to try help myself. Iam now on the milk and yogurt diet to shrink my liver so hopefully a bit more will come off. Did u struggle to breathprior to the op. I do! And wondered if anyone else had this problem. How long do you stay in hospital im worried about being sent out too soon. Do they make u swallow your tablets or are u offered disolverable ones? People say you cant be sick after this op, did u have this problem? Sorry to ask so many questions, just getting the collywobbles now.
    • Posted

      Hi Kabbeyabbey.....

      I guess by the time you are reading this you will be Post Op, and most of your concerns will have been answered.

      I am in the UK and are 3+ months Post Op. I had a "Giant Paraesosephagal" Hiatus Hernia too, laying on my left lung.  I had been struggling to breath properly for years, and never knew why....but I can say now I can breath properly again thank goodness.  Mine was also a bit twisted so food wouldn't go down properly and I was being sick every day! That has stopped now also.

      I had to loose weight for my operation, just over 2 stone, but I found it easier than normal as being sick every day kept my weight down!!!

      I had a 24hr stay in hospital, and other than feeling a bit groggy, I felt fine apart from shoulder pain and wind!

      I was given liquid medication (paracetamol and morphine) to last 3 weeks, and also told to carry on taking my PPI (Lansoprazole dissolvable) for 3 weeks also.  I no longer need to take the PPI, although sometimes I can feel a slight "glow" in my throat and pray my acid isn't coming back!

      Re the question of being sick.  I think that depends on what sort of wrap you have.  If its a full wrap, then I believe being sick is a problem. I only had a partial wrap.  My Dr. thought it was best for me. (Not sure why, other than he said I would find eating difficult with a full wrap). I can burp freely too, but find fizzy drinks a bit overwelming at times.

      Hope this helps, and I hope you are feeling a bit better by now. xx

    • Posted

      Hi Krisee,

      how long did it take for the reflux to go away after surgery? i was op aprox 4 weeks ago but i have the same burning feeling in my troath, ears, esophagus , tongue after i eat as before the surgery. And i stopped smoking and drinking alkohol. I am worried that all this surgery wont help...

  • Posted

    Hi Steph , thankyou for your experience , like you I had suffered for many years almost 20 years when i was diagnosed with Hiatus hernia and it was only in the last couple of years it has got worse and finally went to the doctors with various symptoms. Feeling sick constantly, chest pains , fatigue, no energy. Went for the endoscope down throat and it was diagnosed a sliding hiatus hernia of 4cm and the esophogus was ulcerated where acid had been coming up. I had surgery 10 weeks ago now a full laparascopic nissen fundoplication . I was out of it for a day following surgery as on morphine burt was sent home 2nd day and started eating soups and other liquid foods, carried on with that for about 3 weeks and then eventually on to solid foods now. I am feeling 100% better and so glad i had the operation still get the odd chest pain and especially after coughing ? but it soons goes. Doctor didnt mention Barratts to me but i am guessing the ulceration of my osophogus must have been the start of Barratts ? I had heard all sorts of horror stories of the operation not working. Wot i would say to anybody thinking of this operation find your self a good surgeon who has got allot of experience of doing it ! . 


  • Posted

    Hello Stephanie, I see that you were diagnosed with Barret's in January of 2015, and had the surgerey in October of the same year. Do you mind me asking why thr surgery was done so quickly after the diagnosis? Didn't the doctor suggest medication, diet first? Thank you,


  • Posted

    Hello. I had Nissen fund and hiatal hernia surgery 4 days throat feel like I have a big lump..difficulty swallowing. .did u have all of that too? When did swallowing become easy again?
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    I had my surgery almost 6 weeks ago and on the whole I am okay. My main issue is that I have this constant horrible taste in my mouth and nasty liquid that is similar to what I had before the operation. Its usually worse at night but today it’s especially bad and I have also today have a really sore throat. Has anyone else had this?

    • Posted

      Hi. I had the surgery for my HH 6 months ago. The first 3 months I was doing fine I thought.  Then I started having trouble eating and swallowing food.  It was getting stuck. It was painful.  I had another endoscopy last week.  My surgery was unsuccessful.  It came un wrapped and back in my chest.  I feel let down.  Spent tons of money.  Went through the pain and missed work all for nothing.  They at first thought it was wrapped too tight. I was shocked to find it failed.  I wish you well. But I’m not going back to have it repaired again.  I was worse when they thought it was too tight. I don’t want to risk they going back in and getting it too tight at this point.   I’ll stay on my meds and control my reflux as best as I can. 
    • Posted

      Hello Wendy

      Sorry you have problems with your HH up to now my surgery seems to be OK But and that's a big But I am having problems with blotting my stomach blots even when I don't eat if I was a women you would think I was pregnant ,I have tests for IBS but all comes back clear I have have Scan, s and again all clear I just feel so fed up and don't know what to do any more .

      Any way that's it about me I wish you all the very best of luck with your surgery please keep us updated will keep my fingers crossed keep smiling ?

    • Posted

      Hello Maureen

      My surgery was about 4years ago and never had the problems you are having maybe you should contact your doctors and get them to check things out the only problem I am having is my stomach is blotting even if I don't eat I have had test after test but always clear I am so fed up I was even tested for IBS and that's all clear I just don't know what to do any more .

      I wish you all the very best please keep me updated try and keep smiling .

    • Posted

      hello Kevin

      I started having bloating a couple of months ago and it seems to be getting worse, my op was in February.

      This seems to happen to many people after this procedure, I wonder why?

      Are you still having the same problem?

    • Posted

      HI KEVIN

      Hope you are doing well

      So its been a year since my HH surgery . My symptoms returned and the painful swallowing returned. After much thought I agreed to have the repair done again . I am going back to have it done in just a few days . Just been reading all the comments again to remind myself of what others experienced experienced right after surgery.Fingers crossed it will be a success this time!

    • Posted

      Hi Maureen

      Yes i have been having bloating for some time it looks like that i am 6 months pregnant but no one can get to the bottom of it , it makes me feel so fat and unwell .

      Not only do i get the bloating but burping i just don't know what to do anymore .

      My surgery was some time ago i wish i could be normal just for once .

      What a s doctors told you please keep me updated and good luck hope you can get sorted soon .

    • Posted

      Hello Wendy

      Firstly good luck for your surgery hope all goes well , try and not worry to much just get your self well and let me know how things go but get your surgery over with then rest and take care of your self .

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      Hi wendy, sorry you have to have the procedure again.

      can you tell what your symptoms have been please.

    • Posted

      Hi Maureen

      My first surgery was a year ago after 17+years of heartburn bloating reflux and throwing up many times a week . When it became painful to swallow and that just punched in the gut feeling started I Knew it was time to do something .

      After all the tests many tests, they found a large HH and did the repair and full FP procedure .

      For some uknown reason it failed came untied .

      So im back to square one . Most of my symptoms are painful swallowing sick to my stomach and that pain punched in the gut feeling. I dont have much acid or heartburn like before one plus I guess .

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      Just a reminder if the nurses tells you to eat spaghetti ball please don't eat it i was rushed into hospital after eating it the pain was so bad so be careful .

      Will be thinking of you good luck .

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