Gall Bladder removal pre op assessment

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I have been given date for pre op assessment (7th June 2016) could anybody please tell me what this consists of and how long after this should I expect my opereration to take place.  I am NHS patient and live in Trafford area.

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    I went to the ER  here in Michigan with severe Pain,  they gave me a CT scan and an ultrasound and the next day I had my GB removed
    • Posted

      Lucky you, (in a way) Mark, at least you have had it out now! I a terrified at having the op although I know it is keyhole surgery and no overnight stay I am still not looking forward to going under a general anesthetic.
    • Posted

      The operation is easy, but I do haft to say the post op pain is AWFUL..  my Doc sent me home with 30 Norco pain pill's which I ate like candy.  Make sure you ask the Doc for painpills that WORK !!  and if you hurt like I did,  put an Icepack where it hurts, doing that after I surrered for a few days worked after I thought about doing it.  its been about a month since this all started and Im just in the last 2 days feel almost like my old self
    • Posted

      Sorry to hear that you have been in so much pain I will be sure to be asking about the pain killers.  At least you can see that there is light at the end of the tunnel.  I hope you continue to improve and have a complete recovery very soon which you certainly seem to be on the way to achieving.  Take care and best of luck with your recovery
  • Posted

    Hi, Everywhere seems different - mine was in Feb but still not had op - had it cancelled x2 already but got late June date now. This is quite a long wait so do not go by me, if you ring admissions office at your hospital they might be able to give you a better idea of the waiting time.

    The pre-op is easy, you just get a set of questions on your health, maybe weighed, bloods, heart , BP etc checked. My hospital do swabs to clear you from MRSA (from nose and perineum). You can ask questions then. I was given a printed sheet with details of the op and after care. Good luck.

    • Posted

      thanks Cynthia hope your op goes well third time lucky.  I saw the surgeon last week after having been referred to the wrong department  back in April, then having a total of  three different dates to seet he surgeon ranging from May to August 16.  It has been quite a roller coaster the surgeon I saw was lovely and I received the letter for pre op assessment two days after my consultation.  I have to say I was quite impressed with this.  Only hope the wait isnt as long as yours.  Take care and best of luck.
    • Posted

      Cheers, I'm sure you won't wait as long, you have already been around the houses a bit! Post how you get on smile
  • Posted

    Hi there, the first pre op I had was height, weight, blood pressure, ecg, blood tests and medical history. I had that done back in November 2015. By March there was still no date for surgery so I had to switch hospitals where I had my op done 19th may with a similar pre op before hand. The first hospital told me that pre op checks can last 6 months or more. This is something that shocked me!
    • Posted

      Oh my goodness that is dreadful, cannot believe you can wait upto 6 months for the op afeter the pre op assessment.  It kind of makes a mockery out of having the pre op as surely another one would have to be done as you had, as so many things can change in that time span and if they are checking for MRSA then this would have to be repeated as well as other tests, where's the logic in that no wonder NHS is suffering if it is having to repeat tests.  I am really shocked at that.  How did your op go and how are you feeling now?  I know it is early days for you with only having the op this month but I hope you feel it has been worth it for you and you are not in too much pain.
    • Posted

      I thought the same. The hospital claimed it was so they could slot people in at short notice but after 5 months on their so called list, they couldn't give me a date or even an estimate of one. That's why I emailed the CCG for them to find me another hospital that could get me treated quicker. Best thing I did because the hospital was much smaller with no accident and emergency, paediatrics or cancer care. This meant that it was much easier to schedule routine surgery than a big general hospital and far less likely to need to cancel.

      Anyway, I am doing well and have no regrets at all. I still have a little discomfort on the right side but I seem to be able to tolerate some fats without any upset stomach. I feel fairly confident of having a full recovery. :-)

    • Posted

      Happy days, really glad you are on the mend and hope you continue and have a full recovery very soon.  Let me know how you get on.  Take care and all the best for a speedy recovery
    • Posted

      Thanks Minnie. I will continue to hang around the forum. It's been such a God send to me and I understand how difficult it is for people.
  • Posted

    Hi Minnie,

    people on here have already said.... the pre-op assessment is really nothing at all to worry about.  i think, however, there may be some variances in how long the 'assessment' stays valid for, eg. the hospital i went to says that it's only vaid for 3 months, ie. you have to have your op within that period or you will need to have a new pre-op assessment done.  Are you having your surgery at Trafford General? 

    • Posted

      Hi Carol, 

      Thanks for the information Carol, yes I am having it done at Trafford General.  Have you had your op yet and if so was it at Trafford General.  I am absolutely petrified I even asked if it could be done under local hate the thought of haveing a general.

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