Gallbladder is gone so where is this pain from?
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Had the dreaded gallbladder removed last June after only 7 months of pain (so I'm pretty lucky).
Everything went well, home the same day - took a good 4 weeks to feel totally better after the op but eating was ok and I don't seem to be affected by bowel issues like some people.
Only problem is I have dull ache in exactly the same place I used to get the gallbladder pain. It's not intense pain but it's in the front RUQ under my ribs and moves round the side and to my back.
It doesn't seem to appear after anything in particular and most of the time it's there constantly. Suppose it's more of an annoyance than anything else because I'm always aware of this ache. I'm quite reluctant to go to my GP because after spending about 7 months constantly in the surgery last year updating painkillers and nausea pills I don't want them to think I'm addicted to medical attention.
Just wondered if anyone had anything similar or if it's just a by-product of surgery that I'll have to get on with?
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is bothering me is the fact that I'm still having pains in the area where I got cut. sometimes these pains are so unbearable and when I eat it feels like everything is coming back. Is this suppose to happen cuz I'm
confuse as to what is going on with my body. I have done so much of testing and the results say
everything is good, but why do I feel this way. some days I am extremely tired and my mouth is full of
saliva. Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever going to have a pain free day
I was thinking after a year it would all be healed but I do wonder
It sounds like both of you could possibly have sphincter oddi dysfunction.It can happen after GB removal. Google it.
Gall Bladder was crammed full with black stones which resembled the bottom of the sea.
I thought having my Gall Bladder removed would sort all that pain out. For a while afterwards it was great.
'Best thing I have done'.... I have repeatedly told my GP of chronic wind like pain when I eat sometimes.
Mainly porridge made with skimmed milk and water. My GP tells me it's scar tissue or my body telling me not to eat the same thing everyday....really??? I can eat curries and chilli and not experience any pain....
I have suggested I need to go back to see the Gastroenterologist but haven't crawled into my GP surgery on my hands and knees yet to get such a referral. I this whole weekend experienced Pancreatitis pain, pain in
My shoulder blades and feeling like I need to throw up one minute and be fine the next...the pain is a sore
Pain, not an ache. It starts from the GB site down to my stomache. Reading your comments have made me realise I am not mad, I do have these pains and wish my GP would stop dismissing me. I have recently taken
Iron. I have always been able to stomache Ferris Sulphate in the past but not now. I have had Perniious Anemia for 15 years. I Am going back to MG GP to suggest SOD. I wander how quickly I will be encouraged to leave?? I
You are definitely not going mad, I ended up having severe panic attacks because they wouldn't believe me, and I now have a fear of going to gp. sod is a proper medical condition not a physcological one and it is more common with GB problems or removal of GB, but any digestive problem can bring it on and also medications can affect it. The pain ranges between excrutiatingly sharp, or tightning, or like a pressure, it is always in the right rib back shoulder area and food always makes it worse.The crazy thing when I saw second consultant is that she suggested I probably had sod and then on next consultation she tried to say it was physcological. I had never even heard of the condition till then. stress and anxiety do also affect it but it is not the cause. Hope you get some answers.
Glad its making you feel better, these forums really do help, people don't feel so alone.It makes my blood boil at some of these doctors, I accept they can't always know, but they don't have to be so abrupt and dismissive. That's why I'm so anxious of them now because my consultant was like that.
At least you're getting some more tests done.