Gallbladder is gone so where is this pain from?
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Had the dreaded gallbladder removed last June after only 7 months of pain (so I'm pretty lucky).
Everything went well, home the same day - took a good 4 weeks to feel totally better after the op but eating was ok and I don't seem to be affected by bowel issues like some people.
Only problem is I have dull ache in exactly the same place I used to get the gallbladder pain. It's not intense pain but it's in the front RUQ under my ribs and moves round the side and to my back.
It doesn't seem to appear after anything in particular and most of the time it's there constantly. Suppose it's more of an annoyance than anything else because I'm always aware of this ache. I'm quite reluctant to go to my GP because after spending about 7 months constantly in the surgery last year updating painkillers and nausea pills I don't want them to think I'm addicted to medical attention.
Just wondered if anyone had anything similar or if it's just a by-product of surgery that I'll have to get on with?
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Good luck for tomorrow.Yes please let me know how you got on.
many times people grasp at whatever possibility is out there and that's not always a good thing.
Now it's time to figure out what I can do to make the best of a bad situation...I have several other conditons that complicate things even further (arthritis, degenerative disc and fibromyalgia) but I have to keep trying...and I've got to make taking care of myself a priority....I think that's the most difficult part of it all! >_<
I agree with you.I have read some real horror stories on a different forum from people who had it done. I have got so used to the pain now and I just try and live with it. My problem is that it frightens me , I worry if its doing damage to liver and pancreas because it stops bile juices being released properly, my consultant didnt seem to know much when I asked her.I have oesphagitis and diverticular disease of bowel as well, and as you say other things complicate this condition. What pain med do you take as I have found that these make pain worse.Sometimes Tramadol is okay but another time it makes it worse.So much is down to food as well, that I find really difficult. It must be really hard for you as you must need a lot of pain meds.
I often regret finding out now as before I knew about sod, I was able to dismiss it and not worry about it, but now that pain reminds me everyday that I have an untreatable painful condition.
You are right, wehave to try and make taking care of ourselves a prority, hard as it is.
Take care
cathy_94688 jane40765
I was reading your comment and your situation and fears were exactly like mine.
I had my gallbladder removed 3 yrs ago and since then I was in pain in the same spot until now that it got very sever. I did most of the tests and everything came back normal. I even asked them about SOD but doctors don't even think about it. Like you Jane I have fear of its damaging other organs I wish I have never learned about this pain and problem I would live more in peace than now. There is something that area that is constantly pinching and sepersding the pain to my back of my stomach and to the front and to my chest.
I don't know how much and how long I can tolerate this pain and condition. I wish I would never had galbladder surgery.
Well as expected nothing! Said rare to have bile stone, wouldn't discuss sod, gonna refer for ultrasound and had bloods taken. Said may need referral to gastrology for endoscopy. So no further forward 😟
marcenebt99 Evonn
but maybe the Fatty Liver is worth investigating
KDH marcenebt99
Sounds like a condition called sphincter oddi dysfunction, which can occur after GB removal.Google it and see. Acid suppressants can cause b12 defiency and if you take iron tablets they can cause gastro problems.
Had my GB removed October 2011 and since then have had nothing but problems but have as they say been grinning and bearing it. Have recently had a scan and they have now found kidney stones but I to have a pain right where my scar is its like a stitch but throbs sometimes. Will be going straight back to the Dr's to tell him my findings - lets see if something can be done. Am already on omprezola and have been since having a perforated ucler (you thought gallbladder was painful!!). Thanks to all comments and lets hope everybody gets well soon
no its not all in your mind.They try and make you think that,because a lot of them don't believe in sphincter of oddi , even though its well documented. I still have my gallbladder as they think i passed a stone, but three years on and i still have problems.I have lost total faith in drs now.
I've got in to a right state too with it all, I get terrible panic attacks now because of it all and just don't know where to turn anymore.
judy13495 jane40765
Jane, I don't know if you have had any relief as this is an old post, but I am 73 and learned today that there is a tube that is connected to your gallbladder that they leave in and it acts the same as your diseased gallbladder did. Have seen 10 gastro doctors and none of them helped. My PCP today wrote prescription for Cholestyramine for Oral Suspension and told me to mix the powder in water and drink it 2 or 3 times a day FOREVER. This is a drug I have used from time to time but nobody ever told me to use if every day. I will report back but I believe this will help you.