Gallbladder is gone so where is this pain from?

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Had the dreaded gallbladder removed last June after only 7 months of pain (so I'm pretty lucky).

Everything went well, home the same day - took a good 4 weeks to feel totally better after the op but eating was ok and I don't seem to be affected by bowel issues like some people.

Only problem is I have dull ache in exactly the same place I used to get the gallbladder pain. It's not intense pain but it's in the front RUQ under my ribs and moves round the side and to my back.

It doesn't seem to appear after anything in particular and most of the time it's there constantly. Suppose it's more of an annoyance than anything else because I'm always aware of this ache. I'm quite reluctant to go to my GP because after spending about 7 months constantly in the surgery last year updating painkillers and nausea pills I don't want them to think I'm addicted to medical attention.

Just wondered if anyone had anything similar or if it's just a by-product of surgery that I'll have to get on with?


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    Hi mr9000

    Before I had my gallbladder out my pain always started just below my ribs - like a hollow ache that quickly became intense pain. It usually very quickly spread to my back and right shoulder.

    I never had just shoulder blade pain on it's own - sorry but everyone is different. My pain usually lasted upwards of 6 hours and nothing ever relieved it very well.

    Hope you get some answers soon :-)

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      Pancreatitis ! Get checked. Alka seltzer helps. I've used it for years. And milk.
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      I had shoulder blade pain before I took my gallbladder out but did not correlate the two until it was removed & I did not have the pain in the shoulder. Still 5 months later I get pain in that area where the gallbladder was & above my umbilical area as though my stomach is being twisted. Pain comes and goes and at night can not roll onto my right side without feeling as though something is there. Who knows, I get an endoscopy in 2 days maybe I will get answers. Good luck with your situation.

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    Do you still have that ache you reported experiencing after you had your gall bladder removed?

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    I have finally been diagnosed with neuropathic pain after 21/2 years. My gall bladder was removed in May 2009 and I have been suffering every since. The discomfort you are describing its one which I suffer with it gets very sort and I have been told this is due to nerve damage. Do not feel awkward about going back to your GP as this is a 'rare' condition I have been told but believe there are many more people like me out their. MRI and X Rays do not show up nerve damage but be persistent.

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      Hi kaz114,

      I had my gb out over 3 years ago now after it was totally blocked and very infected, but all these years on I still have that annoying and sometimes pain full pain under my ribs , is this what you feel too and its the diagnosis they have given you treatable please 

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      Hi kaz did they do a ercp procedure to tell you it was nerve damage and how wiĺ that repare its self are you on ta lets for this x
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      Hey I was wondering if they done anything for the pain? I have the same problem. It happens just about every second day. Its the same spot where I had the pain before I had my gallbladder removed. If you could let me know what they done for you that would be great.



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      Have you had another CT scan? My doctor tells me it is probably adhesions. I am gong to the doctor in Feb. and asking to have my pain scanned and see if it is adhesions and rthen I will have them lasered out!
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      I had a CT scan, showed nothing. I do not think mine are adhesions (scar tissue) as people I know with these have severe pain when doing physical activity or turning the wrong way. I have an almost constant, dull ache, sometimes a little more than dull. Comes every few days & stays. I take nothing for the pain, my choice as I don't do well with pain pills rolleyes
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      I am waiting on my doctor to book me in for a CT scan. Been back and forth for xrays and ultrasounds. My surgeon told me that no stones showed up in my bile duct. Hoping to get answers really soon. This pain is so annoying.
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      Keep me informed. I want to know about this pain where my gb was! I just don't understand!!  mad
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      It worries me that I'm still having this pain. I suffered for 3 years with gallbladder problems before they decided to remove mine. Went through 4 ERCP's. Been admitted into the hospital numerous times, for weeks at a time. My last attack before my procedure the pain was so bad that i passed out. I just didnt think getting it removed that i would still have to suffer.
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      OMG Melissa I am so sorry to hear all of this!! When you had the ERCP's they didn't work? I am scared ____less to have an ERCP due to the Pancreatitis scare. I haven't had an ultrasound, maybe I should have one. I've never been hospitalized either thankfully. And I feel the EXACT same way - I never in a million years thought I would have issues after surgery, it has truly ruined my life. I can't eat "normal" food anymore, always feel like crap, always have some kind of pain, somewhere and mentally it has exhausted me. My GI thinks a PPI is the answer, but all that did was cause me to be so anemic I needed a 5 hour iron infusion that cost me $1500 and a B12 deficiency that has caused me to feel like death for months on end even though I receive injections for that. I am so discouraged at this point. Unless my heart stopped beating pretty sure I wouldn't ever have surgery again sad
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      ERCP'S aren't so bad actually. My first three was a breeze. But in saying that my fourth one wasn't such a good experience what so ever. I felt everything and I was sedated good enough and I remember trying to haul out all the tubes and them saying they had to sedate me more. When I woke up I was in so much pain because the dye irritated my Pancras and I was hospitalized because of it. My doctor told me gallbladder problems is so common. I would never wish this pain on anyone. I wish you luck and keep me posted please
    • Posted

      I have both the pain when doing physical activity which is severe AND the constant dull ache. What is it? did either of you manage to resolve it?  really starting to drive me mad and also feels like it's pulling on the right side under my ribs! not-one said I'd get this after getting gall bladder removed. I thought that would be the end of it! 


    • Posted

      Hi cbee. Funny you should post today, I've actually been semi-side pain free and today it has been HORRIBLE. I've had a heating pad on my side for hours now. Just a constant, almost pushing into my ribs pain. I'm sorry you have this too. Like you, I assumed the surgery would "fix everything", not the case. I have an Endoscopy scheduled on 3/13 to hopefully get some more answers. Will update after. Best of luck to you cry
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      My doctor told me it was probabaly adhesions. I went to my appt. last thursday, but there was a problem with insurance and the network. Could not see him. But I will!
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      I went to the Dr after surgery with this and went through test, Xray, Scan and was told that I needed to take Omeprazole  which I got and took for a while and then got some side effects from it and I stoped taking it. I guess I will have to live with this. Sorry hope you get some answers.
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      I take Prilosec or Nexium and have for years. This works for me great! I will have a ct scan to see why I still have pain where my gb was.
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      Hi, I had my GB out over 5 years ago and have had the same dull ache ever since.  Before the surgery I used my ab roller every night to do sit-ups.  Since the surgery I haven't been able to use it or do any abdominal exercises because I have pain when doing them which gets worse the next day.  Right after the surgery I was in a lot of pain. I didn't have much pain before the surgery.  In fact, I didn't even know I had stones until I had an ultrasound of my ovaries and they accidentally found them.  I've always wondered if something happened during the procedure that caused this chronic pain....
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      Me too. They offered me Lyrica but the list of side effects scarred me. So I had accupuncture to redirect the nerve signals. After I bought Dr. ho therapy machine and that really helped.
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      How are you feeling? i have thought about looking into accupuncture.

      What is Dr. Ho therapy machine?

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      It is a TENS machine. You stick these pads on your body and it sends mild electric shocks to the inflammed nerves.
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      So where can i look into ordering one? I'm in the US, just google?


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      Order on line or home shopping network. I know it sounds cheesy but if it is nerve pain it really works!

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      Do you suggest a certain brand? i found several on Amazon.

      Just curious if you may have a recommendation.


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      Hi I know this was a while since you wrote this but just seen it because I was looking for people who are having similar symptoms, I had my gallbladder removed 11 months ago and I am getting groin pain on this side up to waist, I am going to see the doctor, I have heard that there is a meridian nerve that plays up after it is removed, it seemed to have settled for a while but it has come back and I can't get rid of it I have had it now for about 4 weeks again, I also have fibromyalgia and IBS which causes pain but did not have this pain before when I had the gallbladder, can you give me some advice, was yours the same and how did they sort it, if they did, stella
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      I think I can help you with the back pain!  I had my gallbladder removed (cholecystectomy) two years ago and still have pain after eating foods high in cholesterol and hydrogenated fats and other processed foods.  I try to only eat whole foods but sometimes I mess up.  When I get my "phantom gallbladder pain" I can get rid of it almost instantly by lying on my stomach on the floor and placing a tennis ball below my right breast (not ON the breast but BELOW it).  It will feel like it's on a rib.  I gently place some of my body weight on the ball and rib and roll my body around so that the tennis ball massages the crampy area.  I came up with this on my own and I know it sounds weird but it works for me instantly!  My pain refers to the back and shoulder blade but after I do this massage technique it goes away completely.  I also will turn over onto my back and place the tennis ball near my shoulder blade and spine and put a lot of my body weight on it and roll around so the tennis ball loosens up all those muscles.  This seems to help too, but not as much as massaging front rib area with the ball.  I hope you get this comment and get some instant relief!    Please copy and paste this to other people suffering.  NO doctor has ever been able to help me.  My surgeon was NOT helpful either after he removed my gallbladder and acted like I was imagining it.  Go get yourself a tennis ball.  Let me know if it works for you too.

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      What type of treatment are they doing for the diagnosis? Is it helping?
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      I have the same pain in the same place as my gallbladder. What I do when I get the pain is wrap a ace bandage around my waist kinda high where your gallbladder was and right below rib cage I put more pressure there it sounds strange but it helps also warm heating pad..and of course eating non fat foods... but after following all rules pain still persists doctor have found nothing wrong. Hope you feel better you are not alone

    • Posted

      I think I have nerve damage too. Had gb out 2008 and then pain continued. Feel very alone. Saw several Dr. and no one knows what's wrong. Pain feels muscular and never goes away unless I take medication. Is the Dr. at fought in any way? All the information you can provide would be appreciated.

    • Posted

      I have the same pain but not as bad so I did my own homework and research and found out you will need too take bile supplements and some HCL acid at each meal because we no longer have a gallbladder and Dr.Marshall has some good information on Youtube and website about the gallbladder I think the body has a hard time digesting food without bile so we have too supplement too break down the fat,hope this helps.
    • Posted

      Hi. You cannot take HCl.  That is an acid and poison.  Some HCl is already present in the stomach to digest food properly.  Be careful who you listen to. Talk to your doctor please.
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      I meant HCL as we get older we produce less and this causes lot of problems I have been taking it for yrs and it helps the pain go away.
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      So after you had your gallbladder out you had the pain in that same area or near & they finally diagnosed it as nerve pain. Nerve pain of what? Or general? Such as fibromyalgia? Just asking because I have the same pain & I have fibromyalgia & that's involving nerves.

    • Posted

      Have you sorted your stomach out yet?

      If not please do some google searches for MALS and SMA syndrome. Basically it's something that can cause severe pain and it can be worse after eating. I have similar issues to you.

      I will copy and paste my symptoms..

      Basically I've had 'attacks' of stomach pain since 19 years ago. (2 weeks after my son was born.) it's been intermittent since then also.

      It is agony worse than childbirth mostly and until now the Drs fobbed me off with all sorts of things for a long time. No pills have ever really helped. Oromorph helps if I am in agony. But I don't take anything else really. I'm trying aspirin in case it is MALS but I'm still undiagnosed.

      The pain I get is right through the top Center of my stomach behind my sternum through to my back.

      I found Last year that vomiting often stops the pain dead in its tracks! (I was given oromorph to try for pain relief as I kept ending up in an ambulance going to a&e, the medicine made me sick and the pain went!)

      The attacks stopped for several years but last year came back, I had two and thought I better get my gallbladder removed as it had lots of stones in. This was the biggest mistake ever as the attacks happen so much more often now! Once it happened a few times a year and now it's every few days. Sometimes longer sometimes 3 times in a day. Happens about 5 hours after eating.

      Anyway, I've got a referral to a vascular surgeon in london that my dr is putting through and I've spoken to him and another surgeon in Germany who said it sounds like I have MALS and/or wilkie syndrome! They both agreed to see me.

      I have the hollow curved bit at the bottom of my back, I'm not skinny. I weigh 60 kilos and I'm 5'3. I did lose weight purposely a while ago because I was getting fat but think the attacks started before then.

      I sometimes get breathing issues like I can't take a deep satisfying breath but not had that for a while.

      I also have redness on my face, looks a bit like rosacea but the creams don't help.

      I get a feeling before I get the pain. I know an attack is coming on, it's like sheer dread. Then I get the pain.

      I think laying on my left stops/prevents me waking up in pain! The attacks happen mostly when I'm in the car as a passenger or sleeping! Or walking after eating.

      Recently I ended up on google and found out about MALS and SMA syndrome. My gastroenterologist wouldn't do anything about it as he's never heard of it. In the end I wrote direct to two professors/ vascular surgeons who both agreed to see me!! One said in reply it sounds just like MALS and or 'Wilkie syndrome' (that's another name for SMA. I then got a referral from my gp and got to go see thes professor in london. They did a colour Doppler ultrasound and guess what? It showed there nightmare be something wrong with my Celiac artery!! (That's what MALS is). Also they've just done a cta c t angiogram scan and I'm now waiting to see if I have SMA or MALS.

      Please all look into these things!!

      The usual suspect for MALS/SMA is a young woman or older girl.

      Slim sometimes tall

      Can u fit your hand under you right back where your waist is if you lie on the floor? That's a sign. 'Lordosis' that's called.

      Pain eases sometimes with vomiting? (SMA sign)

      Pain after eating, and walking or exercise? (SMA sign)

      Just google it if any of these things sound possible. Sometimes it says many with SMA are scared to eat and they lose so much weight. The more weight you lose the worse it gets. I hope this info might help someone!

    • Posted

      HAVE you been tested for sphincter of odi dysfunction or biliary dysconescia (sp?)

      Sometimes the whole biliary system slows down and the sphincter muscle stops opening causing bile to back up

      Scarring can occur

      I had my sphincter cut (the procedure cause pancrearititis -in fact every ERCP has cause it. But there is a potential for some relief- I had a diseased gallbladder for over 10 years-no stones so if. Rise I was crazy-right?! When they finally removed it -the gallbladder had adhered to my liver-the surgeon literally said it was the most diseased gallbladder he'd ever seen.

      Do not accept "your fine", "it's in your head" etc. demand a diagnosis and find a doctor willing to work to a solution! My last hospitalization and ERCP resulted in he entire biliary system full of sludge and barely working and I was in so much pain I felt I was's real. Something IS wrong. Go to the BEST Drs you can!! Good luck!!

    • Posted

      I've often wondered the same thing. Still having nausea and constant pain 4 weeks post surgery. How are you doing now?

    • Posted

      i have been given amitriptyline for neuropathic pain after having my gallbladder removed 4 years ago. i dont have a diagnosis of neuropathic pain but they were just out of ideas as they cant find what is causing the pain.

      can i ask what checks you went through for this diagnosis?

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