Gallbladder is gone so where is this pain from?

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Had the dreaded gallbladder removed last June after only 7 months of pain (so I'm pretty lucky).

Everything went well, home the same day - took a good 4 weeks to feel totally better after the op but eating was ok and I don't seem to be affected by bowel issues like some people.

Only problem is I have dull ache in exactly the same place I used to get the gallbladder pain. It's not intense pain but it's in the front RUQ under my ribs and moves round the side and to my back.

It doesn't seem to appear after anything in particular and most of the time it's there constantly. Suppose it's more of an annoyance than anything else because I'm always aware of this ache. I'm quite reluctant to go to my GP because after spending about 7 months constantly in the surgery last year updating painkillers and nausea pills I don't want them to think I'm addicted to medical attention.

Just wondered if anyone had anything similar or if it's just a by-product of surgery that I'll have to get on with?


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    I had my gallbladder removed in 2001, for 13 years I experienced that same pain. Horrible far worse than the actual gallbladder pain at times.

    And for several years my drs told me it was acid reflux and even "psychological"

    Finally I found a dr who referred me to a liver specialist (biliary and pancreatic specilist as well)

    I had a MRI done and 1 hour later had a diagnosis.

    SOD (Sphincter or oddi dysfunction)

    Its found mostly in women and usually the patient has had their gallbladder removed.

    It took me almost 14 years to get an answer. One out patient surgery later and life is much better. Its not curable but sometimes one procedure does the trick. I encourafe anyone whos srill experiencing pain, and had their gallbladder removed, to tell their drs they want a mrcp to look at biliary tree and sphincter of oddi.

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      I too was diagnosed with sphincter of oddi dysfunction. .my gastrointerologist tested during my 2nd to last stent replacement and he says it's severe. I had told him it felt like a wave or a rubber band twang in my upper stomach area. He told me that it is more common in women that had the cholecystectomy done.I am one of the unlucky ones because mine is not triggered by food or fluids. I will be going into the university of chicago heptobiliary specialist surgery for a hepaticojejunostomy. Hopefully next biliary stents are getting clogged every 11 days. .so time is a ticking.hopefully I will hear from the surgeon today with a surgery date.

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    I was getting burning pain in my upper back that moved to my chest and down my arms but it only happened in the morning. It last about a minute then about 10 mins later I'd get it again. I would get 4-6 of these attacks. I ignored them. 2 weeks ago I had to have emergency gallbladder surgery. I had lots of stones. So 10 days after surgery I'm feeling pretty good then bam, the dreaded morning pains came back. It feels like I'm having a heart attack, like my chest & back are in a vice and burning. Why am I still getting these? Could it be not related to my gall bladder and really be heart related? I don't go to my post op appt till next week and I'm getting really scared. Anyone else get these & why is it only happening in the morning?

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      I had my surgery a week ago today and have been having the burning across my middle back and it wraps around to my right side. It is very painful and when I would tell the doctors and nurses they don't have any answers. Pain in my right side radiated to my mid back and even pain meds don't help. I am so tired of hurting I'm going crazy. I'm sorry you are having this burning pain too. I thought I was the only one experiencing that burning pain. I had to be cut open 2 months ago to repair a quarter size ulcer that ruptured and almost killed me , they could have removed the gallbladder the they saw it was swollen and full of stones but noooo cut me open a 14 inch cut from breast to navel on 6/17 the come back on 8/26 do laparoscopy gallbladder removal on me. On 7/14 I had pleural effusion on left lung because they sent me home with it after ulcer and didn't tell me what to look for so got water on my lung so bad I lost 90% of my left lung and had to be hospitalized for 12 days they removed 1 liter of fluid one day the next it was back then had a chest tube for 5 more days and got another liter of fluid. So I have just been in so much pain didn't know if others had that burning.

      Pray you feel better I guess it's part of it idk.

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      Oh my you really been run through the ringer!! I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. I have my post op appt. in 3 days so I pray they can tell me what's going on bc it literally feels like I'm having a heart attack. It's crazy bc my incisions are just sore and I'm feeling ok but these burning back & chest pains are really scary. Hope we all get some answers soon. Hope you feel better🙏🏽

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    Bonjour, Had mine removed almost two years ago. Have the same problem with the continuos dull pain. I've had scans, been prodded and pushed around and the consensus of opinion is that it is caused by the scar tissue. I keep on taking the pills. 

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    So glad to have found this forum.

    Let me tell you about myself....

    I have had the gallstones pain for about 4 to 5 years. Only diagnosed this in March 2016 that it was actually gallstones, before that I had to battle the pain myself thinking I had some gas problems, sometimes even lasting 3 days of pure agony, since I have been diagnosed I have been again to hospital for a another spout of pain again, this time looks like the gallstone went into my Pancreas and passed. This caused much more pain aka "Pancretitis" that before and a lot more risk of organ damage. The inflamed pancreas however went down after 5 days but the pain is what people mention on here, back ache, left hand side mainly and pain under ribs... Cramps, spasms. 

    Cut it the story short, I am on a waiting list for the gallbladder removal, been on it since March. I have the pancreas spasms sometimes, but I have not been diagnosed with acute or chronic pancreatitis. The pain is more annoying than painful, maybe this is what most people are referring to, I hope after the gallbladder removal I do not get any more severe attacks.

    I would like to know when does the gallbladder actually function, the only pattern I can work out on when this ever did happen was eating too much, drinking fizzy drinks with meal or sleeping on full stomach... Never could link it to a particular type of food. 

    Anyway so glad I'm not the only one, and my heart goes out to people who are still suffering the same pain. It is the worst pain, it stops you in your tracks. 


  • Posted

    Hi thank you so much for posting this! I have had my galbladder out for over a year now at 17 years old. But it took them over a month to figure out it was my galbladder. At first they were thinking it must be in my head, that I was just nervous for senior year. But after countless times of sobbing in pain and multiple test they finally figured out I had 0% function of my galbladder. The Dr said that he was 99% sure that this is what was causing the pain. So I got my GB removed and after a few weeks I just was still in horrible pain being forced to eat and I only ate toast. I eventually had to go back and was hospitalized for 5 days and said that I just have bad acid reflux and slow digestion. So i went and saw the gi Dr and told them
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      I told them that I was still having the same pains as I did with the galbladder but worse and they said well all your test are normal and there is nothing that we can do to help. I'm still having the same pains and have a very small diet of what I can eat. I hope everyone finds answers about there pain soon!

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    I have the same problem I had my gallbladder removed almost 9 years ago.  About 3 years ago I got the same pains again.  I had an ultra sound and was told I had gas in my common duct.  My Dr. Said she had to look it up she had never heard about it before me.  I know that foods like kale, brussel sprouts and cabbage all cause this pain for me.  
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    Hi everyone. I'm an RN and started all this gallbladder stuff months ago, however my primary left no stone unturned, before my surgery I had colonoscopy, endoscopy, ultrasound, CT scan, they flushed my gallbladder and viewed this on a screen....all this BEFORE they removed my gallbladder. I was diagnosed with diverticulosis after the colonoscopy. However, I'm only 3 weeks post-op cholecestectomy and still have the same right rib cage pain and also left rib cage pain aka 'mirror pain'.

    My gallbladder was slowly poisoning me and I had 9 stones. The bile was also refluxing into my stomach. I'm continuing to take Omeprazole and watch what I eat. I had a frozen pizza tonight and now in pain. I'm also lactose-intolerant so I have plenty of gas in my entire intestines, Gas-X is very helpful.

    My suggestion is to keep a food diary. My mom in law had her gallbladder out 6 years ago and has symptoms whenever she eats fried foods. ANY fried foods, we avoid fast food places like plague.

    I'm hoping all the wonderful advice here will give me a good list of possibilities which I will transcribe into my food diary to suggest to my primary, should my pain persist. For now I plan to take the dietary approach and, as I had quit exercising before the subtraction of my gallbladder due to severe nausea and pain, I am anxious to resume my former activities and drop some weight.

    I am an RN and I believe that helps when covering all bases. Thank you so much all here who have shared their experiences and have offered suggestions and/or possible solutions. I am so sorry to hear of so many sufferers, I will keep all in my prayers.

    Blessings, Michelle

  • Posted

    Hi I am 33 years old and had my gallbladder removed when I was 21.I've been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis. About a year after I had my surgery.I have tried all kinds of diets medicine. some of which works for a minute and some of which does not work at all.I have found that a lot of it has to do with my stress level. Your Protonix which are prilosec or acid reducers the Happy Little purple pills. They do help they just take a really long time to work. if you are experiencing a lot of burning and your stomach and your diaphragm there is a medicine called Carafate. All it is a chalk tablet which coats your stomach an esophagus. most doctors do not prescribe it is old.I have had doctors tell me that it does not work but it does. it is not fancy and not new. And a no-fat diet is not going to stop the pain. I am sorry to say that but it is true.I also had to stop taking all Ibuprofen and Tylenol. It was messing with my liver enzymes. When I went on my low fat diet to no fat I got sick really fast I was back in the hospital within 2 months. A low carb diet helps. Not drinking and staying stress-free which is hard. is the only way that I was able to go 4 years without any pain.unfortunately the pain came back. I am in the middle of a adoption which is rather stressful. I know that everybody wants a Magic cure. But unfortunately doctors leave in the Ducks when they take out your gallbladder. Which can cause pain for a very very long long time. sometimes you can find a nice doctor that will go in and take them out but most of them think that you're just crazy. it's okay you're not. I have been dealing with this for almost 13 years now. And it's an up-and-down forever. Don't give up lifhave alsom. I have two beautiful children and the 3rd should be hear soon I have a wonderful supportive husband and a lot of really close I find myself blessed. yes I am in pain every so often. And hoae to not eat for a few days and letting my digestive organs rest. And trying to stay stress free is the only thing that will help. And yes I had pain when I sleep the Carafate helped so much with all of that. I hope I'm able to help at least one person.I know there's a lot of us out there. and it really sucks to know that. to try to make small changes in your life to stay stress-free and don't sweat the small stuff. because it's all small stuff compare to your life.

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      Jaclyn: Congratulations on your upcoming adoption! That is wonderful! We adopted our 9 yo at birth, a private attorney arranged adoption, I had other medical problems that resulted in infertility, although I'd birthed my only other 10 years prior.

      I love your advice. Carafate is an older medicine but as a nurse I know it has helped many. I will keep that in mind, I'm fortunate enough to have an old-school doctor. I'm taking Omeprazole but plan to switch to Nexium. (It's just a more expensive OTC and I don't care for most generic brands.)

      I'm preparing to start a more gallbladder/acid reflux friendly diet and still keep a food diary. I plan to reevaluate myself after a month or monthly as I tweak some things. I have Xanax as needed for anxiety/stress, but I rarely take it as it is highly addictive.

      I'm sorry to hear of your ongoing suffering. Perhaps the new baby will take your mind off of some of it. I will certainly say a prayer for you and again, congrats on the adoption, I pray everything goes well for you.

      Blessings, Michelle

  • Posted

    My husband had his removed 3 years and 5 months ago and has been in constant pain in theRUQ since. His aim goes from intense burin gong to feeling like a red hot knife is stabbing him. There have been tests for stones in the bile duct and we ruled out stomach and intestines at this point we don't have a clue Spector of odi maybe but other then that we r clueless

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    My heart breaks reading this discussion. My husband is 2 yrs post op and is in excruciating pain in his right side on one of the scars(right under the rib) we have had Mir/ ct scans/ ultrasounds/ colonoscopy/ scope/ we even did 6 months of tap blocks for possible nerve damage. Tens units/ ice/ deep tissue massage His pain never goes away, it just goes from bad to worse, food doesn't change effects/ one dr even said I don't know but somethings a brewing. He has bouts of just wanting to give up. If anyone has had similar issues and has finally found answers please reply

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      I am sorry to hear your husband is suffering. Some people have tried wearing a midriff / chest brace. They are a bit like a weight lifters belt but softer. You can tighten them to fit using the Velcro adjusters. Only about ten pounds to buy and might help. You can get one on Amazon easily.

      I hope something helps.

    • Posted

      My heart goes out to your husband as I'm the same after 3 years of having my gallbladder removed I have the burning feeling and then feel like iv been boxed or stabbed with a knife repeatedly!! Iv tryed everything all tests done and show Notting I'm starting to think its adhesion which don't show up on any scans like MRI ct or ultrasound. Has your husband found an answer yet ?

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