Gallbladder is gone so where is this pain from?
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Had the dreaded gallbladder removed last June after only 7 months of pain (so I'm pretty lucky).
Everything went well, home the same day - took a good 4 weeks to feel totally better after the op but eating was ok and I don't seem to be affected by bowel issues like some people.
Only problem is I have dull ache in exactly the same place I used to get the gallbladder pain. It's not intense pain but it's in the front RUQ under my ribs and moves round the side and to my back.
It doesn't seem to appear after anything in particular and most of the time it's there constantly. Suppose it's more of an annoyance than anything else because I'm always aware of this ache. I'm quite reluctant to go to my GP because after spending about 7 months constantly in the surgery last year updating painkillers and nausea pills I don't want them to think I'm addicted to medical attention.
Just wondered if anyone had anything similar or if it's just a by-product of surgery that I'll have to get on with?
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CC4580 happyalien
I really hope this is able to help somebody!! I had my Gallbladder removed in the fall of 2015. It was really inflamed and had a ton of gallstones. Prior to having my Gallbladder removed I was having bad stomach pain and was diagnosed with Acid Reflux. I had only taken Nexium for 4 months before needing to have my Gallbladder removed.
After the surgery I was told my gallbladder was most likely the source for my stomach problems so I didn't resume taking Nexium. Cut to about 8 months post surgery and the same old familiar pain is back (that a lot of you seem to be having).
I went to a new GI Dr and was told I had pinched nerves in my abdomin wall and would need Trigger Point injections to help break up the scar tissue and relieve the pain. I was a little skeptical but went and had one round of injections. I did experience relief but not completely. I wasn't 100% sure about this diagnosis and wanted a second opinion before going in for my second round of injections. I went to a different GI Dr and he said the same thing!
Apparently pinched nerves or "Abdomin Wall Syndrome" is extremely common after surgery and usually doesn't happen until months later. So PLEASE look into this before spending tons of money on MRIs, Endoscopies, CT Scans, ECRPs, etc. The only thing needed to diagnose the Abdominal Wall syndrome was pushing on my stomach and performing a Carnett's sign test (no equipment required). I should also note that my ONLY symptom was stomach pain. I had no problems with food, no fever, no vomitting, no diarrhea, etc. The only symptom was stomach pain near my incision sites from my surgery.
Like I said I've only had one round of Trigger Point Injections so far and did notice relief so I'll be going back for my second round soon! I hope that this helps somebody and saves you some time, sanity and money!
m80731 CC4580
I wanted to give an update after the 2nd round of injections. I did see some relief again but still not full relief. I did some research online about how to break up scar tissue after surgery. I came across a few exercises/stretches to try and I noticed more relief after one or two days doing the exercises than I did from both rounds of injections.
If anyone has pain similar to mine (pain located at the incision cites) Youtube "Stretching for abdominal adhesions" and "How to get rid of scar tissue with Jill Miller". I bought the exercise ball used in the second video and again it really seems to help break up the scar tissue and relieve the pain. Paying $14 for an exercise ball is way better than paying for expensive Dr visits! (**Also want to note that I am almost 1 year post op so I'm healed enough to be rolling around on this ball. Wouldn't recommend for anyone fresh out of surgery) Hope this helps!!
kylie88753 happyalien
This is exactly what's happening to me. Had my gallbladder out 6 years ago but ever since I have tummy pains. Feels like wind pains most of the time but 3 times the pains have been so severe I'd had to call an ambulance. Each time I'm diagnosed with pancreatitis but then told I can't have it and get discharged. Third time it happened was last week and now I'm determined to find the cause. I can't keep living like this. My daughters was so scared watching me.
debra1711 kylie88753
It sure is frustrating. .talk to your dr and tell him to see if he can test for sphincter of oddi dysfunction. I am in the er about 1x a month..most times I end up getting admitted for fluids.antibiotics..bloodwork. .I have only had 1 case of classic pancreatitis and that was caused by a metal biliary stent.I was in the hospital for 7days until my liver enzymes came down.they are still to this day higher than normal. .but my lipase and amylase come back normal. I truely hope you get an answer..
kmgreensman happyalien
First off, thank all of you for sharing your experience to help others. I have a simiar situation with the pain. My story is a little different. I actually had a Nissen Fundlipication to fix a severe para esophogeal hernia that had my stomach caught between my esophogus and the opening into my chest cavity. I have suffered 25 years, since I was 25 or26 with severe Acid Reflux. The worst of anyone I know and have always been on the latest/greatest acid reflux meds and at the highest rate and still not controling it. Also on Pepcid AND Dexilant. Two different types of acid reflux meds. SO this procedure actually is for that as well. Not only did they pull my stomach back into my abdomen, but the closed up the opening to where it is supposed to be (only big enough for espophogaus to fit through) it was size of a baseball before. They also wrapped the top of my stomach around the top of esopogaus so it can't happen again. BUT when the surgeon met with me on my followup he said my gallbladder was severly swollen and that was what was causing a lot of my pain and nasuea. I never really had gallbladder attacks before the surgery but started immediately after I had the Fundiplication surgery. I got so bad that I couldnt stand it any longer. Just had my Gallbladder out on Monday (3.5 days ago). Tonight I ate Spaghetti with meatsauce. This was the first fatty meal I have had since my Gallbladder attacks started a month ago. So it seemed to be related to that. I am totally exhausted after losing a bunch of weight and just feeling like crap for the last couple of years. It truly will wear you out getting up everyday and dealing with nasuea and pain and not eating right because stomach was bunched up and felt like I had a lap band on so I couldn't eat much. I really was excited about my first surgery thinking I am FINALLY going to feel normal for a change. THEN ok...Well now I know I just need one more surgery and then I will be able to feel normal again....ok now tonight I feel that pain and read all this about others going through the same issue. WOW...when will this stop and I get to feel like a normal person? I know thats not a question that can be answered, but I am just so tired of feeling poor. I also had a attack of Pancreatitis about 6 years ago out of the blue and was in hospital for a week on iv only for first few days. So just wondering if the Pancreatitis caused the Gallbladder swelling or did the gallbladder cause the Pancreatitis? Another question that can't be answered...just rambling I guess. Anyway. I will be going back for my followup tomorrow at surgeons office so I am going to have all these stories in case he says.."its in your head" I havn't even read all the replys so I will continue reading. I just wanted to add my story to the list. Thank you again for a great forum to be able to find out that youre not alone.
Emma1001 kmgreensman
I'm sorry to hear that you have had a rough time over the years. With regard to having your gallbladder surgery only last week, well it is very early days. You have to heal and that could take a long time, not as fast as they say anyway. Also I think your body chemistry gets upset with the liver flowing bile into your intestine all the time. Now the little rerservoir has been removed you will be getting the bile dripping all the time. It will take a while to adjust.
I am three years on and go through periods of rib pain, then acid then back to rib pain. It comes and goes. Its not bad but I wish I didn't have it!
You may go on to have a pain free future as many do so don't give up yet, as I said, its early days.
All the best
margaret60653 happyalien
I had my gallbladder out about a year and a half ago, and notice a pain in my right side every once in awhile. It's not bad, feels like a gas pain where the gallbladder used to be, so I just chalk it up to phantom pain. I'm thinking it could be a bit of scar tissue or nerve that is pinching. You are not alone in this.
erica08562 happyalien
I had my gallbladder tooken out over a year ago & I am so glad I found this page cause now I know I'm not alone. I have been so worried about something being wrong with me still. I have bad pain, twitching & sometimes a little pressure where my gallbladder use to be.
debra1711 erica08562
Keep fighting to find an answer. I had my dr do blood work and hepatic functions tests.I hope you get some relief soon.
esther01639 happyalien
I know it's late post. Had my removal 9months ago, have attacks several times. IDK what to do when they get very painful. Do any of u go to e.r for instant pain treatment?
m80731 esther01639
Esther, I have the same problem two years later. Almost 3 in October. Yes, I go to the ER and have several times. They usually have to end up giving me diluadid. It's the most horrible pain. I searched and searched for the best gastroinerologist. All of them told me this pain was normal except one. And they are currently helping me figure this out. If you know something is wron with your body- don't settle for someone telling you there isn't. Don't give up. It made me feel crazy ... So crazy because everyone would tell me this is normal and scar tissue, etc.. that kind of pain is not normal.. Good luck
debra1711 m80731
I hope your gastrointerologist can find the answer.mine listens carefully. .ordered an mri and ctscan..found a piece of my gallbladder is still there. He also did a pressure test during my 2nd to last ercp..that is when he found my sphincter of oddi dysfunction. Best wishes..Keep the faith that you will get a diagnosis. .I'm I'm illinois and have a gastrointerologist that personally calls you back..he is actually the man that referred me to the university of chicago heptobiliary specialist. ..I am so glad that he actually listened to me..
ava60857 esther01639
Took me 12 years and 6 drs (5 of which treated me like I was imagining the pain) before I got the diagnosis.
Caused same pain as my gallbladder
Before that I did go to ER but they gave fluids, antiacids and sent me on my way.
They never did an mrcp which is required to show the issues
diana04309 happyalien
I am on Pevalite powder , that you pour into a glass of water. It really helps. Problem is once your gallbladder is removed your bile juices dump into your intestines instead of the gallbladder, meaning you have too much bile acid dumping into your digestive tract because of the absent gallbladder.