Gassy chest pains; a constant feeling of needing to burp...

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I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this, but it seemed the closest bet.

Every so often (once a month or so), I experience what I can best describe as gassy chest pains. It's a tight fullness from about the middle of my chest up to the top of my throat (I'm assuming in my esophagus). It feels as if I need to get a good burp out to relieve the discomfort, yet no burp that I can manage is ever enough.

The discomfort gradually progresses into radiating waves of significant aching pain (dull in some areas, sharp in others) in the region of my chest/throat that I described.

Any amount of swallowing aggravates the pain, which proves to be problematic as my mouth starts producing excess amounts of saliva, which I have to continually expel.

The symptoms make it virtually impossible to sleep, if the condition hits at night (which it most often does), and laying down only seems to make the sensations worse. I've found that sitting up or standing while bending forward slightly (as when leaning over a counter, for instance) seem to provide the most positional relief, although it isn't much.

If I hold a deep breath when I feel a wave of pain coming, I seem to be able to bear it a little better than if I exhale or breathe normally.

The pain and chest/throat discomfort usually last a good few hours. Once the pain does subside, I'm usually left with a knotted feeling in the pit of my stomach for the better part of a day.

Since it began occurring more than a few times, I started keeping a log of things I've eaten before the symptoms began. Some recurring foods that may have triggered episodes include fatty red meats, chocolate, and (maybe) dairy.

In researching such symptoms/triggers, I found myself reading about GERD, and at first thought that might be what I had. But the pains I experience are achey, not burning or acidy, as described as the symptoms of GERD.

I've tried taking Tums, Alka-Seltzer, Gas-X, and drinking warm water when episodes begin, but nothing seems to help, other than time.

I know that stress can cause/aggravate such symptoms as well, and in some of my instances that might have played a role, but in others, some of the worst, I felt totally at ease before the symptoms flared up.

I'll be the first to admit that I don't have the best diet in the world. While I don't eat a lot of fast food, I also don't get as many fruits and vegetables as I should be having daily (especially fruit). I don't know if that would play any role here. I do take a daily multivitamin supplement.

Also, I do have a pre-existing heart condition (ventricular leakage after balloon valvuloplasty for pulmonary stenosis that I had as a child), but I don't see how that would be related to this matter, as I doubt any heart-related issues would be associated with the urge to burp.

And I am a 30 year old male.

I know that other people's issues are much more serious, but man, these conditions are quite unpleasant when they occur. Any opinions/insights as to what I might be experiencing, and how to treat or, better yet, prevent it, would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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79 Replies

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    I had most of these exact same symptoms and nobody understood what I was trying to explain to them, until I had a gall bladder attack because of gallstones I had and had to have emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder and was in the hospital for 11 days. It was seriously the most painful experience in my life even with the painkillers I was in agony. Turns out of the gallstones got stuck in my bile duct, stopping pancreatic enzymes from traveling to the small intestine and forcing them back into the pancreas which also caused pancreatitis too!!!So if I was you I would definitely rule that out with your doctor. You can have symptoms very very simular to those you all had/have and it can go on for years without an actual gallstone attack happening
  • Posted

    I get the same pains in my chewt. The pain normally goes away if I move my body a certain way. My doctor keeps giving me prilozec. What are the best over the counter pills for this condition. .
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    Manuka +20  helps, one spoonful 20 mins before eating a meal, three time a day. Must be the +20 and from New Zealand. With the the MGO label on front.  There is a lot of information online about Manuka honey and treatment of Gerd and stomach bacteria H, Pylora. A natural alternative and now being used in hospitals.
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    Not sure if this is a dead discussion, but I suffer exactly what was initially described and believe I have found the cause:


    Believe it or not, eating a ton of cashews gives me this intense, wave like building of pain that I wake up in the middle of the night experiencing.  I googled "cashew heartburn" on a whim and found some threads explaining that certain nuts can cause allergic reactions that mess with your digestive system, ultimately resulting in acidic fluid travelling up your throat.

    Hope this helps someone - also, the timely drinking of water helps mitigate the pain swells for me

  • Posted

    Hi Imagazzell,

    I know this forum is a bit old but

    I was wondering if you found out why you were experiencing gassy chest pains and if you found something to help with the discomfort. 

    A friend of mine is having the same symptoms you described and they can't find anything to help the pain their in or what medications to ask for at doctors. 

    It would be great to have some help from someone who has gone through even same thing. smile

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    Hi all!  Same problems here.  Mine is especially bad when I exercise. Have no problem during exercise, but after I get the tightness and burn  in chest up to throat/collarbone area.  Feels like I just need to burp but can’t. Have had all heart tests and lung scans.  All those and all blood work normal.  Started having stomach issues with stress and high anxiety event which has led to some depression.  Doctor put me on Protonix which has helped with burn but not this darn pressure and burp feeling that won’t come.  Going to try some of the cures on here. Would love to know any further results as this thread is a bit old.  Saw the newer posts, though.  
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    My could not have described me better. Long story short I landed in the ER twice becauseI thought I was having a heart attack. Mine started out very much like a panic attack, hyper ventilation and tightness in my chest were the primary symptoms. 3 months from that first night in the ER Ive had 3 ekgs, a 64 slice heart scan, ultrasound, heart echo, hida scan and an endoscope down my throat and a colonoscopy and a pumonary test as well as a cat scan of my torso. Everything came back as normal. Ive had a few slightly elvated blood tests, but just barely and they were mostly immune type stuff you'd with sinus trouble which I have consistently. The past few months my biggest complaint is that my chest feels like I have intense butterflies in it and I feel like I need to let out a huge burp. I usually end just making myself burp until I let out one of these really big, bitter tasting burps that usually gives me some relief. Often times eating or drinking something warm will help as well. Ive also noticed that chocolate, fatty foods and possibly dairy seem to trigger it sometimes. I also dont fart a fraction of what I used to before this problem so Im wondering if it is a digestive side effect. The CT scan did say I had a distended stomach (basically full of gas) which is weird because I wasnt allowed to eat anything over 18 hours before having it. If I remember correctly my endo said something about stomach gas too. The most prominant common patterns Im seeing in this thread seem to be fatty foods/chocolate and stress. I was under ALOT and I do mean ALOT of stress for about 3 days leading up to my first ER visit. So I cant help but think there may be some correlation between stress affecting the digestive system in such a way that maybe certain foods we can usually tolerate (fatty and chocolate) create an adverse reaction to when thrown into the mix. I wish I had some kind of diagnosis for you but I have been put through the medical test ringer and nothing has shown up as a culprit.

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      Billy, have you found out what was wrong with you? I've been having similar symptoms on and off for weeks now and need relief. I'll wake up in the night with a pulsating feeling of trapped gas that won't get out either way, pushing at my diaphragm and leaving me breathless. I also have, almost daily, problems with spasms in my esophagus and food stuck down in there. My GE says it's acid reflux irritating my esophagus but I don't feel any acid coming up. Actually, I had to get myself off ppis after only 3 weeks because they were making me bloated and constipated and generally feeling weak and awful. I suspect SIBO but will have to check with my GE again.

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      Duk, Have you had an endoscopy?  I had the same symptoms as Billy for the last 2 years and I am finally getting relief.  It was was scary to think that I could live the rest of my life with these uncomfortable symptoms.  With my situation I had for an extended period of time what is called silent reflux.  Which basically means you are refluxing acid and and don't feel it.  This is what was happening to me until it got so intense that if I ate or drank anything I would get this feeling of someone choking me for periods up to 8 hours.  The anxiety would set in with the fear of what if my throat closes in on me and i can't breath.  I finally went to see a GE and they did an endo and found that I had an extreme case of esophagitis.  I had ulcers and a polyp in my esophagus that was caused from stomach acid sitting in my throat while laying down and it was eating holes in my throat.  This is where throat cancer begins to manifest.  He treated me with 40mg's of Omeprazole and it literally took over two months for me to even begin to feel better.  I also got the bloating but with a regimen of Metamucil in the morning and at night I overcame that.  I had a follow up endo done two months after the original endo and I was totally clear.  the Omeprazole is doing it's job.  It was also discovered that I had a hyatal hernia that was causing the problem.  My triggers were chocolate, caffeine, spicy foods, tomatoes, and citric fruits.  Caffeine and chocolate are stomach acid aplifiers so if you are a person who likes fancy coffee this could be amplifying your problems.  I get around this by drink decaf now and I actually feel better being caffeine free.  I would encourage you to get an endo and if you have aready then get back on the ppi's. Maybe try a different one or different dosage.  You need to get checked to make sure you don't have Barrettes Disease.  I was suspect for it but was cleared thank God.  BD is a precursor to cancer and if caught early it can be controlled with ppi's.  Another thing that may have brought out my GERD (gastro esophageal refulx disease) is it also was found that I had sleep apnea.  Sleep apnea causes acid reflux, hypertension, weight gain, fatigue, anxiety to name a few.  This my be worth checking into by getting a sleep study.  The other thing I would consider staying away from calcium bi-carbonate products like Rolaids.  This will only make things worse in some cases.  When you pop these it neutralizes the acid and give you quick temporary relief but when the body senses that the body has become more alkaline it will engulf you with more acid causing the reflux to come back withing in hours and more intense.  Then you pop more BCB's you continue the viscous cycle.  Trust me, I have done all of these things and learned the hard way.  Good luck and keep us posted.  T

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      I feel that food is stuck too, did u get diagnosed or found a relieve? 
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    I have 76 years experience at life and just had the ,I gotta burp or fart to get rid of this chest pain feeling for the first time in many years. I ate chicken wings, avocado, chocolate, cheese, and cup of spice tea. Not a big meal but much more than usual for me at 8 pm when I went to bed at 10PM. Got really bad chest pains that woke me up at 1am and I had to get up at 4am and walk around and exercise to be able to burp a little. Pain went down put real sore spot left on my rib cage about 2 ribs up.  I will not eat anything but raw fruit etc later and try not to eat much of anything after 7pm. I will also get some digestive enzymes to take if I violate that plan.  I eat lunch at 3pm and not much else rest of the day. I have just joined this discussion and welcome the comments found here. We are all our own best doctors and I have to break something to visit one. I have found easy cures to several problems and hope to do same here.
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    I had those symptoms for 5 years every day, then one day I stopped drinking coffee and my symptoms have almost all but gone. Caffeine can cause anxiety and your blood vessels to constrict making it more difficult to travel through your body. Good luck!
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    Omg i feel the same thing, and i’m having anxiety about it.. I convinced myself i that i have esophageal cancer.. hopefully not. I’m planning to have an endscopy but i’m terrified 

    If u found out whats causing this and how to relieve it pleasee let me know. Its been a week now the symptoms are worse after i eat especially at night, they last for hours. 

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      I’m 21, and i’ve cut smoking, i wasnt an addict anyway 
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      I am able to control the pain with a diet. I could give you more details if you are interested, but first, you should see your doctor. In my experience, they are much better guessers than me and the Internet. With self-diagnosis, you'll drive yourself into more anxiety which will probably lead to making your symptoms worse. I'm very happy with my results.

      ...just wondering, I sometimes get a fluttery feeling in my chest that seems related somehow, but I'm not sure. Does that ever happen to you?

      Let me know if you'd like to know more about what I did. I'm really happy with the results.

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      BTW... You mentioned endoscopy, Have you considered gastroscopy as well?
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      I know this is easier said than done, but try not to overthink your symptoms.  The anxiety will only compound you symptoms.  Look at it like this, because of your age you have a lesser chance of having throat cancer.  It sound to me like you have a case of GERD or acid reflux.  It would be wise to get an endoscopy to make sure you have not developed any ulcers in your esophagus.  Your symptoms sound exactly like mine and because I waited so long I developed an ulcer.  It has heal 100% with the treatment of omeprazole.  Please try to control the anxiety as it is a wicked compounder for other symptoms.  Remember, scary thought are just thoughts they are not true or reality.  If you struggle with anxiety there is a book called "At Last A Life".  It's a great read and will help you understand anxiety and how to manage it. 

    • Posted

      Thank you soo much this helped me alot, all of these thoughts are in my head.

      The thought of endscopy gives me anxiety too lol, my doctor told me i don’t really need to do an endscopy.

      do you know about barium xray? Does it show ulcers?

      I’m certainly getting this book thank you so much for your recommendations, anxiety is ruining my life. 

    • Posted

      No problem.  The endo procedure is a piece of cake.  Take if from a person that has Generalized Anxiety Disorder and and has has two endo's this year.  From the time they give you propofol (anesthesia) it only take about 15 to 20 minutes but you don't even know you went to sleep.  That stuff is amazing.  No wonder why Michael Jackson liked it so much.  I was out for 15 minutes and felt like I got the most amazing 10 hours of sleep in my life.  You need to realize that the reflux or gerd in your case is more than likely caused by the Anxiety.  When anxiety hits, your body releases adrenaline causing the nerves in you stomach to react and you get the belly ache.  This constant feeling also caused your digestive system to not function correctly causing an influx of stomach acids which leads to ulcers and acid reflux.  So the target is the anxiety.  Now here is the tricky part. The only way to fix anxiety is to not try and fix it.  Sound crazy I know.  But what keeps the anxiety fed is constantly worrying and trying to fix it.  It just causes more stress which is a precursor to anxiety.  Then when your attempts to fix it fails, you become hopeless & defeated and now you start to head into depression compounding the problem.  This is why anxiety and depression are linked. So the best thing to do is when anxiety hits, literally talk to it and say: "Anxiety I know you are there. So you do what you got to do and I will carry on doing what I need to do and that's it.  I'm not going to fight you or try to fix you.  So go ahead and waist mine and your time. Torment me if you want.  I'm not going anywhere." At that point turn of the thinking cap and live out the rest of your day.  You are not going to die irregardless of what your scary thought have put in your head.  How many of those thought have you had and look, you are still here and none of those thought have every happened.  I still have to beat this into my head a lot.  Anxiety is a big bully.  It talks big and says all these things its going to do to you and it never does it.  You know why, because anxiety is a cowered that likes to prey on vulnerable people. The anxiety attack will go away and you won't even realized it stopped.  Its a challenge and a process so don't be discouraged.  And by all means don't set time or goals of when you are going to fix it.  This is totally up to you body.  I promise you at 21, you have your best years ahead of you.  Start to heal your mind and body so you can enjoy the life that awaits you.   I believe in you.  I truly do and I don't even know you.  If I didn't believe in you I would have never wasted my time writing this to you.  You can do this.  Stop being so hard on yourself.  You'll get through it.  As for the swallow test it will only show if you reflux the fluid (barium) in real time when you swallow.  it wont show ulcers. 

    • Posted

      Omg thank you so much carlos, best encouraging piece of advice i’ve ever got ur amazing!

      F**k anxiety

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