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Just before my 51st birthday my periods went all over the place, having at least three in a month, having had migraine auras and the odd eye twitching, i wonder if gastitis is due to the onset of menopause. It flared up around the time of the irregular periods and i have read that some women have had this happen in menopause, I wondered if anyone on here had experienced it too. I have a hiatas hernia and suffered something some time ago, so it could be that i am prone to this anyway, but am i correct in saying that menopause can cause more reflux?
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jayneejay pinkcatfairy
yes it is quite common in peri and post meno ..
i had it during peri but dont now post meno ..
Reason may be hormone levels such as estrogen, progesterone, or cortisol are unusually high or otherwise off-balance ..
Jay x
' meno brain ' 😄
jay x
pinkcatfairy jayneejay
Thanks for your reply, it is just reassuring to hear, this has been going on forba while now, i thought the meno had something to do with it
Ruthie49 pinkcatfairy
Reflux and digestive disturbances can definitley be a symptom of hte hormone changes related to peri.
I have had a lot of reflux and digestive problems since my periods became irregular last summer: acid, reflux, nausea, indigestion, upper left quadrant pain, tightening and cramping after meals, steatorrhea and weight loss. I've had many scopes and scans and nothing can be found. I'm suffering right now and it is still worrying me a lot because it is so tiring and I just can't eat normally.
pinkcatfairy Ruthie49
Sorry to hear you are suffering
pinkcatfairy Ruthie49
Sorry to hear you are suffering, it is no fun having digestive problems is it, mine seems to go on and on!
pinkcatfairy Ruthie49
shaznay96184 pinkcatfairy
I'm going to have to Google 'Gastitis' as I've no idea what that is! And that's something coming from a habitual Self-Diagnoser (I prefer that to hypocondriac
!!). And one of those who has never had a major illness in her life!
but lets just say if its anything to do with excessive wind, I've had it most of my adult life!! (being serious now: I hate it)
Dya know what: I was talking to the wife of my husband's pal at the weekend. We don't really know each other much - our husbands are pals - but I'm amazed at the kindred spirit of Peri women. We must sniff each other out!
Well she's a mere kid of 50 to my 54, so I think I'm a little further down the road and probably experienced most of the symptoms she mentioned to me.
But one thing I couldn't relate to was her week-long twitching eye! She said her GP just poo-poo'd her away and told her to take things easy!!
Well I'm going to see her briefly on Saturday and I will tell her to add this to her expanding list of symptoms!
Fortunately, I haven't fallen foul of migraines at all during my life. But 18mths ago, following a really stressful time selling our Business/Family Home of 22yrs, I had a spate of what I was told were 'eye migraines'. They were painless (thank Christ!) and consisted of prism-shaped patterns around the edges of my eyes. Optician reassured me they were probably stress-related and would pass when I calmed down......and they did.
So I have nothing but sympathy for any migraine sufferer, as a result.
Just going off to see Dr Google.....!
pinkcatfairy shaznay96184
Thank you for your reply, gastitis is an inflammed stomach lining, as for the migraine, I too, just had the Aura which is that funny zig zag thing going on, I would get the odd headache over the eye, but no full on migraine thank god! The eye twitching has gradually subsided, at times that was abit awkward when talking to people!
shaznay96184 pinkcatfairy
No wonder men don't understand us - we are just so bloody complex
have a good nite.
pinkcatfairy shaznay96184
shaznay96184 pinkcatfairy
maybe I'm just one of those overly windy types. Nice.....
bluebirdy pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy bluebirdy
Yes there seems to be a connection with hormones doesn't there. It is a horrible thing to have. It came on gradually starting with nausea at first and no other symtoms. Gradually appetite went with hardly any other symtoms, after a few weeks appetite returned and then the symtoms appeared! It is a strange thing, youbthink it has gone but then flares up again, I will give the cold milk a go!
madcow1964 bluebirdy
I always thought milk was a good soothing balm for stomach issues, and I love ice cold milk. But I recently read that, as milk contains lactic acid, more acid on a sore stomach does no good. it does work if you need cooling down after something hot and spicy, though.
In the last few months I have had more bouts of burning indigestion (can't really call it heartburn as the pain is definitely under my ribs not in my chest). It always coincides with bloating, something I usually had in the run up to my periods. Since hitting 50 last October my periods have started to become a little irregular. But I am currently starting another period exactly a week after the end of a 4/5 day one, and this is the 4th in little more than 2 months! Getting some burning in the tum again (I usually reach for the Gaviscon liquid - good stuff). However, my peri brain is to blame this time! At lunchtime I decided to have a Pop Tart. I grabbed a box, tore open the packet and popped one in the toaster. When it was no longer volcanic I took a bite and pulled a face but carried on eating. All the time I kept thinking - this tastes odd...not as nice as normal, slightly salty and much chewier....weird! Twenty minutes later I had a light bulb moment and dashed back into the kitchen - sure enough, and to my horror, I had just eaten a Pop Tart from a box that I was sure I had thrown out at Christmas - for a mere 10 YEARS out of date!!!! I'd had a good clear out of the old pantry and turfed out ageing sweet stuff - but now I wonder what I did with my new box of the tarts? Though the thing didn't taste rancid, its antiquity put the wind up me (it's gonna get worse!!) so I had to try and make myself sick, but I'm not sure I got it all out of my system. Could be in for a wild night - I wonder if it's hallucinogenic? I once made some carrot cake (purely out of a packet mix!) that I swear gave me weird dreams (I had a friend wanting to try some of it for himself!).
Oh well - it's been nice knowing you all!!
sheri54049 madcow1964