Gastric band - next week!!! Ahh
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Any post op gastric banders out there?!
I've got my op on 24th and starting to get a bit nervous but very excited about the future!
I'm on the milk diet and finding it quite tough, not as bad as I thought but I'm struggling with the salty drink as I can't stand gravy or anything like that!
Please help!
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rose-e-cheeks Rebecca02
I have a gastric band but my advice applies to all weight loss surgery candidates. Please PLEASE make sure you take daily vitamin supplements after your operation, I've been really poorly with malnourishment in the 6 years since my op. I have a history of poor nutrition and tbh the band wasn't suitable for me - I'm having it removed hopefully this year. Being malnourished makes you feel really yuk so please make sure you're getting your vitamins and minerals [smile]
The milk diet really didn't agree with me - I was lactose intollerant as a child and if i eat too much dairy the old symptoms return. I was advised to have a diet of lots of fruit and veg instead and that was much better!
Lots of luck for your op and I wish you all the best for the future - if I can help you any further please don't hestitate to message me.
Rebecca02 rose-e-cheeks
Thank you for your advice :-)
I am already taking multi vitamin and multi mineral tablets daily so I will keep that up thank you for the tip.
Sorry to hear that your band made you unwell, hopefully it was beneficial in some way?!
May I ask if it was very painful afterwards?
Thank you x
rose-e-cheeks Rebecca02
Glad to hear you're taking vitamins already :-)
Initially I lost 8.5 stones in the first 18 months then became very ill with malnutrition which in turn caused a nervous breakdown. I then gained 3.5 stones over 4 years and have managed to lose 1.5 of that since March throuhg
I can honestly say I've never been so ill in my life since having the band. Most days I struggle to eat normal meals and end up having to eat any old junk that'll pass through the band without making me sick. I feel no restriction from the band now and can eat normal sized portions of food (although nowhere near as much as I used to eat pre-band) but when I'm full I get the most horrendously painful stitch in my left shoulder/collarbone area.
I'm not going to lie, yes it's painful. For two weeks I couldn't take care of myself - anything that involves using stomach muscles is out. This includes getting up from a chair, getting out of bed and I had to sleep on my back as any other position was agony. The surgeons fill your abdominal cavity with air during the procedure so they can see what they're doing, I don't know if it's the air dissipating that causes the pain but it feels like you've had a good kicking in the stomach. Also, the keyhole wound just by my sternum became infected because I refused to not wear a bra
one going bad out of 6 ain't bad going! Other bad points about the band are the burping and hiccuping during and after food and the first time I got food stuck I thought I was dying - the pain!
Gastric bands aren't for everyone, I know two people that didn't lose any weight with theirs and have managed to lose weight through conventional diet and exercise instead. I think if you don't see it as a magical cure-all then you won't be disappointed. Sorry if this is a bit wordy and brutally honest but I'd like you to go into this with as much knowledge as possible.
Take Care,
Rebecca02 rose-e-cheeks
Can I ask why you weren't allowed to wear a bra?!
Thanks xx
rose-e-cheeks Rebecca02
Rebecca02 rose-e-cheeks
rose-e-cheeks Rebecca02
rose-e-cheeks Rebecca02
Rebecca02 rose-e-cheeks
I do quite like not wearing a bra at home! Luckily no-one will see me!
Thanks again xxx
fiona68635 Rebecca02
Rebecca02 fiona68635
Yes I'm expecting the pain but it will be worth it! Hope it's not too bad for you.
Can I ask what you've managed to eat/drink so far?
Also are the injections post op related? If so....Ahhhh I didn't know there were injections to be done!!
Wishing you a speedy recovery x
fiona68635 Rebecca02
the pain is bearable at the moment , good luck for yours x
Rebecca02 fiona68635
Hope you get a good nights sleep x
Rebecca02 fiona68635
kimberley1701 Rebecca02
I do know when I had surgery abroad they gave u injections to thin ur blood for 5 days to allow travel home.
I would advise u to join the Facebook gastric band UK page, it's a really good area to discuss with other people in ur shoes and those who've had it done.
Any questions please ask, Kim x
karen35856 kimberley1701
Karen x
kimberley1701 karen35856
You should come onto the gastric band UK Facebook page, there's some amazing support on that! Add me in fab if you like I'm hardly on here - Kimberley Bain x
karen35856 kimberley1701
kimberley1701 karen35856
karen35856 kimberley1701