Gastric Bypass 27/4/2015 need some support!

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Hi I am new here. I am having a bypass in a couple of weeks time. I am already on the liver reducing diet. But I am struggling so much. I won't cheat but I am so sick of being so hungry all the time! x

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Hey sparkles I'm having the gastric band in next few weeks too, in on my pre op diet at the moment, how excited are you?
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      To be honest I am terrified! Lol! But I know that I will do it because I have too. I just wish in a way it was next week. Three weeks of the diet is hell too. I am having a rubbish day! I know it will be great when I finally get home after it. I don't know much about the band. My hospital only seems to do the bypass or sleeve as an alternative. Lx
  • Posted

    Hang in there!! I done milk and yogurt diet 2 weeks before my op and two weeks after and I've lost 2.5 ! Honestly it feels so hard but try and be positive. I also had custard and angel delight x
    • Posted

      I keep thinking I am a week in and it's not too bad. Ten our cooker brakes! My pre op diet is a low carb one, so I can only cook on the hob. If I see eggs again I may cry! Lol! I shouldn't complain as it could be worse. I am noticing weight loss again. 2.5 is amazing! I may be in a bikini for summer then😉;-) x
    • Posted

      The liquid diet is ok as I wanted to cheat when I done low c

      Carbs. What can u eat ? X

  • Posted

    Hang on in there. Go for a walk, start a new hobby. Do anything to keep your mind occupied. Good luck D
  • Posted

    Hiya, for my pre op diet I had a choice of options. Liquids such as slim fast and soup or a choice of solids off a list. The solids option was much better, just involved a lot of weighing out which was fine because at least I was not as hungry. I lost a stone doing that over 3 weeks. It was basically keeping to 100g of carbs and 1000 calories
  • Posted

    Hi Sparkles, hang in in there!!  I had to do four weeks of liver reducung diet pre my gastric band op (ten days ago). I chose total meal replacement so that I didn't even have to think about food...... so I alternated shakes and meal bars. It wasn't easy and I had the odd slip, but I lost 10kg in the four weeks. Distraction is the best thing.....hobbies, friends etc. Keep the hands and mind busy!! It will be worth it.
  • Posted

    Thanks everyone. I am allowed two portions of carbs, 2 fruit, 3 dairy and 4 protein. Unlimited vegetable to a certain extnt. O am meant to have 4 meals a day. I am hoping once the children are back at school I will cope better, I am disabled with limited mobility so I do try and keep myself busy by sewing and things like that. Something I can't do much of when the munchkins are off. They like to help! ! I am quite a private person where this surgery is concerned so only a couple of close friends know but they have no idea what it is like to struggle with weightloss but are very supportive of me. x
  • Posted

    Hi I did the liquid diet for 4weeks through March ,had to drink4pts of milk & sugar free jelly & clear soup.+ tea or coffee. I lost 13lb. Luton &Dunstable hospital that I'm under were pleased with my result . I got to meet the surgeon who said early June my op will be. The first week of liquid diet was the worst then it settled down to routine to make the clear soup I mixed 2 slim a soups &a veg stock cube with boiling water the put it through the sieve. You can make the jelly up with water or milk. Hope this helps.x
    • Posted

      4 weeks sounds dreadful. Even though we all know its worth it. So was that diet to meet target to have surgery? Or your pre op diet. What type of surgery is it? Sorry for so many questions! Lx
    • Posted

      Morning Sparkles, the sleeve is one of the newer weight loss ops, your stomach is cut to half the size so you won't feel hungry. The 4week milk diet is very hard & you have to be determined ,but it works & it proves to the team that you can do it. I made a chart & also wrote down what I ate ,my weight, if I was sick( I had a bit of sickness in the beginning ) also gave myself a* if I managed to go to toilet, constipation was bad. I also have mobility problems & I have Parkinsons ,my age is against me too at 66yrs. I still have the pre op todo that's only 2 weeks. No problem with the questions ask whatever , hope this helps. Marilyn.x
    • Posted

      Thanks Marilyn, I am guessing its likes how we have to lose 10% of our weight before we can be listed for surgery. Do you have much longer to wait for surgery or a date? Lx
  • Posted

    Hi Sparkles, this stage is hard, try and vary what you eat, and use herbs

    and spices to make it a bit more interesting.

    On the brighter side you've started your journey and whilst this phase is hard it will soon pass. Do you have a date for your operation?

    I only had to do the pre op diet for two weeks, I had soup and yoghurt

    and lost 13lbs. Mind you I haven't eaten yoghurt since! Ha ha.

    I had my gastric bypass 17th November 2014, including the pre op diet

    I've lost just over five stone. I'm so glad that I had it done, I've

    been lucky and have had no major problems, but then I have followed the

    advice given. Try to keep positive and take one day at a time. If you've

    any questions everyone here is always happy to help. Take care

    • Posted

      I have it on the 27th of this month. I am considering myself lucky some of the people at the liver reducing seminar are doing 4 weeks! I have never ate so much garlic! You are right Lenora I need to vary it a bit. Not eating meat means I am limited a bit. I need to make some soup so its easy to reheat. I just have no energy. Even my arms ache. I had lost 2st 9lb at my last weigh in a couple of weeks back. I had lost about 5" from my waist then but I got measured this morning and have list 9 1/2" now.

      How long was your surgery do you know? I am dreading being away from the children. That's going to be hard. You sound like you have recovered really well. I have decided that I will too! Ha ha! Thanks for the help. It's really made me feel a bit more positive. Lx

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