Gastric Bypass 27/4/2015 need some support!

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Hi I am new here. I am having a bypass in a couple of weeks time. I am already on the liver reducing diet. But I am struggling so much. I won't cheat but I am so sick of being so hungry all the time! x

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sparkles, I went in on a Monday and came home Wednesday tea time, the operation was about 3 hours. I felt as if my stomach was on fire, but as soon as they had sorted the pain relief out I was fine. I had some pain from trapped wind in my neck and shoulder which is common, but

    I found peppermint water from chemist was goog for this.

    I struggled with my medication after the operation, I'm on a lot due to

    different health problems, they were all changed to liquid as you can't

    have solids for a few weeks. I found that once I had had my meds I was

    full and couldn't then fit anything else in. The meds also tasted foul and made me feel really nauseous. However once I was back on solids and

    could swallow tablets I was much better.

    Things will sort out, some of the food I liked to eat prior the operation

    doesnt suit me now. I use to drink 10 cups of tea or coffee a day now I

    can only manage about one a week, but I don't let it worry me. I try to

    Focus on what I can eat rather than what I can't. I'm going out for meals with friend's and family and sometimes have two starters in stead of a

    main which I hardly touch. Have also been for a couple of Indians, I find that tandoori fish or chicken tikka go down far better than a curry, dry

    food suits me better handset food. My favourite at the moment is

    laughing cow light cheese, spread on top of rice cakes yum yum, Ha ha.

    I find if I eat a little and often I'm fine, however I can't say that I've been

    hungry since I've had the bypass, so I do have to remind myself to eat.

    I was using a nebulizer for chronic asthma four times a day before the

    op, but haven't needed it for the last three months it is so great to

    breathe without a struggle, it's so worth having the operation. My BMI

    has dropped from 42 to 28.5, I'm just going into a dress size 14 and I'm

    still losing weight. My skin isn't too bad, my stomach is fab I've got

    wobbly legs, but hey its a small price to pay and overall I'm thrilled.

    Do your research and find out as much as you can about the operation,

    both good and bad as the more information you have the more prepared you will be. Everyone has had different experiences and different stories to tell some are good and some are really scary. But if you've done your

    research you will manage your own journey better as you will know what to expect. Hope this is of some help to you xx

    • Posted

      Thanks Lenora,

      I am feeling so muvh more positive than I was. I seem to have lost my appetite though. Suspect due to anxiety still. I was hoping to end up as 16/18 but I think the way things are going I will be that sooner rather than later. What a brilliant bmi drop and thats great about your medication also. I take a lot of medications and I am a bit concerned about them filling me up. Mine are all for pain. I am worried they will forget them after surgery as I do not want to go through withdrawal, but I havr hubby under instructions about that. I will bring it up on the day also. I am wanting to get clothes for the summer becausr nothing fits, I wish I knew what size to get. This I don't ĺike! Ha ha! I like to be in control. I think I may just have to make my own. Lx

    • Posted

      Hi Sparkles, you are very welcome. Anything you are worried

      about talk to your bariatric team, tell them about your medication. When you start losing weight don't buy anything that costs a

      lot, because you won't get the wear out of it, I've bought things

      and two weeks later they've been too big. My friend's have loved it as they've had my cast offs. I've not bought anything full price, I've had a good rummage in the charity shops and local

      supermarket sales. I've had to buy new bra's though as I've gone from a 42b to a 36d I'm well impressed!

      I keep having to look twice in the mirror as I look so different, I've even had people walk past me as they haven't recognised me.

      Look after yourself and if your not already doing so start taking multi vitamins, to build yourself up as you will need these after

      the operation, they're really cheap if you get supermarkets own

      brand. Take care, let's us know how you are doing x

    • Posted

      I have had to buy new bras already. I spent a fortune on new bras, I bought 3 but a couple of weeks later I realised they wouldn't last! But my friend came up with a great idea! The 'sports' bras in the supermarket come in s,m,l,xl so I bought one of them and will buy smaller sizes in them as they shrink. The choice of colours is good. Not sure if I can say which one! I have started the multivitamins already. I will give my nurse a ring again about my medications. Because of my mobility problems I struggle to get out, so most of my buying is online. I shall try get out once I feel better and visit the charity shops. Thanks for your help. x
  • Posted

    Hey sparkles, I've just had my gastric bypass on Tuesday and got out of hospital on Friday, I did the liver reduction diet up until being admitted, I did it for 2 weeks and mine was low carb too, I was starving!! So I understand how you're feeling, in the 2 weeks I lost 13lb and my surgeon said my liver was "beautiful" haha so I think it was worth it smile hang in there sweetie xx
    • Posted

      Thank you. I am feeling more positive than I was. I am trying to just take each day as it comes. I am suddenly not as hungry as I was. I suspect thats more down to anxiety than anything else. I am making sure I eat though as obviously I can't go inti surgery being rundown. I am glad you are doing well. Thqnk you again for replying. Lx
    • Posted

      Hi Pookie, glad your surgery went well, hope you are not feeling to bad. Take care x
    • Posted

      Hey, thanks for your kind wishes, I feel good, the first 3 days were rough but it's been a lot better then I thought, I feel like I'm managing the food and meds smile x

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