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I'm sick to death of feeling like this, I've had all the tests and they say it's gastritis, I'm due to have a ct scan on Saturday to confirm it all I guess. But my stomach is not the same, it's killing me I always feel sick and I'm wondering if there's a light at the end of the tunnel, please is there someone out there how has had this for a certain among of time and then it's gone or stopped until they make it worse themselves by going back to there old ways????
Please I need to know there's a light at the end!!!!!
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shelby62158 ledgy85
Ledgy85, How do you deal with your nausea? My husband has it every day too and can't function. Only thing that helps is to sleep. He has anti-nausea meds, but don't seem to help much anymore. Also, do you take any other meds for your gastritis? Thanks.
ledgy85 shelby62158
Hi shelby, I am on lansoprozole in the morning as well as ranitadine at night, they also out put me on anti sickness meds but tbh they didn't really work. I have started eating liquorice and it has helped, plus marsh mellows start to help with nausea.
Has your husband got gastritis? Is he eating at all?
shelby62158 ledgy85
Ledgy85, thanks for responding back. Yes he has gastritis (7 mo). Impression says Atrophic & Chronic but pathology says mild chronic enteritis. He took Nexium (PPI) for awhile but then got a small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) so had to take antibiotics. PPI's didn't seem to help much so weaned off after 5 mo. SIBO seems to be gone but now dealing with extreme nausea again and stomach pain. He doesn't suffer from acid reflux (heartburn, etc). He is afraid to go back on a PPI for fear of getting SIBO again. Very discouraged. Dr's pretty much wrote us off. Been to 3 Gastro's. Husband lost 30 lbs in 3 months, has low iron & low B12. Takes B12 shots. Can't seem to tolerate Vitamins anymore. Appetite is good, although bland. Can't seem to gain weight back. Lost all muscle. Pretty much skin & bones. Why does Gastritis cause nausea? Do you know? Thanks
ledgy85 shelby62158
Hi shelby I'm on ondansertron for my sickness that's what they give to chemo patience apparently, they say it's cause of the acid that makes it like that but I dnt really know, the only know it's a horrid thing to suffer from and as others keep saying to me there's worse out their yes I know and feel for them but if you felt what we do then they would know the pain. I'd keep going back to your doctors and I hope it works out for you both, X let us know how you get on
Leni75 shelby62158
Inflammation of the stomach causes nausea that's all I know. I'm so sorry your husband and you are going through this. I understand he doesn't want to take ppis. I guess the stomach takes long time to heal, maybe l glutamine could help. I'm in same situation and doctors don't help. MY gastro that was supposed to give me a alternative treatment for h. Pylori gastritis went silent. OMG gives strength to live another day with not a lot if pain!