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Hey everyone, I'm 34 and I'd like to get as much help as I can. I'd just to like to know from this community's personal experiences whether or not my doctor is correct in the diagnosis of gastritis or If I sholud be concerned, because my anxiety won't let me believe I have anything other than stomach cancer. I've been suffering with gastritis/duodenitis type symptoms for a little over 3 months now. I'd say my lifestyle was high risk for gastritis - poor eating habits/takeaways twice a week, drinking alcohol 4/5 times a week, terrible anxiety/ocd and stress, though that's now behind me. The symptoms I've been experiencing seem terrible, but I've been to my family doctor probably 5 times throughout the three months, as well as once to the AE .The Doctor said that he thinks its gastritis brought on by a reaction to medication so he put me on lansoprazole but it seemed to give me night sweats and cold like symptoms, so I stopped taking it after 3 weeks. i suffer from burning from my stomach mainly left side but all over, sometimes down to my navel. I have yet to vomit as a result of this. There is not much pain, just the burning mainly after eating. Drinking water seems to help. These symptoms are combined with gas, and either constipation or very frequent bowel movements. I am 34 years old for reference with no history of stomach cancerin the family. Any input/advice/reassurance would be greatly appreciated as the symptoms are having a horrible effect on my mental health. Thanks for reading and hope to hear back from someone soon! smile

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17 Replies

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    In my opinion you are suffering with acidity. Which is very common among people. My father suffered with acidity for about 5 years in his age of 30-35. And he cured it by adopting the right food habit. You should try controlling on the amount of spices in your food. And also try having 3-4 glass of water on empty stomach. Make it a habit. Start with one glass and increase gradually. Water is one of the best known cures for acidity.


    Don't read too much of random internet posts on related diseases. You will always end up with conclusion of cancer, whatever you search for. If you don't like to consult the doctor right now, don't try to find out the disease yourself on internet either. Only doctor is the best option to find that out. You will end up with more anxiety and depression, loose your sleep and diet and increase your acidity which in turn will increase your anxiety more and so on. ..

    However if you want to use internet and advises then only look for medicines, and good reviews about some medicine or doctor. Internet is of course best for it, and you won't suffer with anxiety either.

    I suffered from stomach problem for 2 years, so I understand what you are going through. 😃

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply. the internet is a dangerous place when you suffer from anxiety, I need to keep off it. it's just when you try everything to get your stomach back to the way it was and nothing works. the pain is just a constant reminder. I get days where it's not so bad, but then day where it burns more. I just have to give it time to heal. 🙂

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      The only health site I use is NHS as that is (in my opinion) totally trustworthy and non profit making.

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      What type of tests have you got till now. Did you test for hpylori. The test is done easily with urea-breath-test

    • Posted

      I have had an Ultrasound,Colonoscopy,FBC,H.pylori,ESR,Fecal calprotectine,C reactive protein, Celiac, Vitamin D, liver function, u & e, Vitamin B12, a few.🙂

    • Posted

      Have you tried therapies other than allopathy. Have you tried homeopathy. My mother too had stomach burning problems. Homeopathic treatment sorted out her problem. It took around 1 year though. However it did not solve my issue as I had got hpylori. I got treatment with antibiotics only. I can send you the name of the medicine which is quite famous, but I would suggest to get in touch with a homeopathic practioner. As I am told that homeopathic medicines are different for even the smallest differences. The good thing is that they taste like sugar balls and generally don't show side effects.

    • Posted

      I also forgot to mention I have been getting shortness of breath for the last two weeks, i have cut down and very rarely touch alchol. but it was after I had a drink. it doesn't seem like its my lungs. I have had my oxygen level measured and it was 98. does any one else get this from gastritis/stomach issues?🙂

    • Posted

      Shortness of breath, increase in heart beat, and chest pain are related with stomach problems, in my experience.

      While your stomach is hurting it's advisable you should not think of smoking or use alcohol.

    • Posted

      Thank you, the mind tends to wonder. how are your stomach issues now did you manage to get sorted?🙂

    • Posted

      Yes, I got it sorted after the hpylori double therapy medication. My doctor found through pylo slide test after taking sample from endoscopy. It took around 10 hours, the slide showed pylori infection. It became pink like this:

      But for first 5 hours it was not showing much difference in color. So in case I would not have waited for 12 hours ,as the doctor suggested, I won't know if I am suffering from the infection.

      The medication was for 15 days.

      Moderator comment:I have deleted the links to the images as they went to a site unsuitable for inclusion in the forums. Users can upload images directly to this site by using the image icon at the top of reply boxes.

  • Posted

    I had the same thing happen to me for the past 2 months, and yes, Vish2015 is right about it. It is Stomach Acidity, not only you should avoid spices but try avoiding drinking excessive amounts of Milk or diary products. In my case I had a major change in bowel movement and a lot of burning as you said. Here is a traditional tip, when you get that burning feeling: get some baking soda and on the tip of a small tea spoon take some and put it in your mouth and drink it with some water. The soda will dissolve the acid therefore it will make you burp but you will be fine afterwards the burn will go away. Cheers 😃

  • Posted

    Hi robert15024

    Have you been tested for HPylori. This stomach bacteria causes pain and acid reflux. It can be treated with antibiotics. You can be tested for HPylori with a stool test, breath test or endoscopy and blood test. Check with your doctor about being tested for HP. Worry and anxiety will make your symptoms much worse. There's no point in worrying about something that hasn't been wishes...

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply. I have been tested for h.pylori but I'm not sure if the test was done the correct way, I was on lansoprazole for a week two weeks before I had the stool test, but it states you need to be off PPI's for a while before you take the test.🙂

    • Posted

      Hi robert15024

      That's right you should be clear of any ppi's for 2 weeks before being tested for HPylori. I suggest you get back to your doctor tell him/her of the ppi's you were taking when you were last had the HPylori test and say you would like to get re-tested due to the fact you are still getting pain and acid reflux/burning. It is important you rule out HP because if you do have HP if will be harder to eradicate as it reproduces more bacteria.....

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