Gastritis, acid reflux and hot flashes is it all related?

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Hi there, I need help and advices. I'm 50 and it all started in March, I was super nervous about this pandemic and one day I felt my body burning for hours and hours like somebody poured gasoline on me followed by chills and body pain. I got so scared when it first started that I thought that I got the virus, I went to the hospital and since there was no fever they didn't test me for covid 19. I need to say that I have had hot flashes in the last 2 years but they never really bothered me and never like in March. Went to see My obgyn. and she told me I'm perimenop. and prescribed remifemin which took a while to help but it only helps me a 70 % I still have not so mild hot flashes.

And right there, right after the severe hot flashes episode my stomach problems started: severe abdominal pain, gas, bloating, nausea, fullness feeling, loss of appetite and I have also lost 20 lbs and I keep loosing weight, I look very bony. To relieve the pain I started blending my meals and I still do it to this day. The GI doctor ordered an endoscopy, I have gastritis acid reflux and hiatal hernia, he prescribed omeprazole 40 mg since May and it's doing anything, I feel my symptoms are getting worse, I'm in so much pain I'm eating 5 small cups of blended meals a day, I'm in constant pain and bloating, gassy, nausea and it gets worse a little before, during and after my period. I've been telling my GI doctor that I feel worse and all he says is "keep taking the medicine". now since last week I feel more acid in my mouth than before and my throat started burning since 3 days ago especially when I have my meals. On top of that I feel really anxious. I really don't know what to do or think, I feel so alone and very sick. is this part of perimenopause? what should I do? who I need to see? is hormone replacement therapy safe and do they make the gastritis go away? I don't know what to do please help, I don't wanna die.

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16 Replies

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    I know exactly what you are going through, im going through the same garbage. Mine started when i was 38 years old i thought i had cancer, went to the dr they said im a healthy person....but yet i feel like vomiting from the moment i wake up until time for bed....ive lost 25 pounds and i was already thin! My family and friends think i have anorexia in which i dont im just so sick all of the time i cant eat and when i do eat my gut acts like it cant digest especially red meat. Ive given up on life, this is hell and it isnt a life. Ive been going through this for 4 years and im finally not having periods but im still just as sick as when i was having periods. I dont know what will help, ive tried antidepressants and they make the nausea so much worse. my anxiety and depression are through the roof. I feel like im in a torturous nightmare i cant wake up from and nobody understands. My moms menopause she just had hot flashes and developed a huge appetite....i would rather be fat than sick and skinny! But i totally get what your saying

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      Im having stomach issues too, nausea. Loss of appetite, loss of weight. doctors prescribed me tablets for the nausea and vomiting and also tablets for the gastric issues. Im slowly getting better and have started eating my meals.

      Please dont give up, do more research in your issues.

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      Hi Ladies;

      You know, sometimes these forums for us are all we have as it seems the doctor's just don't "get it".

      I know these help me so it does not feel like I am alone!

      My nausea is my worst problem (anybody else). I have not had a period in 2 1/2 years. In peri my periods were all over the place with one lasting 3 weeks. Freaked me out so went in and she said my uterus felt "think" so went for a vaginal ultra-sound and abdominal ultra sound. The endometrial lining was 14mm but I was mid cycle so had one doctor say, don't worry about it and the other say I should get a biopsy. That was 3 years ago and I think I would be very sick if it was something sinister. I also had a complete CT Scan last year as ended up with what they chalked up to food poisoning from a Carnival Cruise which landed me in the hospital with a hole in my large intestine. Everything on the CT scan was perfect accept obviously this HOLE and they found a 1 cm spot on my liver which they said was very common and appeared to be a hematoma or something benign.

      So Peri and menopause were easy for the most part.

      I started getting bouts of nausea about the same time my periods stopped. They would come every 4 months about and still get them to this day 3 years later. I can live with hot flashes but the nausea and constant peeing is awful.

      Anybody else. I have all but convinced myself I have something wrong with my liver, stomach cancer or some thing VERY wrong and it's terrible thinking every day is going to be your last with this stuff!

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      Yes!!! I also feel like there is something very wrong, feeling nausea every single day and loss of appetite is NOT normal. I have been dealing with this nausea for years now and its every damn day! I feel like i want to be put out of my misery, life isnt worth living if you cant eat and you feel like throwing up all the time. Im tired of everyone telling me how sick and skinny i look, im tired of having to explain myself, im tired of when they ask what does the drs say and i have to tell them the drs think im a healthy person who just needs antidepressants, i get those looks from everyone then like im crazy. I havent had a period in a year, Im only 42 years old, but i got the depo shot in my twenties and my cycles havent been right since. I have fallen into a deep depression cause im so tired of being sick and getting no help. I have tried antidepressants and they make the symptoms much worse

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      i feel the same the same since feb 2021 but im a man so it cant be metapause. but its like nobody believes me.. im so depressed and i dont know why. im in my room all day .. i cry out of nowhere sometimes and cant stop. i dont know whats happening to me. i cant explain the thoughts ive been having or the way i feel and i cant take living like this and nothing is changing..

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    i feel the same an then some. an this stupid pandemic is making it worse. i dont wanna go to the doctor because i dont wanna sit with sick people but ugh its so madning. the hot flashes sometimes i feel like im on fire but no fever. i also have allergies like crazy! so my head is ALWAYS plugged. i have been feeling 1 of 2 ways. crazy, like im seriously going crazy. or im dying. no in between . im 51 and not sure this is going to work for me for the next 10 years

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    Oh my! I feel the same way. I get the bloating, belching, acid reflux that feels like I am going to have a heart attack. It makes me so sick I think I am going to die sometimes. It has been pretty rough for the last month or so. I started taking an acid reducer yesterday, so hopefully that will help and start kicking in in a few days. I read somewhere that eating small meals, taking probiotics for your digestion, and ginger tea with honey helps. I sent my husband after some ginger tea and honey to see if that will help with all this acid reflux. I am trying to stay away from coffee and carbonated beverages. I also ordered some bed lifters and a wedge pillow to help in the night. I will let you know how all of this is working for me. I feel like if I don't get some relief from all of these stomach issues soon I will go crazy. I hope you start feeling better and I hope I start feeling better soon. If this is all hormone related, I sure hope it wind down soon. I have literally had every symptom of peri there is and more. Hopefully there is a light at the end of this tunnel. Hugs for you.

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      hi sherri. How are you feeling? do you get bloating and gurgling? did the medicine help?

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    I am 49 and going through the same exact thing. When Covid started I was anxious and depressed being home all day and thought my loss of appetite was due to depression and anxiety. Now I have lost 20 pounds and I cannot afford to lose anymore. I have the worst dry mouth and burning mouth syndrome which makes it difficult to eat and drink since nothing tastes the same. Blended meals sounds like a good idea to get calories in. I was wondering what others with loss of appetite are eating. The thought of cooked food and meals makes me sick. Right now I am eating chocolate and protein shakes on the days I can actually eat. Hot flashes are awful and it makes me not want to leave my house. My anxiety is so much worse, insomnia, mood swings, the list goes on and on. Is this normal and how have we never heard of this happening before menapause? All of this started in March for me as well. I am still getting my period but it is never consistent.

    And my poor family keeps asking me every day if I am better, yet I feel this is going to last a very long time.

    Glad to have found this forum!

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      Hi, sorry to hear your going through such a rough time, i have awful menopause symptoms too, i get nausea, headaches, loss of appetite, weight loss. Lost 6kg in 2months, i eat when i dont feel the nausea, i also get bad acid reflux, bloated, done so many tests and doctors visits, and i still keep fearing i have some kind of cancers they are not picking up. Seen a phychologist and he reckons its the anxiety causing the loss of appetite and weight loss. In my mind i feel it could be hormones.?

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      ima guy and have been having similar feelings since march.. i thought the whole world was gonna end at 1 point. im convinced i have cancer or stomach is always tight and im extremely depressed.. ive never felt like this before and im scared.. are you feeling better now

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    I know this will sound nuts to you but ive been dealing with these horrible symptoms for years and ive tried everything except eliminating fructose from my diet (it is in everything i would eat and drink!) plus i had a blood food sensitivity test done....i found out im highly sensitive to egg whites and yogurt and a little sensitive to milk....i know i thought it was BS too but i eliminated fructose completely ( its called by several different names in food products like caramel color for instance is fructose and fructose is naturally high in apples, grapes and peas) but anyway i also eliminated products that contain egg which was hard cause, like fructose, everything manufactured these days has this stuff in it but i am surprisingly starting to feel better!! Do i still feel blah from the hormones, heck yes i do but it isnt nearly as bad as it was. Before i constantly felt like i had the stomach flu now i can at least eat! My mental depression and anxiety is even getting better and im not on antidepressants. You would be surprised by how what you eat affects your body especially if your body doesnt have the proper enzymes to break it down. Look into the fructose free diet! You can still enjoy alot of good food

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    Hi Ladies;

    It's hard to find a topic on this one so wondering if this is a postmenopausal symptom or not. Like a lot of us, any new ache/pain I am convinced I have cancer so any help or advice would help. Here it goes.

    I am 53 and 3 years (almost) post-menopausal. My symptoms have been many with the night sweats, nausea, fatigue, frequent trips to the potty, shoulder blade pain on the right (but I was told that is due to being on my laptop 14 hours a day and my posture) and now this.......

    For the past few months, I have noticed this pressure, burning, heavy feeling right above my pubic bone. Best I can describe it is a cross between period cramps, having to go poop and a mild labor pain. It's not constant it's just always "there"!

    Last night my husband almost called 911 because this mild cramp turned into a very sharp lower abdominal pain that was so bad I was having cold sweats and eventually ended up in the bathroom for hours with severe diarrhea.No blood, no bloating just this pressure. Today back to normal, watching what I eat but that dull ache is still there.

    Does anybody have this or know what it could be? I am not losing weight, no bleeding, not gassy, no heartburn so none of the symptoms of cancer "down there" or at least I hope not.

    Please help.

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    ive been dealing with the same basically and im scared actually started around same time but it was end of february. i woke up out of a dead sleep throwing up and dry heaving. since that day i started having paranoid thoughts and severe depression that i cant all started with pain in my stomach..its been tight for a year or 2 and been having lots of aches and pains in my shoulder and back.. this seems to come and go but everytime it comes back its much worse..ive been having thoughts ive never had and im scared.. i feel completey alone the doctors just say im fine and tell me to come back in a couple months.. i havnt seen a gi dr yet like i should.. but i was shocked to find out you started to feel the same around that time...i honestly thought the world was about to end durring the pandemic and got sucked into lots of conspiarcy theory websites and videos and ive never ever thought about that stuff before...i dont leave my house the past year and a half because im so depressed from feeling like this and not getting help..i feel like im just waiting to die in my scared and dont know what is happening to me.

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