Gastritis and Shoulder blade soreness?

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A month ago I started having a ton of issues including stomach pain and pain underneath my shoulder blades that almost felt like crampy heartburn.  I got an endoscopy done and found out I have mild gastritis and barretts esophagus.  I still have this shoulder blade pain every day a month later and it is mostly on the right side.  It feels like it wraps around the front a bit.  Some parts of my back and ribs are sore to the touch.  It kind of feels like my shoulder blade is going to come out of place if i move too much.  I am very worried that there is something wrong with my gallbladder or another organ.  I have been to the ER four times in the past month and all the doctors said the back pain is from the gastritis. I am currently on zantac once a day for the stomach acid.  Does this shoulder blade pain sound normal with gastritis?

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    I'm having same symptoms. Was in ER twice. I have gastritis but getting a HIDA SCAN done and mesenteric doppler test to check for gall bladder disease and ischemic colitis. I had ischemic colitis in 2009. Horrible! I'm also having left shoulder and back pain. Discomfort at times in my left arm and up my neck. These are all signs of blocked arteries in the heart. If it doesn't go away...I'm insisting on a heart test.

    • Posted

      Hi, I recently been diagnosed with GERD and Gastritis. I've read up alot which I seem to have a classic case of IBS-D. I have this lump feeling in my throat, bloating, and diarrhea. Lately I've been experiencing pain in my back, shoulders, arms, neck even my knees and legs are beginning to hurt. In reading everyone comments, I guess this is common. What other things have you tried and test performed? I have an upcoming appt and I feel my Dr thinks I'm exaggerating at times. I am on Prilosec only but I do take a daily probiotic which seems to give me some comfort. I'm so tired of living this way. I'm suffering from anxiety also behind this. I've also had my gallbladder removed about 10yrs ago. What would you suggest me to request my doctor to do? I caught he'll just to get her to send me for the ERG.

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      Hi Julie, did you get any answers.  I am having the same issues with my arm neck and back.  I have had many test and blood work done with no answers.  This is consuming me, o want my carefree life back
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      have you any answers i too have same issues and no further forward thanks


  • Posted

    i have had this shoulder pain for over a year now also a globus sensation in throat. ive been having abdominal pain and pain when i have a bowel movement buidling to pass. i throw up bile and acid at least once a week and im nauseated almost 24 hours a day as well as nerve pain in left arm neck etc and back pain. i suffered with gerd for 20 years and was on wrong med for it for that long. gastro put me on dexilant 60mg once day and zantac once a day. had an endo and have esophagitis and nodes which were removed. in short i have seen every specialist from heart to lung to ent etc. it comes down to a digestion problem and im going to see a liver specialist now along with my gastroenltololgist and demand more tests as my liver functions are all now high. my family doctor has decided he thinks its a liver or pancreas thing which makes 100 per cent sense as its kinda the same symptons i had 20 years ago when i had so many blocked ducts and full gallbladder that they had to remove it by surgery. i recommend a liver specialist have a look at the organs in your abdomen
    • Posted

      Hello Monica,

      Did you get any answers? I seem to have the most symptoms like yours. I have severe upper back pain like my gallbladder is insane,but my gallbladder was removed 3years ago.

      I have had blood work, x rays, and ct scans to no avail. I was hoping you have an update.

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      Did you ever get any answers? My symptoms are so much like yours. I have not had any known gallbladder issues but I have had fatty liver before after the birth of my first daughter but that was years ago. I’ve had gerd since my 20’s and I’m am now 40. It has gotten so unbearable. I’m sick all the time and can barely function. I have had many tests but have yet to be scoped which is next. My pain in my upper left back and chest sent me to ER last year with the doctor thinking it could be my aorta so I had a CT scan with contrast. Nothing showed but now along with the back and chest pain I have been having severe burning pain from my throat/chest down to my stomach. It’s like I’m on fire on the insides it is so intense! I have nausea and constant stomach pain. Sharp pains throughout my digestive tract. I also have fibromyalgia so I pretty much hurt everywhere and am exhausted all the time. Chronic headaches. I’m at my wits end! I hope you got some answers you could share with me! 
  • Posted

    Hi I was wondering, hoping you might have some answers to report as I am in the same boat  and am desperate for answers.  
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      Have any of you had and animal bite or scratch?
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      I have these same symptoms on and off since 2015. I was bit by a neighbors dog around that same time and had to get a tetanus shot.   I know have horrible gastritis, left shoulder blade/kneck pain. X-ray and CT are normal. I am miserable!
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      i also have left shoulder pain and acid which nothing is helping.  I dont know where to turn next with this as nausea is getting me down. Any help?
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      Is your neighbors dog, the dog that bit you still alive?
    • Posted

      I have no idea if the dog is still alive or not. I moved a year ago. I suspect I have a vaccination injury. My pain is in my left shoulder, shoulder blade and neck area. I can't put a shirt on without help, can't lift my arm and haven't had a good night sleep in years. 

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      I haven't gotten any help. The medical community has put me off. I don't blame them since my X-rays and MRI don't show anything. My pain is not imaginary!  I don't know what to do and feel hopeless right now. 

    • Posted

      Have you had a sore pop up at the nape of your neck just below your hairline?  

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